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Threads (38):
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 3478797 >> [_] Anon 3478809 Cool game
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Beat my 639 high score Anon 3441738 >> [_] Anon 3441753 >639 high score yeah nice pen display faggot >> [_] Anon 3441760 where is the difficulty in this? Just take it slow and pop them while moving as little as possible. I stopped at 500 out of boredom. It doesn't even get any more difficult. Maybe it would be tough if it didn't show you the position of your cursor every time you clicked?
File: ci.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 3324477 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3324478 220 >> [_] Anon 3324479 >># 乙 >> [_] Anon 3324480 >># Using a touchscreen is cheating friendo nvm just got 105 in less than a minute im just not beta enough to keep trying like you did. >> [_] Anon 3324481 >># You sure seem mad that someone beat your score in a shitty flash game. 135 btw. >> [_] Anon 3324483 >># got 272 mouse only, the music is what compelled me to stay going >> [_] Anon 3324485 >># just got 340 >> [_] Anon 3324486 >># for all the non-believers https://imgur.com/IoIiesB >> [_] Anon 3324500 >># You didn't have to do that I already believed you could do it >> [_] Anon 3324504 got 193, followed the beat and voila >> [_] Anon 3324506 >># I got 11 Then I got 7 Then I gave up >> [_] Anon 3324510 https://i.imgur.com/qsdecFD.png Got bored and started to attempt speed clearing it >> [_] Anon 3324521 283 I knew quake would teach me something useful >> [_] Anon 3324522 >># 114 >> [_] Anon 3324524 124 >> [_] Anon 3324525 368 I'm glad all my time in osu paid off(?) >> [_] Anon 3324526 506, only lost because i clicked outside the window and closed it >> [_] Anon 3324545 >># >not beta enough to keep trying like you did what lol? >> [_] Anon 3324546 i just got 409 and i'm basically retarded so if you can't beat my score i suggest screaming >> [_] Anon 3324547 998'74 100%real no fake HD >> [_] Anon 3324548 >># in idiot savant? can you count cards? we're going to vegas new best friend i'll feed you only the finest kibble >> [_] Anon 3324549 After seven attempts I finally broke the moon and got like 70 quadrillion. >> [_] Anon 3324552 >># AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >> [_] Anon 3324554 I got 103 second time >> [_] Anon 3324555 >># >flash >touchscreen >> [_] Anon 3324558 108 first time Seems like average seeing what people post here Could probably get better by trying a few times Feels really good to play though, nice flash >> [_] Anon 3324560 >37 fugg >> [_] Anon 3324564 I gave up because my mouse didn't turn invisible. >> [_] Anon 3324569 87 >> [_] Anon 3324571 Just got 585 second try. Proofs: https://i.imgur.com/Yu8JFBi.png >> [_] Anon 3324575 38 first time 203 second time Cant be arsed to try for higher, fun little game though >> [_] Anon 3324584 543 first try and my hand hurts now >> [_] Chad Thundercock 3324587 Git gud niglets https://i.imgur.com/X0eQlV6.png >> [_] Anon 3324588 >># >using mac >> [_] Anon 3324592 >># it was my first try lmao sorry you suck >> [_] Anon 3324593 >># Easy as hell. Anyone who uses the computer all day is able to get a 1000 if he has the time >> [_] Anon 3324594 8
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 3308403 >> [_] Anon 3308408 https://imagr.eu/up/yb6Yo_Capture.PNG 92, see if you can beat me /f/ >> [_] Anon 3308409 >># well that wasn't hard https://imgur.com/a/duGl4 >> [_] Anon 3308410 >># Motherfucker get that weak shit outta here https://i.imgur.com/ofprNc6.png >> [_] Anon 3308411 https://i.gyazo.com/81d1a7b89c8189a827f5 bd4516fc8510.png Come on, step it up. >> [_] Anon 3308417 >># aw you bitch, one off >> [_] Anon 3308427 >># >># >># >># Shit's easy. Should have increasing difficulty with targets that get smaller over time. >> [_] Anon 3308475 >># >># >># >># https://i.imgur.com/EW00pfH.png well? >> [_] Anon 3308490 >># 407, shit's easy
File: dagobah_Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Invisible cursor Anon 3271140 Whats your high score senpai? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3271142 222 1st try >> [_] Anon 3271149 403 >> [_] Anon 3271159 Just right click and get your cursor back >> [_] Anon 3271164 >># >let's take the game out of the game >> [_] Anon 3271169 i was pretty happy with my 43 until i saw these scores >> [_] Anon 3271191 >># It's okay, they're lying. >> [_] Anon 3271211 >># my best score is 16 >> [_] Anon 3271217 having a touchscreen laptop really makes this a breeze >> [_] Anon 3271219 >># So you're telling me I've played porn games with more anti-cheat than this? >> [_] Anon 3271232 Whenever I play this I always click outside the embed'd box. my high score is like 150 tho >> [_] Anon 3271237 1016 lol u guys suck >> [_] Anon 3271238 http://imgur.com/a/A3ZAt >> [_] Anon 3271243 >># I got a score of 3. Using a trackpad. >> [_] Anon 3271247 265. I'm pleased. I wish the targets were smaller though. >> [_] Anon 3271267 If you are getting a good score, play it with your non dominant hand and share your scores. Best so far was 107 with non dominant hand. Build that ambidexterity fags >> [_] Anon 3271271 >># 64 second try, 40 something first try. these other guys are fags obv >> [_] Anon 3271275 309 fun game
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Invisible Cursor Anon 3114679 see how many you can get. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3114680 303 >> [_] Anon 3114690 >Touch-screen laptop final score: 2974 got bored. >> [_] Anon 3114699 final score: 17983 I sneezed. >> [_] Anon 3114701 >># I never even thought of that. LOL >> [_] Anon 3114718 Final score: 30449 with mousepad >> [_] Anon 3114738 36 lol >> [_] Anon 3114740 >># got 86 after a few retries. im satisfied with that. >> [_] Anon 3114780 97 >> [_] Anon 3114817 First try 417. All those hours of osu! finally paying off >> [_] Anon 3114818 545 got bored. not enough apm >> [_] Anon 3114853 The timer needs to get faster and faster. I was just clicking to the music, which is pretty groovy, but I was still very safe at all times.
File: Invisible Cursor Reaction Test.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2940934 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2940940 first attempt 45 @8200dpi >> [_] Anon 2940946 108 >> [_] horu !J.PzngLkxU 2940949 159 4000 dpi 1000 polling rate >> [_] Anon 2940952 >># 253 8000 dpi 8000 polling rate 25k volts per square inch 100,000k pixels per gallon >> [_] Anon 2940956 I plugged in my usb light gun and got 953. >> [_] Anon 2940957 620 >> [_] Anon 2940958 >># http://i.imgur.com/DUAINqz.png >> [_] Anon 2940962 >># 194 first try >> [_] Anon 2940964 >># >># Yeah, I have a touchscreen too. >> [_] Anon 2940993 This game is easy if you play osu >> [_] Anon 2940996 >># >This game is easy if you play osu this got up to 216 then i got careless and missed >> [_] Anon 2940998 >># Or play any kind of videogames >> [_] Anon 2940999 >># If i had a touchscreen I would never miss clearly I'll miss about 1/621 clicks >> [_] Anon 2941005 >MFW touchscreen >> [_] Anon 2941018 218, that´s a good idea for a simple game >> [_] Anon 2941025 240, on the small embedded window >> [_] Anon 2941039 infinite, its unlikely Id ever miss but I dont have that amount of time to spend >> [_] Anon 2941044 >># yeah honestly the game is too easy it needs to start making the circles smaller and smaller with each consecutive click I noticed around the 500 mark that they seem to get smaller but thats way too late to start reducing target size. >> [_] Anon 2941052 >># Agreed. Up until 500 it seemed like targets were getting bigger. Way to easy on lower dpi, which I usually use. Maybe I just play too much csgo. At any rate I'd like to try making this game with said improvements. >> [_] Anon 2941115 >play games >pretty good at it >88 >> [_] Anon 2941117 135, got bored. speed up the tempo of the music or something to increase difficulty and keep the player in gauged. >> [_] JmTrad 2941147 http://i.imgur.com/1fDgTwn.png >> [_] Anon 2941150 181 first try. Tried going as fast as I could. I fucked up because I went too fast and just clicked on instinct when the next target wasnt even there yet. >> [_] Anon 2941151 467 before my ASSFAGGOT loaded and I the screen switched.
File: dagobah_Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2737730 >> [_] Anon 2737732 125 eh >> [_] Anon 2737734 129 >> [_] Anon 2737735 151 >> [_] Anon 2737737 412. And here I was, thinking I still needed to tweak my sensitivity a bit more >> [_] Anon 2737741 192, because I wanted to see how fast I could click. It would me much harder if it didn't show the last position. >> [_] Anon 2737792 258 this is surprisingly entertaining >> [_] Anon 2737795 517 And then I got bored. >> [_] Anon 2737796 >right click >cursor no longer invisible. i won. >> [_] Anon 2737833 347 get on my level
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] kek kek 2651936 kek >> [_] Anon 2651937 nice I got 67 >> [_] Anon 2651938 36, got bored. >> [_] Anon 2651942 haha what an interesting game 158 >> [_] Anon 2651947 >># Only 158? I got 482. >> [_] Anon 2651949 >># can i worship you? >> [_] Anon 2651955 >># >># >># >># I got ten. >> [_] Anon 2651983 >># back away guys. dont fuck with this guy. >> [_] Anon 2652015 587 without much effort. Though last time an osu punk got over a thousand, which is quite not bad. >> [_] Anon 2652016 I got 60 with a trackpad. >> [_] Anon 2652023 >># 191 >> [_] Anon 2652029 121 first try my osu skills help :^)
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2649265 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2649266 141 >> [_] Anon 2649285 What is touchscreen? >> [_] Anon 2649288 208 bbabry >> [_] Anon 2649293 Touchscreens Ftw! 195 hoes >> [_] Anon 2649297 73 oldschool mode. >># >there are people that lost even with a touchscreen. kek >> [_] Anon 2649304 206 because I accidentally double clicked. I just instinctively know where my cursor is going to be. >> [_] Anon 2649307 >># thats the saddest thing ive read today >> [_] Anon 2649309 256, touchscreen, 360noscope >> [_] Anon 2649310 255 Ty based Osu! >> [_] Anon 2649317 173 osu skilzzz >> [_] Anon 2649325 194 >tfw playing with a trackpad I chipped my fingernail >> [_] Anon 2649334 716 >> [_] Anon 2649337 >># Congratulations~! >> [_] Anon 2649356 298 using mouse because osu player. Could have done better but busy atm. >> [_] Anon 2649368 492 sorta gave up tbh do you guys use mouse acceleration >> [_] Yuuuta 2649379 80. Too lazy to go any higher >> [_] Anon 2649387 only 279 >> [_] Anon 2649422 Missed opportunity for this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2EOuzWS DE8 >> [_] Anon 2649426 >># >having a life >> [_] Anon 2649429 2,413 Get on my level scrublords >> [_] Anon 2649433 I could do this all day but I got bored and stopped at around 270 Playing CS 1.6 with the Scout has its benefits, huh? >> [_] Anon 2649468 Eh I got 96 On the embedded version. >> [_] Anon 2649498 >># 189, out of practice n Osu and such. >> [_] Anon 2649499 146 not bad >> [_] Anon 2649507 meh. got bored after 500. i could probably do this for a long time tho. My FPS and Osu game is stronk
File: Cursor Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Post score Anon 2581281 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2581282 53 >> [_] Anon 2581283 185 >> [_] Anon 2581284 92 >> [_] Anon 2581285 friend got 226 http://puu.sh/cwe2l/60f0bb2482.jpg >> [_] Anon 2581286 >># Its creepy how much info you can get on someone just from their bookmarks >> [_] Anon 2581287 186 on the first go. >> [_] Anon 2581288 100 before I got bored. >> [_] Anon 2581296 46 first time, 80 second. Honestly I could so this forever with no troubles, but I use firefox with a bunch of fucking tabs, so the game freezes for a moment and completely fucks me over. Just went on a pretty good run without too much freezing, 326 before it got me. My arm might start getting sore after a while, actually. >> [_] Anon 2581301 meh http://puu.sh/cweKC/c4029b2cef.png >> [_] Anon 2581303 >># And that's why I don't store any bookmarks or personalize my browser. It's all in the history, baby. 72 first time. >> [_] Anon 2581311 >># so your name league name is BlutFresser tell me more about ur life >> [_] Anon 2581312 >># >reddit >german >league You're worse than dr. Wily. >> [_] Anon 2581315 297 on first try. >> [_] Drokar_LDMM™ 2581322 >># >bookmarked lol counter page just another scrub with no skill who does not know the definition of "outplayed" >> [_] Anon 2581329 got bored around 500 points and quit >> [_] Anon 2581331 >># >http://puu.sh/cwe2l/60f0bb2482.jpg https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2767208 nice >> [_] Anon 2581332 3 >> [_] Anon 2581344 ... 419, first try. It's not that difficult? http://i62.tinypic.com/2yn4ht5.jpg >> [_] Anon 2581351 330 and got bored. 750+ should not be that hard. >> [_] Anon 2581370 http://puu.sh/cwkqR.png is okay >> [_] Anon 2581374 >># >Osu That's why >> [_] Anon 2581378 164 on the 5th time or something >> [_] Anon 2581384 if you see a white tile at the upper right corner in the beginning try hitting it. it raises the amount of tiles by 1 >> [_] Anon 2581391 200 second try I gave up since it didn't look like I'd lose anytime soon >> [_] Anon 2581433 250 then got bored, I play Osu/CSGO so I'm pretty familiar with my mouse sensitivity. >> [_] Anon 2581436 247, used to be a osu player. >> [_] Anon 2581438 >># proof: http://a.pomf.se/huvytn.png >> [_] Anon 2581440 >># http://puu.sh/cwqD4/ff6ab8708f.png I play osu too disabling mouse acceleration was the best thing I ever did >> [_] Anon 2581456 http://puu.sh/cwje2/5fb1632255.png 501 on second try. Yeah, I play osu too >> [_] Anon 2581460 >># 847 on first try.
File: Cursor Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] I need 8legs, 7Vaginas pleeeaase Anon 2486801 >> [_] Anon 2486802 Best I got was about 66 This game is addictive >> [_] Anon 2486804 132. suck my dick. >> [_] Anon 2486805 98 >> [_] Anon 2486813 200, then purposely misclicked, because i got bored >> [_] email 2486826 123 >> [_] rainKhaos 2486828 236 and then i got board too... >> [_] Anon 2486831 287 >> [_] Anon 2486833 270, because I have a drawing tablet and I got bored >> [_] Anon 2486837 >># what kind of drawing tablet? im looking to get one >> [_] Anon 2486848 >># Man you're so cool >> [_] Anon 2486850 320. >> [_] Anon 2486858 480 >> [_] Anon 2486859 200+ Yes, it gets boring to play right-clicking after a while and you just misclick on purpose to sound cool. >> [_] Anon 2486864 >># can't do it without right click? scrub >> [_] Anon 2486867 0, get gud faggets! >> [_] Anon 2486889 279, but then I fucked up >> [_] Anon 2486960 4321 you fuckin losers can all suck my dick >> [_] Anon 2486964 I wish they actually made a score that included speed as well. Like 3 points per target, minus the number of seconds it took or something >> [_] Anon 2487037 >># and/or how close to center >> [_] Anon 2487045 181
File: Cursor Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2437781 cursor invisible Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2437782 112 >> [_] Anon 2437786 105 >> [_] Anon 2437792 304 do i win anything? >> [_] Anon 2437798 >># golden medal if you come to heaven >> [_] Anon 2437826 222 do i get cookie? honestly just got bored at that point and gave up >> [_] Anon 2437831 227 hand-eye coordination pretty good >> [_] Anon 2437921 297 in 40 seconds >goddamn wizard >> [_] Anon 2437931 1604. Ez. >> [_] Anon 2437932 >># man.. i am op.. and just can hide myself for having only 35 >> [_] Anon 2437937 right click...
File: Cursor Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2401085 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2401091 64! >> [_] Anon 2401094 127!!! Damn that was hard >> [_] Anon 2401098 205, then I got bored. >> [_] Anon 2401102 672 then i got bored >> [_] Anon 2401111 1089, then i got bored. >> [_] Anon 2401112 111, good enough >> [_] Anon 2401122 0 and then I got bored >> [_] Anon 2401133 107 went as fast as possible. Kept feeling like it was hacked and clicking anywhere simply broke one, that is until I lost >> [_] Anon 2401141 good game haha >> [_] Anon 2401150 Considering I play heaps of Dota, i'm not surprised my eye mouse co-ordination is as good as it is >> [_] Anon 2401151 I got 275, I must spend too much time at the computer >> [_] Anon 2401152 That feel when "no cursor" and it still shows a cursor. >> [_] Anon 2401219 162 first try HUMF HUMF >> [_] Anon 2401251 426 first try. http://imgur.com/DtCRTSZ >> [_] Anon 2401258 >># >># 226 tops to you two, good jobs. >> [_] Anon 2401295 51 first time was lie: This is really irritating O_o but interesting idea to make a game like this.
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2355001 How good are you? >> [_] Anon 2355004 got to 60 something and clicked out of the window fuck >> [_] Anon 2355007 >># 136 >> [_] Anon 2355012 http://puu.sh/8ea0q.png >> [_] Anon 2355019 >499. >Lost on purpose. This shit does NOT get harder as it goes along - it's the same amount of difficulty, and the moment you get the rhythm, you're unbeatable(Unless you have a garbage mouse or have atrocious motor functionality.) >inb4 butthurt gamer wanna-be's >> [_] Anon 2355042 http://gyazo.com/9630fb1fef2dfc3560bb70a 6e92da8dc Got bored after a while. Egh, decent game. Saved. >> [_] Anon 2355048 >># you're fucking gay, learn to post better comments. beehive faggot. >> [_] Anon 2355056 >># Oh, excuse me. I did not realize that better comments are those with a statement without an argument to support it and using "gay" as a valid form of boosting your most-likely rightfully low self-esteem and self-image. My bad, Mr. Autism. Forgive me, for I am not as retarded as you, therefore cannot post "better" comments... Cheers. Cognitive dissonance-immune ass spelunker. >> [_] Anon 2355057 >># if you go slow, yeah Try going really fast >> [_] Anon 2355060 >># I was. That's what I was referring to as "Getting the rhythm." That's actually the issue - the timer does not tick quicker nor do the plates become all-the-while smaller, so I've never actually had the timer reach even as much as a fifth. I actually kind of liked it - but the fact it gives you zero sense of progress makes it a meaningless endurance round for those who get into it quickly enough. >> [_] Anon 2355062 >># I've played twitch aim shooters for countless hours. I can easily keep going on this all day at relatively high speeds. It takes me less than 20 seconds to get to sixty. Also you really can't go too slow because of the bar at the bottom. >> [_] Anon 2355067 >># Yeah, I don't play too many twitch games, but a fifth of the bar is about median speed. I find going somewhere over twice as fast as that to be a fun challenge. I think the best I've done at near that speed was about 80 though, and that was lucky. >> [_] Anon 2355070 220, fun game but would not play again >> [_] Anon 2355072 http://tinypic.com/r/4hxj4w/8 Going fast. My arm started to lock up after a while. >> [_] Anon 2355075 >># Look, that's great that you've found a way to amuse yourself, but the fact remains the game should be the one to entertain you - not you having to reinvent a third-party game. The basics are there, but the game is lacking. It's supposed to test your skills, and it fails to legitimately do so by not having the bar raised at certain cues. Tests of skill should not honestly give you this much freedom - and that is where it fails. If you are even slightly above the minimum skill level required to succeed at the game - you're on you own. Were that freedom justified, it would have "Clicks/s" or something of the sort - but it does not. You are literally adding functions to the game that do not exist in practice. >> [_] Anon 2355081 >># My issue with what you're saying is that as I recall I would often have to actually stall clicking for a few fractions of a second to let the dishes spawn. You speed is also eventually handicapped, which is counter-productive for this kind of program. >> [_] Anon 2355094 Ah, for the record, I don't play many shooters(I play them sometimes, but not hardcore), but I used to play 'osu!' semi-competitively(Now casually), and the mechanics are pretty much the same - there's a circle, you click it. You feel a rhythm? You follow it. Simple stuff. But, yeah, my friend who enjoys playing snipers in shooters also says this game is incredibly easy. Basically, if you've trained yourself by most forms of PC gaming requiring accuracy, you'll roll this right off. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Farewell to you, sensible people. May you walk on warm sands. >> [_] Anon 2355100 >># And you don't have to go for score in 2hu, and you can pyromancy through dark souls. If you're shooting paper targets, you test your skills by choosing where to place them and how to shoot them. >> [_] Anon 2355124 156. Then I got bored.
File: dagobah_Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] How many can you do!? Azatro-Kun 2348745 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2348755 126, could easily do better but not patient enough etc. >> [_] Anon 2348758 i just stopped after 220. too easy. 0/10 >> [_] Anon 2348777 49. I was going fast as hell though >> [_] Anon 2348781 >Do this on any device with a touch screen It's like cheating >> [_] Anon 2348786 I quit somewhere around 370. After a certain point, you've proven you've got the skill, then it just becomes endurance. >> [_] Anon 2348787 >keeping dagobah in the name Faggot detected >> [_] Anon 2348790 >># same thing, I though the time was going to end quickly so I Blitzkriged 50 on a row and then realized you lose only if you miss it. the time just don't go away if you click slowly, lel this is pleb as fuck >> [_] Anon 2348807 http://i.imgur.com/NYqMzKe.png Needs a difficulty curve. Smaller targets the higher you go and less time the longer you survive would both make it harder and promote going fast. Clicking slowly makes the game unbearably ez. pleb/10 >> [_] Anon 2348809 >># Should have gone up to 420 >> [_] Anon 2348811 Cursor doesn't vanish on Linux because Flash can't control X. Heh. >> [_] Anon 2348813 336 damn :( >> [_] Anon 2348834 63 >> [_] Anon 2348835 got boring after 200. this is standard for the average gamer, and there's many of them on 4chon. >> [_] Anon 2348840 445... the music kept me going. I enjoyed the music >> [_] Anon 2348923 69 >loololololllolllololollololl >> [_] Anon 2348930 >># you know what OP? I searched and found my good old tablet, and the game doesn't feel easy at all now. reached 77 with hardship, challenging any tablet havers to beat my score (I will try myself) minus the faggots who have a screen on theirs. >> [_] Scarra !!vhUdXljB5vX 2348931 >># you're talking about something like a bamboo tablet, yeah? >> [_] Anon 2348938 >># bambo is small and will give you carpal prblem m8 but yeah, a bigger version of it >> [_] Anon 2348940 >># It doesn't get harder, too bad. Target should get smaller and further appart.
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2337758 >> [_] Anon 2337759 got bored past 150. >> [_] Anon 2337781 20 first try. 552 second try. Won't bother to do it again. >> [_] Anon 2337792 >># it should increase difficulty. i have played too many ego shooters to fail. >> [_] Anon 2337813 >># fun to play with a touch screen. There should be more interesting stuff going on. >> [_] Anon 2337887 touchscreen ftw... >> [_] Anon 2337941 bored at 200 move the hand because i was unconfortable, lost at 270
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] [A] [M] [E] [S] /f/ Needs More 2333965 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] snice asdf 2333981 413 >> [_] Anon 2333986 286 This game feels good to play >dat muscle memory. >> [_] Anon 2334016 http://i.imgur.com/A2TXKre.png >> [_] Anon 2334017 this game is ez mode when you have a touchscreen >> [_] Anon 2334055 8 >> [_] Anon 2334100 >># >http://i.imgur.com/A2TXKre.png shopped >> [_] Anon 2334116 27 >> [_] Anon 2334117 I play Osu! so it's not that difficult ^^ >> [_] Anon 2334125 756
File: invisi cursor.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game) [_] Anon 2090529 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2090535 Eh, 70. Not bad. >> [_] Anon 2090545 435. If your mouse doesn't have a top-tier sensor with a 1000hz polling rate, I feel bad for you, son. >> [_] Anon 2090546 200 second try >> [_] Anon 2090554 363. Sad thing is this is the highest one on /v/ >> [_] Anon 2090555 >># sent ;) >> [_] Anon 2090562 shit would be so much fun if those things spawned a bit faster and if you could set time limits. Anyway some timed runs: 30s - 119 60s - 207 120s - 416 >> [_] Anon 2090581 >># Got 366. Was starting to get a bit bored. >> [_] Anon 2090596 First try was 181, and I was stopped because I was off by a few pixels. >> [_] Anon 2090598 I only got 63 /: >> [_] Anon 2090602 >Touchscreen PC scored 617 before i got tired. >> [_] Anon 2090610 >># This. Only time the HP Touchsmart has actually done something for me. >> [_] Anon 2090620 >playing on kindle >realize why it's so easy >tfw you're a moron >> [_] Anon 2090621 YAY 40 >> [_] Anon 2090627 >># This. I got bored and quit at 400 because I thought it actually gave you points for accuracy and had a limited time. I really do appreciate my G400s. >> [_] Anon 2090632 >touchpad Ran out of time after 7. >> [_] Anon 2090635 >># PROPER KINDLE USES E-INK, ANON. >> [_] Anon 2090637 I got a 99 and then missed one by 1 pixel. I am shame >> [_] Anon 2090638 75 >> [_] Anon 2090648 My ordinary cursor kept displaying. Awkward. >> [_] Anon 2090650 >># Nice trips >> [_] Anon 2090654 >># >top-tier sensor Get over yourself, I gave up at 400 using a laptop track pad >> [_] Anon 2090662 I got 134, then I slowed down and realized that it shows a red dot where you click even when it's invisible. Now it's just boring. >> [_] Anon 2090670 Pretty fun as hell.. got 27,33, 0 = started before timer and fucked me up. then 107 >> [_] Anon 2090672 96 motha fukas >> [_] Anon 2090724 >># if you're having pixel problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 errors, but a dot ain't 1. >> [_] Anon 2090732 >># >with a 1000hz polling rate Fucking winfags, need to buy XTREME GAEMAN MICE just to change their USB polling rate. >options usbhid mousepoll=1 >> [_] Anon 2090735 You nubs, do you even have a razer orochi that you play Osu with? got 481 my second try >> [_] Anon 2090737 >># G400 only costs like $30, dude. Calm your tits. >> [_] Anon 2090741 522 with a $10 generic mouse >> [_] Anon 2090759 Made it to 666 and stopped there just for the sake of beating you all. But holy shit this game is dull. You could continue endlessly if it wasn't so boring. old POS mouse, by the way. >> [_] Anon 2090760 115 with a laptop sensorpad. >> [_] Anon 2090762 ~30 It's a new mouse so I don't even feel bad >> [_] Player1 2090797 37 seconds 214 points first try... i play too much starcraft >> [_] Anon 2090815 584. FPS skills paying off. I doubled my speed at around 500 when I started feeling the burn in my wrist. So, anyone playing with a ball mouse that hasn't been cleaned in 5 years? >> [_] Momiro 2090821 761!! beat that. http://prntscr.com/1nh6ki
File: cursor-invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Other) [_] Anon 2036455 >> [_] Anon 2036461 70. >> [_] Anon 2036465 232 >> [_] Anon 2036477 173meh >> [_] Anon 2036635 320 >> [_] Anon 2036678 420 blaze it faggot >> [_] Anon 2036702 113 2nd try. I didn't know what to do. >> [_] Anon 2036729 Gave up at 560 or so >> [_] Anon 2036751 i can go on forever. i would be better if there were a 60 seconds limit and you had to go as fast as possible
File: Cursor_Invisible.swf-(451 KB, Game) [_] Anon 1839241 Post them scores niggers Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1839244 94 before i lost interest >> [_] Anon 1839245 173 Meh >> [_] Anon 1839247 >># a stronger will than i 73, even a casual gamer would understand how far their mouse moves >> [_] Anon 1839254 150 got bored >> [_] Anon 1839255 350 niggers >> [_] Anon 1839256 37 Motherfu- Oh I see how it is. >> [_] Anon 1839257 135 not even a challenge. >> [_] Anon 1839269 238 then lost if the circles didn't spawn so close to each other it would be more challenging >> [_] Anon 1839284 131. I lost because I assumed where it would spawn one next. >> [_] Anon 1839296 450 first attempt >> [_] Anon 1839315 Went to 300 and got bored. >># What he said. >> [_] Spock B2 0390 7094 8890 !!t2gFW9g8oog 1839410 90 first try then w/e >> [_] Anon 1839412 great... first try: 0 because i didn't get what the fuck to do.# second try: 17 3rd try: 80 getting better... >> [_] Anon 1839414 got to 200 and then literally just stopped out of bordem. >> [_] Anon 1839432 145 I've been using this mouse for past 3 years.
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1595139 >> [_] Anon 1595147 Got over 200 >that feel when touch screen. >> [_] Klonoa 1595153 Got 133 then missed by like, a centimeter >that feel when PC gamer >> [_] Anon 1595157 Got about 500, then I got bored and started click really fast just to see how much I could last. Got 544. >> [_] Anon 1595161 eh, what the hell 288 >> [_] Anon 1595201 fucking shit game bro, im bored at 1200. >> [_] Anon 1595212 143 >> [_] Hitogana !!jdqR9pMkmHT 1595254 My cursor didn't disappear. I still had the regular system cursor on top. >that feel when linux?
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] great timekiller~ name goes here !4.mfs3Xzak 1451802 for me its rly fun and addicting ^^ if you got similiar stuff plz post it :3 >> [_] Anon 1451806 250 before a combination of boredom and annoyance at bright white flashes made me quit. >> [_] Anon 1451833 974 >> [_] Anon 1451944 >># I'm surprised you bothered going that long. I was not even bothering to look at my screen while I played this. Just out of the corner of my eye. Stopped after about 100 and closed it. Could they possibly make the targets any bigger without covering the whole screen. >># You are either lying, or are a glutton for boredom.
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] this lack of [G] disturbs me Anon 1424426 >> [_] Anon 1424431 Got to 199 before accidentally clicking twice. >> [_] Anon 1424479 77 first time =) >> [_] Anon 1424543 this is insanely fun for some reason. Like much more fun than it should be. milhousewithballandcup.jpg >> [_] Anon 1424557 How do you play it if the cursor disappears? SHEESH! Must be for blind people. lol >> [_] Anon 1424585 220 >> [_] Anon 1424592 270 >> [_] Anon 1424594 317! >> [_] Anon 1424600 348 >> [_] Anon 1424606 Got to 1184 before it was boring and I let it die. Neat game. >> [_] Anon 1424616 >># Obvious Troll is Obvious. 331 >> [_] Anon 1424619 >># It's not hard. I only got to 700 before I got bored but hey.. It's all just about really knowing your mouse sensitivity. Not like you actually have to hurry all that much to click even. >> [_] Anon 1424622 This game would be be much better if it would randomize sensitivity and then give you 1min to get used to it.. This shit is just way too easy. 647
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1365526 >> [_] Anon 1365528 29... still a fun game >> [_] Anon 1365533 177 D: >> [_] Anon 1365534 203 on first try. Pretty fun and really shows how much you've grown accustomed to your mouse movements. >> [_] Anon 1365537 326 I was being cocky at the end thinking I could do this with my eyes closed >> [_] Anon 1365549 415, using my trackpad >> [_] Anon 1365575 around 1247 using my stylus, then i got bored. >> [_] Anon 1365578 over 3000. >> [_] Anon 1365583 196 on third try for me. I love this game. it's good practice, as lame as that sounds. >> [_] Anon 1365621 This game loses some of its appeal on a touchscreen. >> [_] Anon 1365635 425 >># well.. it is cheating, so. >> [_] Anon 1365643 4320 on first try not even worth my time >> [_] Popsicle HxC !wMR/R5mXNo 1365651 23 HATERS GONNA HATE >> [_] Anon 1365711 i got...... over 9000!!!! >> [_] Anon 1365716 120 exactly. Now I'm bored. THANKS INTERNET >> [_] Anon 1365719 bamboo tablet so its a semi-advantage... still only got like 167 cuz my other pc used to be wider and i just started using the tablet on this one a couple days ago.. enough with the excuses i just suck. >> [_] Anon 1365735 51... Just got a new mouse. Still not quite fluent on the movements. >> [_] Anon 1365846 Ugh. 60 first try. wtf am i doing with my life.
File[Cursor Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Simple and insightful Anon 1322619 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1322632 154 booyea! >> [_] Anon 1322671 First try 43 Fuck you anon! >> [_] Anon 1322681 87 >> [_] Anon 1322702 I stopped at 314 just to see what happens when you lose. I must spend waay to much time using a mouse. >> [_] Anon 1322715 260 here >> [_] Anon 1322752 288 I suck at this game. >> [_] Anon 1322791 100 and I got bored >> [_] Anon 1322800 320 and I clicked right in between two close together circles :(
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] /r/ dating sims Anon 1286424 This game basically tests how much of an internet looser you are. I got to 200 before I lost interest. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1286448 Tablet ftw >> [_] Anon 1286489 40 >> [_] Basment Ranger !EviqTDMxZc 1286491 I got 71 You guys suck. >> [_] Anon 1286493 75. >> [_] Anon 1286494 107 no cheating >> [_] Basment Ranger !EviqTDMxZc 1286498 I tried again. I got 214... >> [_] Anon 1286504 i got 312 before i just gave up. old game is old >> [_] Onii !Nu/GtgoA.k 1286535 Wow, I gave up at around 440 This shit is boring >> [_] Anon 1286558 93 then i got bored >> [_] manonthe3up 1286564 762 ...Jesus, I have no life... >> [_] Anon 1286627 80... On a trackpad. >> [_] Anon 1286653 92 >> [_] Anon 1286659 261... meh >> [_] Anon 1286677 0 HOW TO GAME >> [_] Anon 1286680 I got 94 going as fast as I could, waaaay too much video games ;_;
File[invisi cursor.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1246876 >> [_] Anon 1246880 1034 in 5 minutes what do I win? >> [_] Anon 1246890 80 on first try. This is pretty cool, ima give it another go. At first i was like...so whats the point? hah.. >> [_] Anon 1246900 10 10 over 400 and stopped. >> [_] Anon 1246903 ^ I had 80 first I cant get past 150. I keep chokeing! This sucks! Ima clean my mouse and try again. It's startin' to piss me off.. >> [_] Anon 1246910 12 15 9 1248305273640219735612876598346543 >> [_] Anon 1246936 92 on first try >> [_] Anon 1246939 then 154 gah i slipped >> [_] Anon 1246955 700 then stopped, Ipad touch screen ftw
File[cursorinvisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Symmetry !ShiNKU/JVI 1225987 Score of 275. Beat it! >> [_] Anon 1225989 Can't >> [_] Anon 1225996 344 >> [_] Anon 1226012 This is retardedly easy with a tablet PC. HAX ftw >> [_] Anon 1226023 I hate the fact that I'm really fucking good at this : / >> [_] Anon 1226026 483!!!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 1226033 takes a few minutes but beat 719 >> [_] Anon 1226069 75 on first try, cbf playing again :( >> [_] Anon 1226096 678 Tried clicking as fast as I could around 600 BINKBINKBINKBINKBINKBINKBINK >> [_] Anon 1226130 ha 795 >> [_] Anon 1226137 srsly after 100 it gets really boring after years of gaymin you cant fucking miss >> [_] Ironmind !iUZ4YQ8oZ. 1226148 I slightly dislike the fact that I can get to even a hundred. It's like a slightly unwanted superpower. >> [_] Anon 1226186 >># THIS i got 315 on first try >> [_] Anon 1226201 I got to 100 before I got bored. I already know I'm excellent at FPS and mouse control. >> [_] Anon 1226207 lol i mesesd up when u can stil lsee the cursor =( >> [_] Anon 1226243 436 first run, 275 is small time >> [_] Anon 1226246 Is it cheating if I do this on a tablet?
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1207957 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1207958 Scored 73, and wondering if I should rethink my life. >> [_] KittyLicker 1207962 128 >> [_] Anon 1207969 413 eh, my wrist hurts. >> [_] Anon 1208003 110 but didn't try with graphic tablet >> [_] Anon 1208006 yeah, graphic tablet is endless fun >> [_] Anon 1208015 55 and I thought is much ^^' >> [_] Anon 1208063 106 >> [_] Anon 1208064 208.. god i know my mouse too well. >> [_] Anon 1208065 >># 527 score >> [_] Anon 1208066 >># >>>/v/52271409 >> [_] Anon 1208071 I was getting bored of it so I stopped at 500. I think I could have gone longer though... Im not sure if I should be concered about that. >> [_] Anon 1208082 i got 71 game to flashy threw me off >> [_] Anon 1208096 203, I made a stupid mistake. >> [_] Anon 1208106 >># Same score here. Accidentally double-clicked on a single plate. >> [_] Anon 1208138 376 first try but i got kind of bored >> [_] Anon 1208139 i feel like i could do this forever so i just stopped after 100. >> [_] StormTrooper Jim !fofU1eWCY. 1208207 7462 got bored >> [_] Anon 1208211 214 felt like a beast >> [_] Anon 1208224 got 870 yea it is whatever. prolly cud of went longer but got bored yep so good >> [_] !!zMAsdq3pfD9 1208230 17 >> [_] Anon 1208242 112 >> [_] Anon 1208247 1000000000 then i got bored.... >> [_] Anon 1208261 Just keep clicking the circle on the top right... >> [_] Anon 1208318 194, but my finger started to hurt pretty damn easy
File[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Cursor Invisible Apolion 1193494 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1193512 I could keep this going forever, stopped at 150 >> [_] Anon 1193519 297 i'm so boss >> [_] Anon 1193568 178 before i accidentally the game >> [_] Anon 1193573 Wacom cintiq user here. stopped at 400 >> [_] Anon 1193576 314 first try. You wont believe where I stopped, this incredibly small area between 4 plates. It's like, the most unpossible place to hit and I hit it. >> [_] Anon 1193662 Much more fun if you try to do it as fast as possible >> [_] Anon 1193722 tablet pc equals win
File[invisi cursor.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] you know you want it. Anon 1174705 I've been to 200ish... Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1174716 209... eh >> [_] Anon 1174718 287 >> [_] Anon 1174719 got to 90 then got bored >> [_] Anon 1174725 >># You can't get bored. Go faster numb nuts >> [_] Anon 1174741 270 meh >> [_] Anon 1174750 128... Got bored... >> [_] Anon 1174761 >># You can very easily get bored, since this is a rather boring game, numb nuts. >> [_] Anon 1174765 stopped at 222 woulda gone for 1337 if i got paid for it lol >> [_] Anon 1174850 550 >> [_] Anon 1174882 8. God I hate the mac's touchpad so much. >> [_] Anon 1174918 I have no idea how this game works. >> [_] Anon 1174919 i stopped at 666 4 the lulz >> [_] Anon 1174921 >># Oh. I get it now. You should have called it BREAK THE TARGETS Because of Smash Brothers .... Yeah, I know >> [_] Anon 1174975 touch screen ftw >> [_] Anon 1174991 I got 9001 >> [_] Anon 1174992 My cursor is flashing now >> [_] Anon 1174999 304
File[invisi cursor.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] stuff from 2007 (good game) Anon 1168687 my high score goes to like 500 before I get bored. Maybe you guys could go higher.... before you get bored >> [_] Anon 1168743 When I got to 200 I was already bored >> [_] Anon 1168758 pretty cool. >> [_] Anon 1168764 i got to 1422 >> [_] Anon 1168794 good game >> [_] Anon 1168826 >># Inconcievable. I quit it after 250. >> [_] Anon 1168980 hah i have a pointer not a cursor >> [_] Anon 1168982 380 i lost
File[dagobah_Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [H] Anon 1046670 1. 4chan didn't always have "Report." 2. 4chan frontpage used to have a sidebar, and the homepage was news. 3. 4chan didn't always have the Yotsuba/Yotsuba B stylesheets. 4. 4chan didn't always have the feature where it'll link you the image you repoted. 5. 4chan didn't always suck. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1046675 There's something wrong with your argument but I can't quite put my finger on it. >4chan didn't always suck. Oh... right >> [_] Anon 1046699 95 >> [_] Anon 1046708 56 with a touch pad >> [_] Anon 1046709 Oldfag >> [_] Anon 1046710 208, g5 mouse, meh shit got boring >> [_] Anon 1046712 Got to 98 before i got bored. >> [_] Anon 1046718 362... on my pee see >> [_] Anon 1046768 150 with touchpad >> [_] Anon 1046770 266 im happy with that >> [_] Lornzor AKA God 1046771 I miss the CP. >> [_] Anon 1046776 I love this flash. I use3 it to test new mice. >> [_] Anon 1046785 Um...the sidebar is still there if you want it to be... >> [_] Anon 1046786 211, then I got bored. >> [_] Anon 1046792 117 before I got bored. Stylus = broken game. >> [_] Anon 1046805 i got over 9000 >> [_] fuck you for not removing the tag from the file name 1046820
File :[[g]Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] For Titanium Suiseiseki !!5uca+RtupjT 938481 Pretty simple, just do what it says >> [_] Anon 938486 Got 99 >> [_] Anon 938487 109 >> [_] Anon 938504 i got 213 >> [_] Anon 938517 151 But i'm on a laptop touchpad, so I deserve bonus points >> [_] Anon 938520 335. first time playing in 2 months >> [_] Anon 938603 145 first time, amazing how you just kinda know where it is from hours apon hours of web surfing... >> [_] Anon 938605 326, first time playing. I was going as fast as possible, pretty fun game. Surprised at how well I did. >> [_] Anon 938632 >># This. How the hell did we both get identical scores? >> [_] Anon 938636 >># i dunno? >> [_] Anon 938638 >># >># those are me,i just got 319 BOO YEAH >> [_] Anon 938641 its pretty easy with a tablet pc. 0/10 >> [_] Smiles !!GmrglFy+9/3 938650 Why did you post this when he is ban? 9_9 >> [_] Anon 938653 >># woo i got 334 >> [_] Anon 938655 >># woo 337 >> [_] Anon 938657 >># >># >># srsly
File :[[g]Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Mez !sU0LlTuknU 910662 >> [_] Anon 910674 25 lol >> [_] Anon 910693 98 >> [_] Anon 910697 7 >> [_] Mez !sU0LlTuknU 910698 101. >> [_] Anon 910701 130 >> [_] Anon 910715 69 on first attempt... >> [_] Anon 910720 94 >> [_] Anon 910721 217 biaches >> [_] Anon 910723 >># <-- my first attempt 191 second >> [_] Anon 910733 395 this is really fun >> [_] Anon 910745 498 on first attempt. Fun game, for one or two plays. >> [_] Anon 910749 816 >> [_] Anon 910768 245 FA before I fucked up and attempted to readjust my mouse >> [_] Anon 910780 117 third try >> [_] Anon 910804 612 Wanted the coveted 666GET, but my arm was getting numb. >> [_] Anon 910809 need something to tell you your accuracy >> [_] Anon 910819 >># 172 on my second try. >> [_] Anon 910821 I didn't know wtf was going on for 5 tries, then once I got it I got 385 >> [_] Anon 910823 over 9000 >> [_] Anon 910835 my 155 to 56sec >> [_] Anon 910837 1337 http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4286/ 1337score.jpg If you look carefully you will see how I got it. >> [_] Anon 910867 208 >> [_] Anon 910875 42 >> [_] Anon 910877 3 XD >> [_] Anon 910878 151 my first try, don't want to try again.
File :[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Your lack of [G] Anon 903773 IS DISTURBING!!! >> [_] Anon 903774 easy modo can easely rack up 160 points and i dont even stop clicking once >> [_] Anon 903816 >># Got to 290 in the same manner, but difficulty stays the same. So you can keep going indefinitely. >> [_] Anon 903825 468, god damn. >> [_] Anon 903830 I guess I know how reflexive my mouse movements are now. >> [_] Anon 903918 674. Fucking hell, it stops speeding up after like 300ish. >> [_] Anon 903923 22 D: >> [_] Anon 903925 14. Fuck. >> [_] Anon 903953 237 first try. This is interesting, I guess for the most part after a while, you don't even need to see you cursor anymore through muscle memory.
File :[Cursor_Invisible.swf] - (461 KB) [_] [G] Anon 887414 my best is 413, are you man enough go beat it? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 887417 hehe, I went much higher than that... in the 900s I've been using the computer for so long, that it just comes naturally. My mouse is also very high precision, which might help. It's a logitech VX nano. >> [_] Glaciod !!FIKs9rk6k0M 887421 You should all feel very pathetic and sad for being good at this game. I do. >> [_] Anon 887424 >># what was the exact number? >> [_] Anon 887432 I got 243 >> [_] Anon 887444 8999. fuck >> [_] Anon 887498 I thought that would be harder. But the moment it started I just kept clicking until I hit 342, I wasn't even aware of what I was really doing. >> [_] !vLOLWUTxnY 887501 I got to 96 before I noticed how easy it was. That made me wtf, so I failed at 97. >> [_] Anon 887502 116 anymore and I'll get a seizure.. >> [_] Anon 887526 697 fuck you >> [_] Anon 887534 186!!! >> [_] Anon 887535 >># pics or it didn't happen screenshot that shit! >> [_] Anon 887561 66 first didnt care after that >> [_] Anon 887564 first try 0 fuck yea >> [_] Harry !!eQQoehvFOPq 887565 I got over 9000. >> [_] Anon 887583 i lost interest at 55 >> [_] Anon 887585 i get 520! >> [_] Anon 887596 Lost interest at 554. >> [_] Anon 887607 It's too easy. Targets are too big and it doesn't require you to hit them within a particular time. >> [_] Anon 887609 Needs to have a limited number of targets to hit and a larger scoring gradient than pass-fail. Over 300 before I thought it was boring. >> [_] Anon 887615 FUUUUCK just like touch typing i can do it if i don't think abut it, my highest was 400 but as soon as i think about it i fail :( >> [_] Anon 887633 HARD MODE Shrink your window to a small as it can be. Something like 100x75. >> [_] Captain Niggawatts, Second Brigade !!cUGUUAl/cS8 887650 PROTIP: If you go fullscreen, in the top right is the symbol for the target. If you shoot it, it respawns instantly, and adds another target to the playfield, which will respawn constantly. If you shoot the target in the top right 50 times, it is practically impossible to lose, no matter how fast you click. >> [_] Anon 887656 I will not even try. I found this game bout 8 month ago. After 2300+ i got bored... All simple... >> [_] Anon 887661 Someone hack this game and set 0.8 sec for lose and lets Challenge! lol... >> [_] Anon 887665 9001, it's true. >> [_] Anon 887670 I'm always using a tablet so my accuracy isn't all that great with my mouse unless if the game is in 3D. Cool game. >> [_] Windows 2000 Professional 887688 like 200some and I start getting a headache due to strobe effect. Fun game though. |