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Threads (6):
File: Sageman vs Boxxy.swf-(281 KB, 640x480, Game) [_] Anon 2006270 >> [_] Anon 2006277 Nice game, OP. I just gotta say, why is there a black screen once you defeat Boxxy? >> [_] Anon 2006278 >># I got a picture of 404 not found >> [_] Anon 2006281 Archive this shit right now >> [_] Anon 2006355 >># The archive hasn't been updated for years >> [_] sage sage 2006364 sage >> [_] Anon 2006403 those fuckin' longcats get me every time. i cannot defeat, boxman! >> [_] Anon 2006405 bunch of random shit over on the left. Didn't think I could do it DID YOU?
File: Sageman vs Boxxy.swf-(281 KB, Game) [_] sage vs boxxy Anon 1966909 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1966935 >tfw no one cares about /b/ apart from horny summers >tfw I don't care either hue >> [_] Anon 1966945 dam hard game. got it anybody? i want to know what happens at the end >> [_] Anon 1966946 >># nothing happened, I have no idea... >> [_] Anon 1966955 >># blackscreen at default. Ask someone to check the file contents of this flash. >> [_] Anon 1966957 werks for me >> [_] Anon 1966965 >get on first platform on the very right of the stage >constantly shoot to the left so yeah I won and there was nothing but black, but on the left side of the flash outside of the window there was this quick flash of a picture and then a broken link image or something. idk. >> [_] Anon 1966977 >># the screen is off far to the left in the browser but you can tell it's a 404 viewed on mac >> [_] Anon 1967041 >># depends on your resolution. once the ending occurs, everything gets shifted to the far-right DEATH TO BOXXY >> [_] Anon 1967051 more swf and video >> [_] Anon 1967057 I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. >> [_] Anon 1967059 blackscreen, wat
File: Sageman vs Boxxy.swf-(281 KB, Game) [_] Yup Anon 1861949 This will still be here when i wake up in about 8 hours. also if you keep dying in the game and want to see the winning scene, just right click and select play on the death screen. >> [_] Anon 1861961 I won and got stuck with a black screen. >> [_] Anon 1861965 i won on my first try. cmon wheres my winning screen? >> [_] Anon 1862013 won. page 404 >> [_] Anon 1862019 >># >># >># >newfag mind >> [_] Anon 1862023 >># >># >># >not reading directions it's better that way anyways, because when you kill the thread it 404s >> [_] Anon 1862037 Too new. 4chan used to have /l/, and I don't see it there...
File :[SageManvsBoxxy.swf] - (288 KB) [_] [G] Anon 971590 >> [_] Anon 971626 longcat you traitor >> [_] Anon 971631 The man who made this flash loves boxxy. You cannot win, therefor boxxy rules over all of /b/. She is boxxy, you see? >> [_] Anon 971633 >># Of course you can win, you just suck a lot, so you can't see "MOOOOOOOT!!! BAN HER!" ending >> [_] Anon 971634 Protip: Right mouse click + "PLAY" to see the ending. >> [_] Anon 971646 not being able to shoot while jumping is epic fail >> [_] Anon 971649 Win, just because someone needed to make this ages ago. >> [_] Anon 971656 Longcat would be on the players side, stupid fucking flash >> [_] Anon 971660 Black screen when I win? >> [_] Anon 971665 >># yes, somehow it don't display the ending properly >> [_] Anon 971683 i gots a black screen when i won :< >> [_] Anon 971741 cancer dead, what nao? >> [_] Anon 971823 no hit delay sucks, so longcat can drain 1/4th your life in one short session of being clipped with him, just like in real life. >> [_] Anon 971835 Longcat is not on boxxy's side Longcat is not on your side Longcat is long. that is all. he will damage and apparently stun boxxy if she is in his path. also, end movie needs to be re-alligned.
File :[SageManvsBoxxy.swf] - (288 KB) [_] [G] Anon 937525 row row fight the power Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 937529 It doesn't even have an end. Leave /f/ /f/orever. >> [_] Anon 937548 fix the ending you fucking cock nugget >> [_] Anon 937551 >># 1. Lose the game 2. Right click and play 3. ??? 4. Profit >> [_] Anon 937552 >># NOW!! >> [_] Anon 937572 Isn't long cat supposed to be on our side? anyways I think the ending can be view by right click + play. >> [_] Anon 937587 >># indeed, but that's not a good fucking ending >> [_] Anon 937589 its axe murdering time >> [_] Anon 937609 Managed to beat it, just have to be lucky that long cat doesn't pop up right under you >> [_] Boxxybabee !!fpe8gL/52ao 937625 Why am I a enemy in this game ;[ Doesn't yewww love mehh? >> [_] Anon 937635 THE SAGE IT DOES NOTHING >> [_] Let me Google that for you. !26Zf504quw 937658 Bitches don't know 'bout me being able to damage off-screen elements. Seriously, get to the right side and spam left. >> [_] Anon 937673 LOL, /b/ IS FOR RETARDS, THANKS FOR WASTING YOUR TIME. >> [_] Anon 937680 >># DON'T MAKE ANOTHER FLASH EVER FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. YOU MAKE ME DISGUSTED. >> [_] Anon 937681 Long cat hath betray his true bros. >> [_] Anon 937694 decompiled to tweak it some. mostly went fine, but there's a few errors in translation, which i'm trying to fix. god, why can't you fucks comment your code? >> [_] Anon 937706 i like this game. >> [_] Anon 937731 She is scary, I'm going to have nightmares now. >> [_] Anon 937767 fuck /b/ >> [_] Anon 937773 its not just /b/ that cancer is spreading everywhere. we need to stop it. sage every one of her posts... then kill her, maybe reverse that order
File :[SageMan.swf] - (288 KB) [_] [G] Anon 875133 I realize that in away this is just feeding the fire but I felt like making it and thought I'd share. So enjoy. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 875164 I beat it, and it just went black. What the shit. >> [_] Anon 875167 >># 0/10 Nobody has beaten this. >> [_] Anon 875169 why the fuck does he not move when i press the keys, there's like a 10 second delay.. RAGE >> [_] Anon 875172 >># I beat it too, with very little HP left. Somehow you must suck worse that I do at games. >> [_] Anon 875206 >># lol, it's not even hard >> [_] Anon 875207 protips: -hold space constantly -you can create a sagebomb by attempting to jump under the platform to the right, deals lots of damage but no moving makes you an easy target for longcats -avoid the fucking longcats, they hurt like buggery >> [_] Anon 875214 what a piece of shit game go fuck yourself >> [_] Anon 875215 1 let sageman die 2 right click, play 3 ??? 4 protip >> [_] Anon 875267 to win 1. run to right 2. jump on reply box 3. spam fire to left until bitch almost dead 4. run to de centre 5. ??? 6. lose the game >> [_] Anon 875274 OMFG I BEAT IT >> [_] Anon 875276 Thanks for the protip anon, just beat this pile of shit. >> [_] Anon 875279 1. Hit play. 2. Right-click, select play. 3. ??? 4. Sage >> [_] Anon 875315 Just like sage on the boards it doesn't do anything. >> [_] Anon 875320 >># >That's the joke. >> [_] Anon 875334 >># SAME >> [_] Anon 875345 beat it with a fourth of the HP bar left. easy shit's easy. do you all just suck at games or something? >> [_] Anon 875366 kodomo no koro yatta koto ARU YO >> [_] Anon 875381 >># >># *facepalm* >> [_] Anon 875384 Sage for Mac and not actual b& page. >> [_] Anon 875385 So, how long until there is a game before this final boss? I was looking forward to a new SAGEQUEST game >> [_] Anon 875392 >an now it will kill /b/ aahhahah ahhah ahha hahaah aha oh wow >> [_] Anon 875393 It's not that hard. But fuck those longcats. >> [_] Anon 875414 This is fucking awesome. >> [_] Anon 875415 Creator needs to add a win screen. >> [_] Anon 875418 i beat the game and there is some type of page that shows off in teh left hand side but ps i lost >> [_] Anon 875454 can someone upload the flash with Rin from Neon Genesis Evangelion and where you can fuck her in alot of positions with changeable speed? >> [_] Anon 875486 >># That bit was stuck half way off of the left side of the screen for me, piece of shit this is |