File[homuhomu21893.swf] - (1.51 MB)
[_] [G] Funny Madoka Game Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:50 No.1507066
pff ...haha ...that one is great
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)21:30 No.1507150
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)21:34 No.1507152
What does she say when you lose?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)21:45 No.1507157
Oh man, I don't regret catching that grenade at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)21:56 No.1507162
Fuck yeah, it's that egg-catching minigame from Kirby's Adventure.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)22:50 No.1507180
Get 10,000 or more for a special message from Wikipedia's founder, Jimmy Wales!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)23:11 No.1507186
What's the song playing on the instruction screen?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:22 No.1507230
>morning rescue
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:28 No.1507233
Click dead Mami or Kyoko.
With only Sayaka and Kyoko alive, click Sayaka.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:29 No.1507234
And click Madoka for a voice clip which I don't recognize.
All these are on the game over screen, btw.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:31 No.1507235
Note: The Madoka one only works if you ate a grenade.
Click Homura if Mami, Kyoko, and Sayaka all died.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:33 No.1507236
Yet another easter egg.
After clicking Sayaka, click Kyoko <3
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:48 No.1507245
ほむらきゃっちゃver1.02 プレイ回数 (74)
1st : 9196 pts (MaxCombo:92)
2nd : 7008 pts (MaxCombo:78)
3rd : 3800 pts (MaxCombo:25)
4th : 3351 pts (MaxCombo:24)
5th : 3234 pts (MaxCombo:38)
>throwing grenades and soul gems in close proximity
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:50 No.1507248
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)01:54 No.1507249
>He's serious