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This is resource P1326IE, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/6 -2011 08:54:00

Ended:27/6 -2011 16:56:54

Checked:27/6 -2011 18:22:00

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[mrhands.swf] - (895 KB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)01:41 No.1529149

  loli rape scene in the end. epic quality.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)01:42 No.1529150

  Well, that sure sounds like a loli rape scene.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)01:43 No.1529151

  Hmm, I knew Mr. Hands sounded familiar.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)01:46 No.1529153

  yea, i shouldve renamed the file. sorry lol

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:10 No.1529168

  I hereby request that you rename this .swf to "Death of a Legend".... that is all.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:11 No.1529169

  Fun fun

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:13 No.1529171

  This furfaggotry is getting out of hand.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:16 No.1529173



>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:18 No.1529175

  wtf is up with his balls? they look like little nipples.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:30 No.1529188

  lmfao my friend got into an argument with me before that mrhands didnt die after this. i told him
  over and over that taking the full shaft of a horse is instant fucking death. that thing will
  break into your organs xD

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:34 No.1529192

  oh poor misguided anon....... >evil grin
  it wasn't instant.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:37 No.1529194

  still it has got to fucking hurt like hell to get punched in the lungs by the horse dick in your

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:38 No.1529195

  That was rather anti climactic actually. I always expected there to be blood shooting out of his
  ass immediately after penetration, I guess it was all internal.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)02:43 No.1529196

  I think that comment is just creepy enough it could make best of the weekend web....

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)04:16 No.1529229

  With proper training one can take the full length of a horses cock.

  Mrhands however did not have said training.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)06:01 No.1529257

  There's training for taking horse cocks in the ass?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)06:16 No.1529266


  > taking the full shaft of a horse is instant fucking death.

  No, not instant.

  He was still alive when he arrived at the hospital. Wasn't much they could do for him, though.

  I feel sorry for whoever did the autopsy.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)06:34 No.1529271

  >Mr Hands
  Hm. That sounds familiar

  Ooooh. Mr Haaands!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)08:00 No.1529286

  "Too much?"


>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)08:10 No.1529289

  El Senor Manos

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)08:13 No.1529290

  try harder next time faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)08:46 No.1529297

  what has been seen....... cant be unseen =__=

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:00 No.1529299

  WHAT! where i the my little pony theme song?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:35 No.1529303

  Good night sweet prince

  Kenneth Pinyan
  June 22, 1960 – July 2, 2005

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:39 No.1529306

  Searched him up, he kinda looks like David Hasselhoth

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:41 No.1529307

  >Mr Hands + MLP theme song
  someone get on this

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:46 No.1529309

  More like good riddance, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)09:52 No.1529311

  He died doing what he loved. More than most people can hope for.
Created: 27/6 -2011 08:54:00 Last modified: 27/6 -2011 18:22:00 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:28:12