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This is resource TDN5N7T, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/4 -2011 05:40:47

Ended:15/4 -2011 21:32:36

Checked:22/4 -2011 12:49:10

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[final_fellatio_x2.swf] - (2.58 MB)
[_] [H] Why is 4chan so ridiculous these days? Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)22:28 No.1496625

  Seriously, except for /b/ which I almost never go to due to some strong faggotry, these other
  boards I go to are ridiculous nowadays.

  /h/ has the worst case of tattle tells with people reporting others every 30 seconds, even for
  mild cases

  /gif/ is riddled with leechers asking for the source of every adult image that appears on there

  /f/ barely has moderation (all this zeitgeist and furry shit needs to be dealt with)

  /v/ has the most rudest of users, you can barely talk about a video game with a positive attitude
  without some 17-24 year old insulting you

  /int/ has the most racist users since /new/ was taken down

  And to top it off, 4chan's mods like to hand out all board bans now instead of banning you from
  one board relevant to your ban.

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)22:29 No.1496626

  >Why is 4chan so ridiculous these days?
  >These days
  >Implying the boards you listed were ever any different.

  Except maybe /int/ and /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)22:52 No.1496637

  /f/ has been in this state for a while now. Ever since Snacks left this dump, Z0NE and a few
  others no one cares about has been doing less 4chan parodies and focusing more on other shit
  and.... You know what, instead of explaining this, you should be aware that the only times a mod
  visits this place is when two things happens.

  1. Someone actually posts illegal content and even then it will still be hard to get them here
  even with messing with the reports queue

  2. When someone posts one of Zone's newest flashes that guarantees over 150 replies before 404.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:55 No.1496667

  i feel like the only goddamn person who thinks the Zone flashes are fucking lame.

>> [_] Cain !!GBvgNM4tK9g 04/15/11(Fri)00:02 No.1496671

  I agree with you on /f/, but I wouln't know about any other than /jp/ and /a/

>> [_] Tim !PqqbU.7Wsg 04/15/11(Fri)00:14 No.1496676

  /v/ is shit. seriously.

  it's full of superiority complex ridden children who don't know how opinions work. or videogames
  for that matter, the fucking ignorance of how games work on a board for videogames astounds me.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:21 No.1496678

  /h/ is the real shit one here guys, that whole section is devoted to only japan made consensual
  sex cartoons, posting anything else will either get some weeaboos mad at you or a 3 day to week
  all board ban. When will moot add a board to allows us to post western made toon porn ?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:26 No.1496680

  >Zone flashes
  >final fellatio x2


>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:48 No.1496688

  Zone was being mentioned in earlier posts, faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:51 No.1496690

  /co/ was here
  best place on 4chong

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)01:07 No.1496694

  Agreed. /co/ is love. And ponies.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)01:10 No.1496696

  Fuck those goddamn ponies. I don't care what other people like, but seriously, I'm fucking sick
  and tired of that epidemic of faggot shit. /m/ started sucking a while ago. /tg/ is the only
  place I go actively.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)01:19 No.1496700

  There's a good reason for that.
  You are.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)01:21 No.1496701

  Fuck yea /tg/.
  I think the worst board right now has to be /vp/ though. I hung around for a little while after
  it was created thinking "sure I like pokemon this mite b cool". Too bad all it is now is
  furryporn and homosexual tripfag circlejerks.

  That or /a/, I almost never go there, so I don't know how awful it is.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)02:37 No.1496724

  Wow,most everyone was reasonable in this tread so far.
  /x/ is 50/50 quality wise,/v/ does in fact suck,/co/ & /tg/ are ok folk,/f/ is ok,the amount of
  bullshit is low compared to some boards,and /k/,well,/k/ is /k/.
  I don't see the big deal about tripfags,if they a good for the board then great if not it's
  pretty easy to pass their bullshit up,seeing as how there name is on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)03:17 No.1496740

  /a/ seems well enough to me, /tg/ has done me no wrong, i've heard good things about /co/. And
  /f/ keeps me pleasantly surprised when I drop in.

  All other boards are dead to me.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)05:21 No.1496765

  Even /tg/ has gone downhill. Questfags are everywhere and the mods delete more on-topic stuff
  than off-topic shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)06:29 No.1496777

  Watch animu, lurk /a/, discuss the seasons animu since it's looking to be pretty awesome. It's
  better than /f/ most of the time now.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)07:08 No.1496782

  Here's my solution: Travel to 2chan, stay there! i'm gonna try.

>> [_] FROM THE LAND THAT SNACKS FORGOT Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)07:55 No.1496799

  >Implying you are early generation, which you are obviously not

  Believe it or not, there was a time when 4chan was good (contrary to what newfags say). There was
  a time before the Gaian immigration and "7 proxies", when it was common to get banned for the
  lulz and the servers to crash. Yes, before forced-memes, camwhores, and troll-wannabes and even
  before all new threads required an image post. SA Goons and 2ch vippers would pay their respects
  to what used to be the center-hub for all things internet-sub(basement)-culture. We had
  'lol,japan' inside-jokes, and shut-ins storytelling their pathetic lives for epic lols.
  Long story short (tl;dr): Anyone worth anything left long ago. They either moved on with their
  lives, or back to SA.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)07:59 No.1496801


>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)08:04 No.1496804

  On /tg/ if you so much as mention mods exist, you earn a ban. If you post a reasonable discussion
  about editions pros and cons, you will be banned while the troll threads are ignored on /tg/. If
  you post one slightly questionable picture - such as a GNOLL on /tg/, you will be banned. If you
  post the word niggers just about anywhere, it triggers a scriptban. i

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)08:47 No.1496812

  They'll tell you to go to /b/ or /r/ when it comes to western porn, Actually /r/ is the official
  board to post western porn and the perfect place since no one really goes there to answer a
  request. Posting elsewhere such as /co/ or /v/ will get you a nsfw ban.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)08:49 No.1496814

  Sorry, not weeaboo enough nor do I know how to speak moonrunes.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:07 No.1496819

  >Why is 4chan so ridiculous these days?
  newfag much?

  4chan has been this way alot. /b/ has always been the shithole of the site. and if you have
  constant problems, then you dont belong on 4chan.

  the racism you complain about on /int/? well go bitch about it to someone else.

  the /v/ board will always have rude users. did you just get born today? all users like to stick
  with their favourite game and hate others as if they were forced to do so. xbots vs ps3 users.
  ever heard of it?

  the thing with /f/ and /gif/ though, just fucking deal with it. or go an hero and gtfo. the furry
  stuff can be a mental disorder if they enjoy the furry content that much. you can draw furry
  stuff and dress up, but when you go into sexual content, its a disorder.

  and about /gif/, its been like that for a long time. hey are horny fucks and thats it.

  get over it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:08 No.1496820

  the only board i post/lurk on now is /po/.
  it seems to be the only board that trolls don't try to ruin.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:20 No.1496823

  can i please distract you all for 1 second to get the source on the song

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:22 No.1496824

  Geez, just how young are you? If you don't care about what's going on on 4chan yet you feel up to
  insulting a user for complaining about something you could have easily ignored then you are no
  different now shut the fuck up and move along.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:22 No.1496825

  great question. source of song please?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:26 No.1496828

  who even goes to /h/?
  /gif/ that's pretty much how it's always been
  4chan parody flashes are gay, /f/ has always been like this, nobody's forcing you to click the
  zeitgeist/furry flashes i haven't watched a single zeitgeist one yet
  /v/ has always sucked
  /int/ that's kind of the whole point of the board

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)09:28 No.1496830

  yup, /int/ took over for /new/ and the only difference is they placed more cameras to keep watch,
  but those cameras dont work to their best. they need more tweaking so racism does keep going

>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)13:08 No.1496875

  /v/ has better anime and manga threads than /a/
  /a/ has better vidya threads than /v/
  /co/ is still awesome, ponies are annoying, but that's a minor complaint
  /gif/ has been an adult /r/ for how long now?
  /int/...too easy...

  tl;dr, fuck this shit
Created: 15/4 -2011 05:40:47 Last modified: 22/4 -2011 12:49:36 Server time: 08/03 -2025 07:48:49