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Threads (13):
File: mikudansen.swf-(7.03 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 3472939
File[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1228854 [N][N][N][N][G][G][H] >> [_] Anon 1228855 Whoopsie, I fucked that up, didn't I? >> [_] Anon 1228880 >># I APPROVE. >> [_] Anon 1228886 >jnnnnnngh I think you meant to tag it as [h] amirite? also >miku miku dance video rage rage rage rage rage fffffffffffff >> [_] Anon 1228926 It's not even synced to the song. Her dancing is off. >> [_] Anon 1228996 PLANTED KEYS, MUTHAFUCKA, DO YOU USE THEM!
File[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [H] [A] [T] [S] [U] [N] [E] Anon 1156899 /f/ needs more [H]!! >> [_] Anon 1156902 heh, before the music starts, it looks like Miku is not amused.
File[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] Miku Monday G-Man 1040611 >> [_] Anon 1040614 That's so cute I think I just puked a rainbow.
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] Mikudansen 961299 I ♥ Miku and find /f/'s lack of Miku disturbing. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 961477 name of song? >> [_] Anon 961508 >># carameldansen or something like that
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] MIKU! Anon 917742 >> [_] Anon 917744 Why isn't this sung by Miku? >> [_] Anon 917864 I've got better. But I'm too lazy to mess with the flv so here's the link. http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2008/12/09 /mikumiku-jiggling-oppai-physics/
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] MIKU MONDAY! <3 <3 911197 Did someone say Carameldansen cause I thought I heard someone say Carameldansen!! >> [_] Anon 911198 NO >> [_] Anon 911200 IT SOUNDED LIKE SOMEONE SAID FAGGOTS BECAUSE I SWEAR I HEARD SOMEONE SAY FAGGOTS. >> [_] Anon 911236 >># YES AND FUCK YOU!! >> [_] Anon 911269 >># seconded
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [L] Miku [D] [A] [N] [S] [E] [N] 905521 Miku is LOVE!! <3 <3 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 905534 Miku is meh. Needs more spinning furry dicks and/or original-dansen. >> [_] Anon 905561 miku is aids >> [_] Anon 905602 miku sucks balls >> [_] Anon 905627 >># >># I disagree. >> [_] Anon 905661 For something that was built to sing, she really can't keep on the beat that well. >> [_] Anon 905765 But... this is just the speedycake remix... What's Miku got to do with it? >> [_] Anon 905770 I have better. http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2008/12/09 /mikumiku-jiggling-oppai-physics/ >> [_] Anon 905772 hahah det är ju svenska! :P:P >> [_] Anon 905795 haha, du er svensk...
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] Anon 897864 >> [_] Anon 897869 *fap fap fap* >> [_] Anon 898055 /r/ song >> [_] Anon 898057 >># nah brah >> [_] Anon 898076 ugh. This was too uncanny valley for me. >> [_] Anon 898078 caramelldansen
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [L] Superior Version of >884193 884332 Miku is <3!! >> [_] Anon 884394 She should at least be singing it if you're going to do that shit. >> [_] Anon 884407 fap for hi-def >> [_] Anon 884516 is... is this what started it? >> [_] Anon 884528 Marisa stole the precious thing. >> [_] 884553 >># I did not make this! >># I fell your pain /b/other >># No I think that was Mai and Mii (walk this way), was older...
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [L] Mikudansen 872832 KWAII!!1oneZMOG >> [_] Anon 872845 *fap* *fap* *fap* >> [_] Anon 872848 >># Need this in higher def / realtime rendering. ie, SAUCE.
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [J] [M]ikudansen 870693 >> [_] Anon 870725 It's so cute : ) >> [_] Anon 870729 SAVED! >> [_] Anon 870732 the winrar is you >> [_] Anon 870751 Her feet look HUGE in profile ... >> [_] Anon 870810 >># They don't just look huge, they ARE huge. >> [_] Anon 870812 First, it made me smile. Then, it made me dance along. Fukkin saved. >> [_] Anon 870816 Actually did a really good job with that. guessing it was modeled in a 3D Program like 3dsmax or Maya huh >> [_] Anon 870862 pig disgusting animation. >> [_] uselessgirlanon 870893 >># no its really done in miku miku dance the program which you can sync miku's dance steps to various music and dance moves. heres an example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8R4gykvj YI >> [_] Anon 870980 waist of bandwidth, who uploads this shit? >> [_] Anon 870982 >>waist of bandwidth, who uploads this shit? >>waist of bandwidth, waist >> [_] Anon 870997 >># WASTED!!! >> [_] Anon 871010 let's just redub every single carameldansen with Walk This Way
File :[mikudansen.swf] - (7.03 MB) [_] [L] MIKUDANSEN TIME Anon 854687 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 854702 is there a desktop dancing version of this that works with winamp? >> [_] Anon 854847 Hehe,cute. But the furry version is better... :p >> [_] Anon 854850 Song from an album by Caramell. Speedy mix >> [_] Anon 854851 song name please? >> [_] Anon 854852 Caramelldansen - Caramell This version remixed by SpeedyCake (hell... the original version is never used, just this one) >> [_] Anon 854853 >># You have got to be kidding. The half-dozen panty shots made me lawl though. >> [_] Anon 854856 >># Furry is never better. >> [_] Anon 854917 this is oddly hypnotic >> [_] 1337 nUb 854944 Cute ^_^ |