File[flow.swf] - (48 KB)
[_] [G] Cool game, /r/ inside. Gary !u/cUuXBkiM 05/07/11(Sat)02:10 No.1506842
/r/ some nice seamless loops.
-godot would be nice, but i think thats been posted recently.
Thanks to anyone who provides.
>> [_] 05/07/11(Sat)04:25 No.1506891
What's the point of the game OP ?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)08:30 No.1506949
Eat things.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)08:43 No.1506952
Sucks that there's no ending, though.
>> [_] Cain !!GBvgNM4tK9g 05/07/11(Sat)12:35 No.1507022
did your trip change? what's up man?