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Threads (10):
File: america_loses.swf-(781 KB, 200x86, Loop) [_] Anon 3361190
File: Trump's America Loses.swf-(781 KB, 200x86, Loop) [_] Guaranteed_Replies.swf Anon 3205851 >Trumpets think a businessman millionaire will care for the average worker >Trump-voters got conned with empty promises and cheap talk >Rights get eroded now republicans have 4 years of guaranteed unchecked power reaching into Supreme Court >Constitution gotta mean jack shit for anyone who isn't either white, male, straight, christian and/or cis >See Healthcare get repealed and let the free market™ rape anyone as Reps will reverse-regulate any safeguards >Let trickle down economics and rich-people-tax-cuts work wonders eroding what is left of the middle class >See social welfare programs get gutted and see a majority of the American population suffer >Observe how the internet will lose the last bastion of rights that is net-neutrality transform into play-ball of ISP's for profit maximisation >Let the market crash again with the isolation policy the Trump cabinet/Rep senate force through, that works shit in an globalised economy that is the US. >Think illegals will be solved with a wall that will never be built while most illegals enter legally and overstay their visas Sit down, Amerifats, and spread wide for russia and corporate america to butt-rape the average US citizen into oblivion. I will laugh, eat popcorn and watch you guys burn down your own whimpering empire. >> [_] Anon 3205852 >>>/pol/ >> [_] Anon 3205855 >># And people say it's /pol/'s fault we have political discussion. >> [_] Anon 3205865 No one reply, all are faggots after this reply. Simple, enabling this faggots above and those like him will just have them coming back looking to trigger people even though Trump is president. Tough cookies, you had your chance, he is in power as for markets, shit happens all the time. You would laugh and eat popcorn anyway, cause OP is massive faggot and a fat ass. >> [_] Anon 3205870 >># Don't care nigger we are equal faggots here Americunts really dropped the ball, Never thought republicans would kneel down to become russias fuccboi. What happend to your saint regans "firm" stance against communism or authoritarianism? GOP has no spine. Tired of USA being in world news 24/7, world doesn't care anymore Now they whine when we remind them of trump, classy. >> [_] Anon 3205873 >># Stop talking about us then kekekkk >> [_] Anon 3205874 >># y should i? every social platform like youtube,9gag,tumbler or any other open platform, is filled with your poltical division garbage and since your political system or your republican fuckheads dont follow logic, why should i? u always-triggered faggots dont get safe spaces, get used to being shit on. >> [_] Anon 3205888 The majority of the population suffered 50 years and counting for social programs. >> [_] Anon 3205905 >># you are still the cuck talking about it enjoy your sand niggers >> [_] Anon 3205962 no for trump or not just please leave flashes alone >> [_] Anon 3205963 >># >Tired of USA being in world news 24/7, world doesn't care anymore ok then stop using literally all technology including the internet since we invented all of it k thanks
File: America Loses.swf-(781 KB, 200x86, Loop) [_] Seems more relevant then ever Anon 3194537 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3194548 America loses every 4 years. Except this year. >> [_] Anon 3194556 >># No, we definitely lost the hardest this year. Corrupt businessman for president. Hardcore christfag for VP. Everyone that trump is nominating for important positions is some buddy of his that has no qualifications for the job. Gonna have to hang tight for the next 4 years. >> [_] Anon 3194560 >># Government is a business. Honestly most politicians are demagogues. And no transparency. Plus, since there are outraged people like you, maybe people will be actually involved in politics and learn what's going on. Trump supporter or not, this is the perfect time for transparency of information of the President's job due to Trump's obsession with Twitter, assuming he continues doing that. He can rally people to the senate or congress for change of opinion to let people hear their freedom of speech. Did you hear about the "countering disinformation and Propoganda act" that was passed this month? No, no normal person has talked about it, you would think. And honestly trump hasn't talked about it yet either. But he has talked about the Chinese drones with his famous "unpresidented" tweet, and nobody in the general public would have any inkling to research chinese affairs if it weren't for Trump pointing it out. The positive is, like I said earlier, trump supporter or not, it's a new age of transparency given that trump tweets his opinions. People will actually be able to do protests to the senate, to him, and/or communicate directly with him just due to the controversy of his image. I am aware that the current POTUS also did have a twitter account, however none too controversial/retweeted as much as Trump's tweets. This is a glorious time for critique, sensationalized on both sides or not. Politicians revealing their true colors in Twitter battles. People debating. This is a catalyst towards the image of democracy. >> [_] Anon 3194564 Not sure what is to dislike about Trump. >will keep out Muslims >won't fuck with our gun rights or free speech >will troll the left into insanity and keep shitting on the (((media))) >kick out illegals >bring some jobs back by not letting companies completely fuck over Americans for money (but they'll still fuck us obviously) Yeah. Or we coulda gone with Hillary >who said she wanted to dissolve our borders and increase Muslim immigration by 500% >wanted a ban on gun rights >wanted to censor media and internet >said White people are evil and should become a minority to make up for it Yeah... Hillary was a massive bullet and one of the most evil and corrupt deep state actors in our world. We are VERY lucky we avoided her even if Trump is a wildcard. >> [_] Anon 3194570 >># >Plus, since there are outraged people like you, maybe people will be actually involved in politics and learn what's going on. This is going to be the biggest change after this election. Which is good, because Trump is gonna fuck some shit up. Assuming we don't get into a frivolous war with China, say goodbye to social security, social programs, any chance of education being fixed, net neutrality, and every state sponsored program. Which is actually hilarious, because the people who live in rural Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and the rest of the Rust Belt that voted for Trump are going to be shocked to find out that not only are the auto and coal and manufacturing jobs not coming back (and if they do, they'll be fucking awful thanks to the dissolving of unions started by Reagan and finished by Clinton) but they're also going to lose their medicare as well. Sucks for them. Assuming that war with China doesn't happen, we'll probably get a shit president for two years and then, come midterm elections, maybe see some change. But probably not. However, if we're lucky, the DNC is going to shape up and get their heads out of their asses. But probably not. >> [_] Anon 3194599 Is this the original Thunderbirds? >> [_] Anon 3194604 >># >people will be actually involved in politics and learn what's going on I don't thinkt those protesters will want to learn anything and just stick with their delusions about trump being a second coming of hitler >> [_] Anon 3194607 >># >will keep out Muslims Trying to ban religion, so thought policing? That's some good b8 m8 8/8 >won't fuck with our gun rights or free speech I don't care about guns but doesn't he rage on any media and disagrees with him and wanted to "open" up those libel laws? >will troll the left into insanity and keep shitting on the (((media))) Translation: >Be a thin skinned man-baby for the entire term Great president material >kick out illegals Good luck with that, Nazi's tried that on their "illegals" also senseless, their not the drain on social systems as out to be, more of a willing scapegoat, mostly for Reps. >bring some jobs back by not letting companies completely fuck over Americans for money (but they'll still fuck us obviously) That Carrier deal is a great example of how that worked out but still interesting see how he wants to accomplish that, also technology and automation is unstoppable force >> [_] Anon 3194608 >># >who said she wanted to dissolve our borders and increase Muslim immigration by 500% That "dissolve borders" bullshit, really, also 500% was related to Syrians, not Muslims, be raised from 10,000 to 65,000 Is it really that kind of a big deal? 65k more people seems like a laughable number, look to germany. >wanted a ban on gun rights She considered it, consideration is not equivalent to will, is thinking about solutions equal now to actions, but I concede she would have most likely put more restrictions on it. No-one knows. >wanted to censor media and internet What? When? Why? How? >said White people are evil and should become a minority to make up for it Misinterpretation is real, but yeah, she neglected the white voter if this is what you getting at, that is why she lost. >Hillary was a massive bullet and one of the most evil and corrupt deep state actors in our world. Looking over the massive conflict of interests and possible foreign influences on his businesses being unconstitutional for a President, and decking his cabinet picks being rich white CEO types and his top-donors fro his campaign makes the above statement look laughable >We are VERY lucky we avoided her even if Trump is a wildcard. Trump a wild card? That is pure gold, he is a conman and business-man rotten to the core looking to enrich himself with the tools of presidency, running of his mouth/twitter at any opposition and lies that could melt steal beams and flipflopping that makes Mitt Romney making Pancakes look harmless. His VP ain't any better. >> [_] Anon 3194613 >># better than the war that Hillary would have brought. she's running her lips all the time and dont know when to shut up, just a matter of time before she'd practically force russia or china to declare war on USA >> [_] Anon 3194615 >># >religion it's all fine and dandy to promote religious freedom when its harmless but you have to see something as bad when it clearly is. >> [_] Anon 3194618 >># not to forget she'd probably collapse during a meeting with chinese leaders due to her secret medical conditions and make USA look weak >> [_] Anon 3194619 >># So only promote freedom when someone approves of it? Great freedom. >> [_] Anon 3194621 >># U MAD U MAD U MAD U MAD WOW!!!! Doo dah doo doo! U MAD!! Doo dah doo doo! Ahh nigga U MAD!!!!! Doo dah doo dee doo wah doo >> [_] Anon 3194625 >># sure, let's implement shariah law even though it causes distress to most of the culture >> [_] Anon 3194634 >># Great try putting words in my mouth. Freedom shouldn't just be revoked just because some folks has differentiating viewpoints, isn't that the whole point of freedom to begin with. Why you gotta ban something just because a few people misrepresent that. >> [_] Anon 3194635 >># >kick out illegals Pretty sure he's only kicking out illegals with bad criminal records. Have you checked the Bureau census data? Social welfare recipients have gone up. Positive economic return(mostly full-time jobs) jobs are dropping. Most of the inflated statistics are the way they are because Obama spent some money on govt projects to increase number of part-time workers. It did increase the amount of jobs, but since it's a gov't project, it's only temporary >thought police HonestlySJW'sshouldbeagainstIslam.They'r ethemainpropagatorof(((mysogyny)))intheir countries.FreedomofSpeechisanadventofinfl uencingtheoneswhoputpeopleinpower.Ifcenso ringpeopleiswhattheywant,thenthat'sfreedo mofspeechandthey'llimplementit.Itsoundsho rrible,butifyoulookatitfromapositivepersp ective,suchasthoseoftheblacksandLGBTabcwh ateverthefucktheirnameis,theyhavealsobeen overthrowingpeoplewhowanttoexpresstheirre ligiousrightsofnotservingthosegaypeople.I fanything,freedomofspeechdoesnotguarantee thatallpeopletalk,butratherthatanopinioni sheardandcanchange.Backwhenniggers(blacks )rightswerethepoliticallyincorrectthingto talkabout,freedomofspeechallowedthemtocha ngethesocialperspectivedespitehowdegenera tethepeopleofthatsocietyviewedit.Itgoesbo thwaysaswell,inacceptingdegeneracyorfight ingagainstit.FreedomofSpeechinAmericaisal iein that it is not a right to everyone, but a power to only the most outspoken people. Granting all people freedom of speech and allowing them those policies would just end up destroying cultural values of whatever the majority feels the degenerate. If the Nazism is the majority, their freedom of speech will allow their form of undesirables to be purged. If (((minorities))), such as gays and such, are in charge, their power of freedom of speech will purge all christian ideologies. >> [_] Anon 3194636 >># Refer to here>># Freedom of Speech is not a right, but a power of the majority. Anyone who has the loudest voice in the media or any form of communications will be able to put forth their policies. It's a small issue, but look at the Christians who were not able to deny service to the Gay couple. They were exercising their freedom of speech, but because of the SJW media uproar, they were forced to serve them. Same goes for people against Islam. Because of the multitiude of images in Germany and France of Terrorist attacks, people all over the media realms are getting riled up, and want to put a stop to this. That is the beauty of Freedom of Speech. As long as we have a Republic based upon Democratic ideals, we don't know what the catalyst will lead us to. Once what right-wingers perceive as the muslim threat is gone(cue absence of muslim terrorist groups/attacks in media), then they will lose relevancy and a new group will rise. The only reason I think you believe it is against freedom of speech is because it does not collide with your views. When in fact, freedom of speech has never existed equally for everyone, and just depends on the person running the heard message. >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Freedom of Speech is what motivated these people. This anti-immigration can be perceived as against a religion, but it's just a coincidence, not a causation, that the majority of the immigrants being prevented from getting into the US are of Islamic culture. I see no anti-religion tendencies in this law. It's preventing a culture from mixing with our current culture. Right now, since the (((alt-right) holds the power of the media, they are able to express and show their distaste quite easily. >> [_] Anon 3194638 >># I thought the US already does kick out illegals but I am not up to speed, regarding thought police, I am NOT advocating for implementing shariah law/islamic state or any other bullshit, I am for the right of freedom of thoughts including religion and practising said religion in the boundaries of not hurting the freedom of others, that is the fine line, as always. No second thought some (most?) Islamic sates have horrible human rights records,BUT that doesn't mean I get to forbid Islam as a religion as a whole, you agree? Separation of state and religion is very important matter. >> [_] Anon 3194639 >># >># Freedom of Speech is not a Right to get heard, just as nobody can shut you up (legally speaking), no-one has to listen either. And I think I can spare us all the debate how some political systems in the US are indirect and unrepresentative as fuck. >> [_] Anon 3194640 >># I agree with you. Christianity used to be much worse. But then it got "Westernized". I think Islam needs to go through this "westernization" before they enter the US. I'm not sure how to address the problem. I personally don't like the Islamic values, and I feel biased against them. But I know freedom of Speech is important. However, I recognize that the immigrants in other countries are freely expressing the parts of their culture that I was worried about. Muslims that I have met are rather "westernized" and suppress part of the culture that can ignite controversy similar to the controversies of Judaism and Christianity and all other subsets of religion. I don't know. The USA is proof that people can live with each other despite their past. People can supress values of their religion that they feel are valuable. Hell, some protestant christian group(forgot the name) is rooting for multiple wives similar to some middle eastern countries. Maybe we've just gotta realize that USA ain't truly free and that we have a standard. Every religious and non-religious person know it in the back of our heart. I'm reading 1984 right now and I'm not sure what to think. But all I know is that it's socially acceptable to root for the suppression of some parts of a culture as people here have done it as well. Christians, like me, seemingly ignore/dont say the anti-LGBT parts of the bible in public as much, but we express part of the Bible as well. >># Yeah, I was trying to say this basically. I think. >> [_] Anon 3194641 Being forced to suffer a life in servitude of a corporation when ancap is put into place is certainly a better idea than a quick, relatively painless death from whatever war would've broken out. Pretty rad that we'll be sold to Russians and Muslims that we hate so much as slaves >> [_] Anon 3194644 >># Good that we are on the same page, direction: freedom. But I think very strongly that Trump is not, but he got the presidency which I totally respect, we can just sit back, be vigilant of any freedom violations and watch the show. >> [_] Anon 3194645 >># So is not allowing migrants in our country technically not against freedom of speech considering they are not citizens(constitution grants right to american citizens only)? >> [_] Anon 3194647 >># One of the first things he wants to squelch is freedom of speech to silence anyone saying anything unpleasant about him, he also is planning to tear down net neutrality, but then both candidates were aiming to take down net neutrality >># Name a country where isolationism didn't fucking ruin the country or leave it 400 years behind the technological curve >> [_] Anon 3194650 >># >That's some good b8 m8 8/8 ...said the pot to the kettle. Topkek, Achnad. >> [_] Anon 3194651 >># >Democrats cutting Net Neutrality No, I don't see it, chair of the FCC Tom Wheeler plans to resign as soon as Trump is in office which speaks lengths in favour of Dems. >> [_] Anon 3194652 >># wait nvm 14th amendment. >># I'm not sure about that. It's true that he wants to gut Net Neutrality, but Net Neutrality was never the best option to begin with. Honestly, people without Net Neutrality, it gives more power to the people rather than the government as it allows people to choose companies that will be able to not suppress their views. Only problems are monopolies(one internet provider) in barren states. If anything, cancelling of Net Neutrality gives more power to the people by allowing them to not have to lobby the government but the capitalists themselves. Net Neutrality was mostly good if it weren't for the last paragraph saying that the government could make any rules to basically censor the same way that companies could except this time it would be globally enforced. >> [_] Anon 3194653 >># nationally enforced* >> [_] Anon 3194659 >># Net Neutrality is, in a nutshell "all data coming through the cable is equal, regardless of origin, and is to be treated as such" If you wanna gamble that some ISP's will still enforce it, I warn you, companies have one primary goal, profit maximization inside of the legal framework. When you remove the legal requirement for all data being treated equal, companies are able to charge on both ends, the client and the clients target of reaching on the other end, for effectively "fast" lanes. Many citizens have no other options then one ISP so the change to something like that would be inevitable for them, and hoping that ISP's stay true to morals of Net Neutrality, I just don't see it. >> [_] Anon 3194661 >># The problem is that most internet providers have a monopoly even in major cities, where huge regions cannot obtain any of the alternative higher speed internet options and would have to sacrifice speed if those high speed companies decided to block out, censor, or throttle the avenues that they use. Spectrum for instance is the only high speed non-T1 option for about 1/3rd of Los Angeles, it's also the only option for a lot of surrounding areas. They're also staunchly against net neutrality and are among those who want to charge differently based on where people go on the net and be able to freely throttle and thought police anyone on their services. >> [_] Anon 3194662 >># Picture to illustrate my viewpoint on what will inevitably happen: http://imgur.com/ReMn6b3 >> [_] Anon 3194663 >># >># fugg. I guess I was a victim of both media's in the end. I paid more attention to the immigrant crisis that I ignored news on both fronts about the advancement of censorship on both ends. Not sure what to think of this. I feel played. >> [_] Anon 3194665 >># I think it helps to say, you are not alone, nearly everyone got played, I think it is safe to say, with this election, everybody lost. >> [_] Heaven 3194666 Kanye was the correct choice. But you were all too blinded by memes to realize that. >> [_] Anon 3194667 >># danke satan. praise kek >> [_] Anon 3194668 >># well at least we know meme magic works. don't know if you shitpost on /pol/ but it was pretty fun election night. >> [_] Anon 3194669 >># You had fucking 8 years to fix education in any way shape and or form. Sit the fuck down. >> [_] Anon 3194672 >># /pol/ makes my Sanity-, and Faith in Humanity-o-meters drop too fast, but I do participate in political discussions on /f/, the only board I visit, occasionally. You will recognize my posting style if you read my post, probably at least. >> [_] Anon 3194673 >># Oh and yes, election night was pretty entertaining as it was horrifying. >> [_] Anon 3194675 >># With 2/3rds of the other parts of government being republican, the same party that passed the No Child Left Behind bill that caused national standards to tank as well as education levels. You probably were too young to remember the early aughties though. >> [_] Anon 3194676 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># Is >>>/pol/ down? >> [_] Anon 3194679 >># yeah it's run into the moral dilemmna of supporting israel(da jews) or supporting palestine(muslims). Plus, they just found out Israel was rather right-wing and Soros is actually against Jewish propoganda. Basically /pol/ is shitting itself as it redpills itself and breaks their stereotypes. >> [_] Anon 3194680 >># Well, the House flipped Rep after 2 years of Obama and after another 4 years Senate was flipped, so Congress was red as a whole. Total block was only the last 2 years, which was still horrifying enough as it is. >># Sorry for posting such a bait-y flash /s >> [_] Anon 3194683 >># don't use /s. Pretty sure that's from reddit. >> [_] Anon 3194686 >># Oh sorry, mostly a facepuncher myself, I only look at 'the_donald' for shits and giggles sometimes though. >> [_] Anon 3194693 >># Oh shit, you're right. I voted for Trump but now you have enlightened me Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people! >> [_] Anon 3194695 >># Sarcastic much? Also ironic considering, the majority, which are white, are gonna suffer under republican rule. Say goodbye to any social programs that people might use, small government my ass, only where Reps can use it for their advantage do they use it. >> [_] Anon 3194698 >># you post like a faggot, thanks for your personal blog and shit-tier political commentary now gtfo >> [_] Anon 3194699 >># Make me. >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 3194701 stickywavyarms.jpg Posting in a /pol/ thread! on /f Because... /f is now /pol >> [_] Anon 3194702 >># Hillary was a shitty choice too for different reasons, including privacy, but it was a vote for status quo and possible war vs. let's see what happens if we can set everything up to burn All options were shit and everyone was going to lose regardless of outcome, we were going to become a fallen empire with whomever won this election. >> [_] Anon 3194704 >># 4chan is counter culture and until obama's administration the site was super left leaning, and swung right towards the middle of his run. With as many hard rights as we've got coming into office with Trump, we're going to probably see a swing harder than what Tumblr can offer >> [_] Anon 3194708 >># >wanted to censor media and internet Trump is also okay with the Internet being censored. He's stated that he believes free speech on the Internet is "Silly". I know we chose the lesser of the two evils, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to get fucked in the ass again. >> [_] Anon 3194710 >># >54 replies wew >> [_] Anon 3194713 >post political flash on /f/ >watch the replies roll in >> [_] Anon 3194718 >># >Also ironic considering, the majority, which are white, are gonna suffer under republican rule. >Also ironic considering, (the people paying the taxes and harmed by an unsuccessful economy), are going to suffer under (a pro-middleclass president) lol make the case that blacks will starve and gays will get zapped, claiming employed people will be harmed is incredibly ignorant, so much so Hillary didn't even try on her campaign trail >> [_] Anon 3194720 >># OH YES, republicans with their trickle down bullshit are known to stimulate the economy. Pro-middle class, that's a laugh. For one because Trump has to bow to congress, and second, have you actually looked what he does, clean energy and research and eveything thereof is a big potential job market, but nope, climate change is a myth apparently, well played. No doubt Hillary's arrogance once part of her downfall, but she lost, this is all about Trump now, but I will argument you to death by my standpoint, status quo would have served Americans better then anything Trump will throw our away. >> [_] Anon 3194722 >># >decreased taxes >Keynesian-style infrastructural stimulus >decreased regulation >reinvested interest in technological advancement other than solar panels none of these things are detrimental to white people in any way, especially not in the short term >have you actually looked what he does you're delirious, he's not even president yet and he has indeed done more for the working class and middle class white voterbase than Obama has in 8 years what's your point? >Trump has to bow to congress, and this is a feature unique to Trump astute observation, but do you actually understand the leverage a competent president has over the house, even ignoring his direct powers? >> [_] Anon 3194723 >># >># doubleposting for 22 dubs, the fact you assume that Trump is a "trickle down economics" proponent based on the fact he's a Republican seems to be the reason Hillary got any goddamn votes at all, your status quo is corporate interests being served >> [_] Anon 3194726 >># >># We'll see if he is really in it for the people or his own pockets/ego but I highly suspect the latter. Looking at some states, like e.g. Kansas, Republicans don't have a good track record at economy stimuli but colour me surprised if they pull it off, very doubtful >> [_] Anon 3194730 >># Joe Biden could be a space-demon wearing human skin and there'd be about as much actual evidence to suggest that as compared to suggest Trump just happened to forfeit extreme amounts of wealth for his 'own pockets' A healthy measure of egotism, sure, but you need that to tell yourself to get up and work for others every day. Enough ego to decide you aren't a loser and that you don't want to live in a country that loses. States in a downturn or without major currency interchanges tend to gravitate to red, and this hampers the state of red economies by default. Democrats aren't responsible for the growth provided by having a coast to the ocean and yet the coast states trend blue. In either case, it's a good thing that very little of Trump's economic policy is in line with Republicans. >> [_] smugfu 3194756 replies~~~ >> [_] Anon 3194761 >># c-cute
File: America Loses.swf-(781 KB, 200x86, Loop) [_] Anon 3173921
File: 911.swf-(781 KB, Other) [_] Anon 1860738 >> [_] Anon 1860814 Nah, we already know the government did it. Time for the revolution.
File: 911.swf-(781 KB, Loop) [_] Fucking Congress! PAY YOUR TAXES! Anon 1804161 >> [_] Anon 1804318 I love that laugh. The song just isn't complete without it. >> [_] Anon 1804322 Vincent would be proud.
File: 911.swf-(781 KB, Loop) [_] America loses Anon 1762865 Faggots >> [_] Anon 1762950 haha
File[911.swf] - (799 KB) [_] [L] Anon 1589856
File[911.swf] - (799 KB) [_] [L] Happy 9/11 amerifags. Anon 1559477 Ahahaha... Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1559480 They're probably asleep right now. You should have waited a while. >> [_] Anon 1559484 i was in middle school and i saw a mushroom cloud outside the window when it happened. me and a few friends joked about it and talked about mushroom clouds in video games how its like a nuke going off and stuff. twas a fun day i must say. got out of school early and didnt have homework for a few days afterwards. and yea, its 2:10am. you shouldve waited till morning. keep this flash bumped and itll get lots of visitors. >> [_] Anon 1559485 I'm still awake; 2:10am in NY. Thank you for your kind wishes. I shall cherish them forever. >> [_] Anon 1559489 >># NYC here too. Why the fuck were all my sunday comics about 9/11? Learn to humor you fucking faggots. >> [_] ✈║ ║ 1559492 9/11 was funny have fun crying amerifat >> [_] Anon 1559498 >># same can be said for black people. slavery ended a long time ago. get over it. they should stop being all fucking sensitive about words and stop taking advantage of your skin colour. haha >> [_] Anon 1559500 >># >Be American >Be sad at the loss of life >It's been ten years, I don't care anymore I'd say another four years before this shit actually dies down. >> [_] philisophical event 1559504 I'm not asleep and I stand for all that is America, but seriously such a feeble attempt to troll patriots. Terrorists like you shall one day fall into despair and you know what? America will help you out. Why? 'cuz we're mother fuckin' America, we have guns and have never lost a war (please note the word "War" not "Police Action" 'cuz in Vietnam Congress never made the declaration of war. >> [_] AnonyMouse 1559529 Their is one War that America has lost, The War on AIDS... >> [_] Anon 1559533 9/11 wasn't enough >> [_] Anon 1559549 I laughed... try harder troll. >> [_] Anon 1559578 >># The war of 1812. america lost, got it's presidential building burnt to the ground and then remade it, painting it white declaring their surrender to Canadian settlers of the British empire. And it was a war in the eyes of everyone. you only say that because you lost ;) butthurt? fuck you, ha lul. >> [_] Anon 1559580 I'm in America and frankly I think this entire thing is kind of dumb. Sure, laugh at this arbitrary group of people and their tragedies and think your arbitrary group of people are better based on your location. We're all people. Horrible people I'm sure, but we're all still people. G'night /f/. >> [_] Anon 1559583 amerifag here-fuck america, i pledge allegiance to the internet. >> [_] Anon 1559584 lol hows dem IRA bombings like once a month? >> [_] Anon 1559585 >># I know you're a troll, but what the hell... >Terrorists like you Derp de derp >never lost a war The war on terrorism. No, seriously. They did what they did in the name of terrorism. You know what terrorism is, right? There is a hint in the name. Terror. Their actions drastically changed america, and in many ways for the worse. People got arrested over litebrites. Bomb squads called for "suspicious wireless devices" (camcorders). Everyone overusing the word 'terrorist'. Rights being lessened or outright discarded. Even more xenophobia, and the dregs of your society suddenly finding justification for further idiocy. I don't dislike america, but look at how your country changed as a result of 9/11. They changed you. They made you afraid enough to submit rights. To bend and break laws. They were not temporary measures. They won. :| >> [_] Anon 1559587 >># Are you an ignorant Eurofag, or did you fail World History? The War of 1812 officially ended with the Treaty of Ghent on December 1814, when all hostiles returned land to the original occupiers. Thus, America did NOT win the War of 1812 . . . Nobody did. Also, the Capitol Building was fire-damaged, not razed to the ground. It was refurbished and (the last time I checked, since I live in the DC Metro area) IT'S STILL STANDING TODAY. Get your facts straight, Eurotrash trollfag. >> [_] Anon 1559597 Amerifag here. Today also marks the 6 month anniversery of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Since I live in the area affected, I just paid my respects to those dead...then did a quick "Well shit nevar forget etc" thing too. Not crying bro. Though I miss my old house... Hope the dolphins like my gift of a ps3. >> [_] Anon 1559600 >># Probably not, Dolphins are playful creatures so they might want some games. >> [_] Anon 1559604 >># I see nothing in their post to indicate their place of origin. >> [_] Anon 1559648 >># Lol @ britfags being unable to take one measly Fort McHenry LOL! >> [_] Anon 1559709 >># I lolled
File[207.swf] - (1.43 MB) [_] [L] 9/11 fun Barack 1089586 eat this >> [_] Anon 1089614 This isn't funny. It's just stupid. Make better music, or add something good. I mean come on. >> [_] Anon 1089615 BEST FLASH EVAR!!! mwahahahaha hoohoohahaha hoooohahahah hoooohahahaha >> [_] Anon 1089633 http://z0r.de/L/1043.swf >> [_] Anon 1089638 >># While it's not terribly creative, I find the stupid laughter to be infectious. >> [_] Anon 1089644 wow some people need better things to do with their time then to make a fucking troll that is so old and pointless. its pretty safe to say, op is a faggot. >> [_] Anon 1089677 >># Moron. Though this wasn't funny. Old and needs spice. >> [_] Anon 1089682 I only like it because of Charles Penrose >> [_] Anon 1089706 >># well now i know where that laugh is from... The Laughing Policeman - Charles Jolly / Penrose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI1nPd7he zM >> [_] Anon 1089793 Too soon? |