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Threads (4):
File: flash 3D engine - temple.swf-(302 KB, Other) [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)06:59No.1702333 /f/ is not just for XXX Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)07:10No.1702338 looks good >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)08:45No.1702376 this was actually preety nice, I dont know why but I was expecting a screamer >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)09:26No.1702392 So this is vector graphics? >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)09:33No.1702394 I'd rather have XXX than the shit you dump. /f/ is for everyone, not just you >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)09:36No.1702396 >># No, bitmap >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)10:24No.1702420 >># >/f/ is for everyone so that includes OP, you fat niggercock >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)10:29No.1702424 Hehe. I found the secret. >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)10:41No.1702428 Change Pov and sprint. It's fun. >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)10:49No.1702433 It's actually been around for years, and apparently doesn't use Flash's newer 3d functions. >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)10:58No.1702441 that got rednecked >> [_] Anonymous06/19/12(Tue)11:04No.1702446 >># what secret?
/ > /swf/ > Thread 736 Age: 327.77d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 1949 Pretty awesome 3D game engine in Flash. [IMG] temple.swf (309.2 KiB) 800x600, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: <METADATA>
File :[bunker.swf] - (529 KB) [_] [?] Anon 908368 >> [_] demo Anon 908371 awesome !!! Don't know this is possible in Flash! >> [_] 908373 that's pretty cool >> [_] Kokanut! !o6SKznu5ZU 908374 Whoa! This reminds me of that 'demo' shooter game that was only like 54k but was a full lvl fps or something >> [_] Anon 908375 Do fucking want! >> [_] Anon 908383 i can move around and shoot my gun and go all over kewl i like you op >> [_] Anon 908414 holy fuck, another one by iles/2008/04/temple.swf quick someone get this man a fucking oscar, nobel prize, I don't care, just fucking something for packing half-life graphics and the engine all into half a fucking meg creator of these wins any internet I've ever procured. >> [_] Anon 908433 Hell yeah these def. remind me of the 64k games! Look them up, some amazing engineering. >> [_] Anon 908462 Things get freaky-awesome if you move the FOV out all the way. It's like you're running top speed through corridors that are normally reserved for nightmares where things are chasing you. >> [_] Anon 908478 i died! >> [_] Anon 908508 sure is quake 1 in here >> [_] Anon 908514 the technical aspectof this is just amazing. i mean, they made it render polys based on the sped of the charater. i mwan just holy shitcock this shit is awesome >> [_] Anon 908523 >># I love it! Could the creator make a forest to walk around in? possibly with infinitely randomly generated terrain? >> [_] â® 908534 This site has something similar. Click the button on the left to start. >> [_] Anon 908606 I see great things for this. >> [_] Anon 908670 I shat brix when I saw this.
File :[temple.swf] - (309 KB) [_] [?] Amazing 3D flash engine Anon 906676 if the high res textures don't load for you go here iles/2008/04/temple.swf this is one of the best looking 3D flash engines i've ever seen although I don't know why this demo doesn't have constant filtering either way it still looks great here is there official site Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 906679 nice >> [_] Anon 906682 holy fuck that is awesome >> [_] Anon 906684 >># Agreed! Hit "t" to turn on the triangulation... those are some complicated steps. :) >> [_] Anon 906687 >># god damn...looking at the polys, this is better than quake 1 graphics, IN FUCKING FLASH. Hell, the size of the quake 1 engine is larger than the size of this whole file. shit. >> [_] Anon 906693 well, flash handles most of it. I'm just having trouble figureing how this is possible when I can't blit 30 particles to a bitmapdata plane without severe slowdown. >> [_] Anon 906704 That's pretty impressive. Only the "high res" is just scaling and massive blurring. I'm pretty sure proof of that is the JPG artifacts that show up in the sky. It's easy to do that and there's better ways to draw texture maps, but it's good considering the speed and memory usage. My video card usually has trouble with any sort of 3d graphics at all. >> [_] Anon 906718 Too bad Silverlight is going to tear Flash a new asshole when it comes to online 3D content. >> [_] Anon 906720 where is the porn, what the fuck is this shit >> [_] Anon 906786 I liked Bunker better. >> [_] Mez !sU0LlTuknU 906788 Looks great when the FOV is all the way back. >> [_] Anon 906795 >># Silverlight is shit and you should be ashamed of yourself for mentioning it. >> [_] Anon 906796 This game sucks. >> [_] Anon 906800 >># you have to push the right area in order to access the secret sexy beach area. . . >> [_] Anon 906805 Awesome. Any games coming out that uses this engine? >> [_] Anon 906813 So is shit like this how all of those upcoming browser shooters are gonna work? Quake Live, Battlefield Heroes, etc? Because I straight up never thought this would be possible in FLASH, much less in-browser. >> [_] Anon 906859 Fuck yes you are the best thing ever also jesus christ how is it only 309 kb >> [_] Anon 906868 i dig this, >> [_] Anon 906869 Very nice, indeed. >> [_] Anon 906873 I would dig this more if i was still interested in actionscript programming. . . though, since i quit flash, i hear actionscripts gotten alot more sophisticated >> [_] Anon 906875 >># I'm sick of people making a big deal about how small code-only flash files can be! It's fucking byte-code, damnit! What inflates flash filesizes are the resources, sound and images. >> [_] Anon 906877 Why the fuck to people want browser based FPSes? |