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Threads (1):
File :[optical-illsuions.swf] - (256 KB) [_] [L] Anon 878498 Awesome optical illusions Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 878500 ... You fucker. >> [_] Anon 878503 GEE. MY SCREAMER ALERT IS GOING OFF. >> [_] Anon 878504 lolwut >> [_] Anon 878507 shit, bro. >> [_] Anon 878514 SCREAMER WHAT THE FUCK >> [_] Anon 878515 Can someone help? I don't see the illusion in that lady on the last slide. >> [_] Anon 878520 >optical illusion >awesome seen this before >> [_] Anon 878526 what is this? I don't even >> [_] Anon 878530 Fuck you internet, FUCK YOU! >> [_] Anon 878573 this thing got me the first time... that was like... 2003? >> [_] Anon 878577 fuck you in the ass >> [_] Anon 878579 sauce on the hot bitch that showed up? >> [_] Anon 878585 Once I saw "How many faces" I slowly started taking my headphones off >> [_] Anon 878590 4chan, oyu >> [_] Anon 878591 FFFFFFUCK YOU. but you got me... lol. I can't remember the last time I actually jumped out of my car.=/ >> [_] Anon 878599 >I can't remember the last time I actually jumped out of my car.=/ Try again >> [_] Anon 878610 >I can't remember the last time I actually jumped out of my car.=/ >car wut >> [_] Anon 878614 5 horse >> [_] Ren 878618 Obvious screams is obvious.. >> [_] Anon 878622 lawl, saw that coming from a mile >> [_] Anon 878635 HAHAHAHA THAT MADE ME SCREAM LIKE A BITCH >> [_] Anon 878637 >># >># =\ chair >> [_] Anon 878640 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU >> [_] Anon 878647 You Fucker, my sentiments exactly. >> [_] Anon 878648 >># I had my headphones on... But I didn't get scared, I kinda expected it... >> [_] Anon 878649 I'm very slightly drunk, and for this reason I didn't see that coming. This may or may not also explain why it barely fazed me. Maybe you just suck. >> [_] Anon 878672 Wow, that never gets old. It's amazing. >> [_] Anon 878692 ok so, didn't scare me, but i was wearing headphones and had the volume up loud. Now my ears are bleeding. >> [_] Anon 878693 Fuck! I can't believe I fell for it! Hahaha!! >> [_] Anon 878695 Totally saw that coming. Ass. |