File[catcatch.swf] - (11 KB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)22:38 No.1510129
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)22:46 No.1510134
How do you win?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)22:49 No.1510135
You don't.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)22:52 No.1510138
Restart until it's set just right, a lot of games are impossible.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)23:43 No.1510159
I'm not sure yet, but I think it might be possible to force a win.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)23:56 No.1510165
just caught the cat
nothing happens, you have to form a large cage around it, them once it's trapped, fill in the dot
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:41 No.1510184
that fucking cat
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:10 No.1510190
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:17 No.1510197
No, considering I just took the advice of >>1510165
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:36 No.1510203
1. start filling the far edge that the cat is moving toward
2. ?????
3. profit
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:38 No.1510204
also, this:
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)03:04 No.1510239
mfw when I got him
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)09:32 No.1510319
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:22 No.1510330
This is just about as much fun as having a Tabasco enema.
Thanks for sharing what could just quite possibly be the most epic fail of a game in the history
of mankind.
And to imagine.. some geek probably thought he was doing something cool as he was coding this.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:41 No.1510334
Gets real easy once you know what the hell you're doing.
Okay, here we go. The cat's going to move in either two directions; away from where you clicked,
or away from the most dotted spots. What you want to do is make two dots, with a dot in between.
This is your cage's starting point. If you make the cage to close to the exit(outside the
clickable) it might escape. Make sure the cat is heading towards it, and fill in the gap just as
he's escaping. continue making those two dots with a hole in between while you can, in the end
you should have him unless you 'forgot' to fill in the hole as he was escaping.