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Threads (1):
File :[Semi Good walking luffy.swf] - (53 KB) [_] [G] Sprites Anon 851738 Need help actionscripting sprites? i get it walking left but walking right seems impossible >> [_] Anon 851750 jump ultimate stars sprites? >> [_] Anon 851758 Walking right is impossible in Flash. Adobe has said there are no plans to add such functionality. >> [_] Anon 851769 OP here. Well any sprite really, just using Luffy cos hes cool and i can make things move to the right and left no problem just trying to make it play the movie clips when i do fails >> [_] Anon 851787 >># >># hey. yeah i see your problem, ive been trying to make luffy walk right too. spent weeks working on it until i finally realized its not possible. you will save some time by us telling you now that it just cant be done. so >># is right, it will never happen >> [_] Anon 851821 just check ur frames and make sure when you press right its actually going to the frames only flipped by making key frames and more symbols. actionscripting is hard >> [_] Anon 851828 OP here it is hard but i can make it go right i just tried but when i do that he wont go left i can script artificial gravity and all that but this is baffling me >> [_] Anon 851839 >># lol, trolls are funny sometimes >> [_] Anon 851888 Try flipping the sprites on the button command, while having them move in that direction? It does about the same thing and gets him to walk right. Or left. |