File: Cursor Invisible.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game)
[_] I need 8legs, 7Vaginas pleeeaase Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)04:46 No.2486801
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)04:51 No.2486802
Best I got was about 66
This game is addictive
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)04:54 No.2486804
suck my dick.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)04:54 No.2486805
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)05:06 No.2486813
200, then purposely misclicked, because i got bored
>> [_] email 08/13/14(Wed)05:38 No.2486826
>> [_] rainKhaos 08/13/14(Wed)05:41 No.2486828
236 and then i got board too...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)05:50 No.2486831
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)05:55 No.2486833
270, because I have a drawing tablet and I got bored
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)06:02 No.2486837
what kind of drawing tablet?
im looking to get one
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)06:33 No.2486848
Man you're so cool
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)06:40 No.2486850
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)06:50 No.2486858
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)06:50 No.2486859
Yes, it gets boring to play right-clicking after a while and you just misclick on purpose to
sound cool.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)07:01 No.2486864
can't do it without right click?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)07:05 No.2486867
0, get gud faggets!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)07:36 No.2486889
279, but then I fucked up
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)09:15 No.2486960
4321 you fuckin losers can all suck my dick
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)09:16 No.2486964
I wish they actually made a score that included speed as well.
Like 3 points per target, minus the number of seconds it took or something
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)10:40 No.2487037
and/or how close to center
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/14(Wed)10:47 No.2487045