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Threads (2):
File[virtualkayla.swf] - (70 KB) [_] [H] Let's see if this works Anon 1172438 If not then go here, http://www.eadultgames.com/virtual/kayla /virtualkayla.swf Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1172439 doesn't work, and the real version sucks anyway. >> [_] Anon 1172441 won't put shoe on head... fail >> [_] Anon 1172442 type "i am 18 or over" then tell her to "strip" to enable more adult scenes. >> [_] AusFag !RjxAuSfAg. 1172443 >># she cant even build a canoe. wtf. >> [_] Anon 1172503 Is there a list of commands somewhere? >> [_] Anon 1172525 the only commands she seems to obey is "strip" and "act confused" >> [_] kind foley !lv.o3z9kM6 1172533 I just found "Masturbate" >> [_] Anon 1172535 suck cock, lick balls, finger pussy, cum, fuck, play tits, asshole (same as lick asshole) >> [_] Anon 1172539 buahahahaha, she gets mad at you if you type "anal" >> [_] Anon 1172588 I cant start the game >> [_] Anon 1172589 poor >> [_] Anon 1172593 more like it? >> [_] Anon 1172637 tit fuck, dildo, rub are valid commands. fuck has multiple (2?) animations it can show >> [_] Anon 1172643 deepthroat, cumshot, titfuck also work. not fap material however. >> [_] Anon 1172672 strip and legs...awesome...
File :[virtualkayla.swf] - (70 KB) [_] [H] /r/ moar commands Anon 853040 Type "i am 18 or older" and then "strip" to enter the hardcore mode I need more commands for this part. List of commands i have guessed so far i am 18 or older strip suck suck dick - fellatio - oral (diferent) sex - doggy tit fuck boobs foot masturbate - toy - play - vibrator - dildo bend over pussy x2 - show pussy fuck pussy - missionary - get fucked lick - lick pussy (cunnilingus) - lick dick - lick boobs cum - drink cum ass (spanks) finger stand up - wiggle tease - flirt belly spread legs Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 853042 damn, go to http://www.eadultgames.com/virtual/kayla .html for the game, is free >> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 853045 borin'... ugly tits are ugleh! >> [_] Anon 853049 i got another one "fuck him" >> [_] Anon 853053 nipples lick ass deepthroat suck balls kiss legs >> [_] Anon 853055 "ride" "fuck" "touch" "finger pussy" >> [_] Anon 853057 >># Cowgirl does the same reverse cowgirl asshole- same as lick ass >> [_] Anon 853059 she looked at me funny when i said bukkake... must not understand japanese she does a mean macarena if you ask her to dance though... >> [_] Anon 853061 rolf, i didn't know about the macarena one... >> [_] Anon 853062 YES! she'll pick her nose! >> [_] Anon 853063 thanks for the cowgirl ones, that where the ones i was waiting for!! >> [_] Anon 853064 >># no prob, my fav too >> [_] Anon 853066 subserviant chicken knew how to do way more stuff... >> [_] Anon 853067 >># what? >> [_] Anon 853075 >># what? >> [_] Anon 853084 dildo - dildo between breasts >> [_] Anon 853088 http://www.eadultgames.com/virtual/kayla /virtualkayla.swf for fullscreen >> [_] Anon 853090 cum on breasts works >> [_] Anon 853093 it seems that you can repeat any command to get different scenes, each command seems to have 3 different scenes >> [_] How do I Butsechs her??? 853095 >> [_] Anon 853096 >># i don't think so, some may have three, but most are unique >># seems that we can't butsecks her... :( >> [_] Anon 853098 If you type "anal" she says no. :< >> [_] Anon 853100 http://cgi.4chan.org/r/src/1227739647550 .jpg here is some ass for those of you dissapointed by the game >> [_] Anon 853119 no more? >> [_] Anon 853128 moar like this >> [_] ass fan 853144 i type everything you guys say. nothing happens 'cept "idk" reaction >> [_] Anon 853145 you mean for the hardcore? have you get undressed and seated? >> [_] Anon 853146 This game is not properly figured!! Please contact random email. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash Player. Is all I can see. >> [_] Anon 853148 use the link in the second post of this thread >> [_] Anon 853161 other ones suck, any way on getting the Alley Baggett one or Jamie Lynn to hardcore mode? >> [_] Anon 853203 Fail. She won't put shoe on head. I cannot get aroused without seeing shoe. >> [_] Anon 853228 feet works >> [_] Anon 853229 bend over jump >> [_] Anon 853233 type 'finger' and she flips you off. >> [_] sage Anon 853241 Not impressed. At most you get to see a dick go inside a pussy. Whoopdeedodah. I've never seen that before. >> [_] Anon 853261 Jumping jacks squeeze flash Some of them only work when she has clothes on. >> [_] Anon 853263 if you type fuck it works like reverse cowgirl >> [_] Anon 853265 tongue suck toy rub clit suck breast stand >> [_] Anon 853297 >># You gotta give them points for trying though. Improve the command parser to understand natural language, use a dynamically rendered 3D model instead of relying on preshot videos, and you've got yourself a the next best thing to a sexbot. Personally I think this is a clever experiment, a step in the right direction. >> [_] Anon 853304 hahaha if you type in 'female orgasm' she does the confused thing >> [_] TheCableGuy 853311 Tattoo Hair Rub move words to try >> [_] Anon 853318 I can't believe none of you sick fucks thought of this one first missionary. >> [_] Anon 853327 dick balls http://www.eadultgames.com/virtual/jamie .html http://www.eadultgames.com/virtual_alley/ anyone know how i can make the others strip? >> [_] ass fan 853331 >># membership? >> [_] Anon 853360 goodbye lol. then she walks right back. |