File: Invisible Cursor Reaction Test.swf-(451 KB, 440x330, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)18:26:55 No.2940934
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)18:33:28 No.2940940
first attempt 45 @8200dpi
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)18:45:05 No.2940946
>> [_] horu !J.PzngLkxU 11/01/15(Sun)18:50:53 No.2940949
4000 dpi 1000 polling rate
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)18:55:21 No.2940952
253 8000 dpi 8000 polling rate 25k volts per square inch 100,000k pixels per gallon
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:03:31 No.2940956
I plugged in my usb light gun and got 953.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:04:57 No.2940957
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:06:46 No.2940958
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:11:02 No.2940962
first try
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:11:54 No.2940964
Yeah, I have a touchscreen too.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:41:13 No.2940993
This game is easy if you play osu
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:47:08 No.2940996
>This game is easy if you play osu
got up to 216 then i got careless and missed
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:48:34 No.2940998
Or play any kind of videogames
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:48:46 No.2940999
If i had a touchscreen I would never miss
clearly I'll miss about 1/621 clicks
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)19:52:06 No.2941005
>MFW touchscreen
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)20:02:37 No.2941018
218, that´s a good idea for a simple game
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)20:08:51 No.2941025
240, on the small embedded window
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)20:24:28 No.2941039
infinite, its unlikely Id ever miss but I dont have that amount of time to spend
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)20:27:21 No.2941044
yeah honestly the game is too easy
it needs to start making the circles smaller and smaller with each consecutive click
I noticed around the 500 mark that they seem to get smaller but thats way too late to start
reducing target size.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)20:39:00 No.2941052
Agreed. Up until 500 it seemed like targets were getting bigger. Way to easy on lower dpi, which
I usually use. Maybe I just play too much csgo. At any rate I'd like to try making this game with
said improvements.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)21:34:20 No.2941115
>play games
>pretty good at it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)21:36:30 No.2941117
135, got bored. speed up the tempo of the music or something to increase difficulty and keep the
player in gauged.
>> [_] JmTrad 11/01/15(Sun)21:54:35 No.2941147
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)21:58:15 No.2941150
181 first try.
Tried going as fast as I could.
I fucked up because I went too fast and just clicked on instinct when the next target wasnt even
there yet.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/01/15(Sun)22:00:04 No.2941151
467 before my ASSFAGGOT loaded and I the screen switched.