File :[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB)
[_] [G] Your lack of [G] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)09:06 No.903773
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)09:28 No.903774
easy modo
can easely rack up 160 points
and i dont even stop clicking once
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)10:39 No.903816
Got to 290 in the same manner, but difficulty stays the same. So you can keep going indefinitely.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)10:55 No.903825
468, god damn.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)11:04 No.903830
I guess I know how reflexive my mouse movements are now.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)13:36 No.903918
674. Fucking hell, it stops speeding up after like 300ish.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)13:40 No.903923
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)13:46 No.903925
>> [_] Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)14:08 No.903953
237 first try. This is interesting, I guess for the most part after a while, you don't even need
to see you cursor anymore through muscle memory.