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Threads (1):
File :[477987_Sprite_Life_second_movie.swf] - (3.62 MB) [_] [?] I made a movie! Shin 874396 Hey guys, I made a flash movie about my Sonic comics. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Shin 874397 Could you guys all vote for it over on newgrounds? I'd really like it if you did. 7987 >> [_] Anon 874398 sage for everything imaginable >> [_] sage sage 874400 SAGE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAGE >> [_] sage sage 874402 WHY IS THIS STILL HERE SAGE GODDAMMIT SAGE >> [_] Anon 874403 Blam this turd. Teach the fucking furfag to not post his yiff shit here. >> [_] Anon 874405 you fucking suck. Id say it on newgrounds but they delete any review with negativity. faggots >> [_] Anon 874406 >># Yeah sure no pro- Not now, not ever. Your flash sucks. Stop abusing the user base. Not your personal army etc. The reason you need votes is to be more well-known, and theres a very good reason as to why you aren't. Your flash's suck. Plain and simple. Make something better that people will find cool and people will naturally vote for you, on NEWGROUNDS. Jesus fucking christ. SAGE, AT FULL FORCE. >> [_] sage sage 874408 SAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGE SAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGES AGESAGESAGE >> [_] lolz Anon 874410 PROTIP: The faggot who made this is not the faggot who posted it on /f/. Oy, /f/ags, I thought you were better. Shame. >> [_] Anon 874411 sage >> [_] Anon 874414 Hey faggot, you left a link to your shit comic on the description of your movie. You can't even copy and paste properly you talentless fuck. >> [_] Concerned OP 874415 >># NO U FAGGOT SAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGE >> [_] Anon 874416 >># as if anyone gives a shit at this point >> [_] Anon 874423 OP left a link to his shit comic on the Newgrounds page. Why don't we give it a visit? >> [_] SERGE SAH GAY 874425 saging in a sage thread for saging sakes... i mean sage >> [_] Anon 874468 successful troll is successful >> [_] Anon 874470 i bet this guy is like 28 or something >> [_] Anon 874475 Isn't there some sort of moderation function on newgrounds? How the hell did that shit pass that? >> [_] Anon 874511 Shit sux >> [_] Shin 874516 >># Well if it was so bad, then why did Newgrounds let it through? I'm a pretty good flash animator IMHO. >> [_] Anon 874579 HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS THE BEST THING EVAR DO MORE >> [_] Anon 874582 You write for DBZ or something? >> [_] Anon 874632 go back to your hugbox, asspie >> [_] Anon 874634 >># Low standards etc. >> [_] Anon 874635 bandwagons are fun |