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This is resource QLNBS9F, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/1 -2017 09:31:24

Ended:23/1 -2017 15:44:47

Checked:23/1 -2017 20:00:51

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Trump's America Loses.swf-(781 KB, 200x86, Loop)
[_] Guaranteed_Replies.swf Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)03:23:17 No.3205851

  >Trumpets think a businessman millionaire will care for the average worker
  >Trump-voters got conned with empty promises and cheap talk
  >Rights get eroded now republicans have 4 years of guaranteed unchecked power reaching into
  Supreme Court
  >Constitution gotta mean jack shit for anyone who isn't either white, male, straight, christian
  and/or cis
  >See Healthcare get repealed and let the free market™ rape anyone as Reps will reverse-regulate
  any safeguards
  >Let trickle down economics and rich-people-tax-cuts work wonders eroding what is left of the
  middle class
  >See social welfare programs get gutted and see a majority of the American population suffer
  >Observe how the internet will lose the last bastion of rights that is net-neutrality transform
  into play-ball of ISP's for profit maximisation
  >Let the market crash again with the isolation policy the Trump cabinet/Rep senate force through,
  that works shit in an globalised economy that is the US.
  >Think illegals will be solved with a wall that will never be built while most illegals enter
  legally and overstay their visas

  Sit down, Amerifats, and spread wide for russia and corporate america to butt-rape the average US
  citizen into oblivion.
  I will laugh, eat popcorn and watch you guys burn down your own whimpering empire.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)03:31:02 No.3205852


>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)03:43:28 No.3205855

  And people say it's /pol/'s fault we have political discussion.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)03:54:49 No.3205865

  No one reply, all are faggots after this reply.

  Simple, enabling this faggots above and those like him will just have them coming back looking to
  trigger people even though Trump is president.

  Tough cookies, you had your chance, he is in power as for markets, shit happens all the time.

  You would laugh and eat popcorn anyway, cause OP is massive faggot and a fat ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)04:15:53 No.3205870

  Don't care nigger we are equal faggots here

  Americunts really dropped the ball,
  Never thought republicans would kneel down to become russias fuccboi.
  What happend to your saint regans "firm" stance against communism or authoritarianism?
  GOP has no spine.
  Tired of USA being in world news 24/7, world doesn't care anymore
  Now they whine when we remind them of trump, classy.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)04:23:38 No.3205873

  Stop talking about us then kekekkk

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)04:34:35 No.3205874

  y should i?
  every social platform like youtube,9gag,tumbler or any other open platform,
  is filled with your poltical division garbage
  and since your political system or your republican fuckheads dont follow logic, why should i?
  u always-triggered faggots dont get safe spaces, get used to being shit on.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)05:13:11 No.3205888

  The majority of the population suffered 50 years and counting for social programs.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)06:49:58 No.3205905

  you are still the cuck talking about it
  enjoy your sand niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)09:38:32 No.3205962

  for trump or not just please leave flashes alone

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/17(Mon)09:43:10 No.3205963

  >Tired of USA being in world news 24/7, world doesn't care anymore
  ok then stop using literally all technology including the internet since we invented all of it
  k thanks
Created: 23/1 -2017 09:31:24 Last modified: 23/1 -2017 20:01:00 Server time: 05/11 -2024 23:19:47