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Threads (3):
File[coheedandcambria.swf] - (4.43 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1490014 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1490055 Can someone who has actually listened to Coheed and Cambria explain the joke here? >> [_] Anon 1490058 They took the opening of the song and the ending of the song and put them together. The person who made this probably doesn't like the sound of the lead singers voice, which is understandable even from a fan's point of view. >> [_] Anon 1490059 Tbh, I don't actually dislike them. I decided to make this as a joke a long while ago when someone uploaded a loop of the singer whining about some angsty tripe of being a doomed time-bomb and having to kill his children. That aside, I like them, but the voice... the voice... Made with Audacity. Song: Welcome Home >> [_] Anon 1490083 Remember back in high school where we defined ourselves by what music we did and didn't like? Good times. >> [_] Anon 1490087 Explore their music more, he has a very wide range. >> [_] Stefan 2709 1304 2507 1490092 >># you do realize that "angsty tripe" was him speaking about the characters in the storyline of the sci fi graphic novel that accompanies the albums, right? also if you explore them a bit more, claudio has a pretty impressive vocal range, and all of the members are very solid musically >> [_] Anon 1490094 Angsty tribe is angsty tripe. If I'm going to listen to it, it better sound fucking good. >> [_] Anon 1490095 >Tripe.* >> [_] Anon 1490097 >># you keep using that word, but i dont think it means what you think it does >> [_] Anon 1490098 By angst I mean: -noun an acute but nonspecific sense of anxiety or remorse. By tripe I mean: –noun something, especially speech or writing, that is false or worthless; rubbish. Questions? >> [_] Anon 1490105 HAHAHA well done! You showed the internet! >> [_] Cirno !CIRNOtrFGA 1490160 >># the hipster is within you, young one and it disgusts thy family >> [_] TheCableGuy 1490269 Only ever heard Blood Red Summer...... LOVED IT! Of course, I also only heard it watching the Video and it was great. I only wish all Horrible movies played out like that. But that one song was enough to impress me. >> [_] Anon 1490277 >># Yeah, I feel the same way about Dave Matthews Band. I'm pretty alright with all their songs until Dave starts singing, then I want to rip off my own ears. >> [_] Anon 1490314 Most of the people in this thread are faggots. Coheed and Cambria is a great band, Claudio is awesome, and the songs are half about his life and half about aforementioned sci-fi graphic novels he writes, which are half about his life. Why is Claudio awesome? Because he's singer, guitarist, song-writer and source material. He is the band. >> [_] Anon 1490318 GTFO kris.
File :[coheedandcambria.swf] - (4.43 MB) [_] [L] The best they ever did... PoeiKrio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 984089 The musicians are fine... its the singer I cant stand. band - singer = damn good instrumental tracks Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 984095 i really dont care what bands you dont like >> [_] Anon 984105 >># I really don't care you don't care OP doesn't like this band >> [_] Anon 984110 >># I really don't care you don't care that >># doesn't care that OP doesn't like this band >> [_] Anon 984115 >># >># >># >># Faggots >> [_] Anon 984119 >># I really don't care if they're faggots. >> [_] Anon 984120 I dont care if you dont care if he thinks they are faggots. >> [_] Anon 984123 I AM BEING SUCKED IN BY THE BLACK HOLE CREATED BY NOT CAREING! (ALSO SURFING WITH CAPSLOCK!) >> [_] Anon 984145 I draw mustaches with a sharpie on people's faces. >> [_] Anon 984173 i didn't care enough to post in this thread, but i cared enough to tell you that i don't care >> [_] Anon 984176 That was pretty dumb and puerile. >> [_] Anon 984188 >># FRANCEFAG ALERT >> [_] Matt Hazard !c.8/GdjQOA 984198 The singer is a whiny neckbearded faggot who needs a goddamn haircut and liposuction >> [_] some dude 984210 >># we all don' care >> [_] Anon 984245 sage >> [_] Anon 984260 >># your careless spelling reveals that you are 13 years old. >># your idiocy reveals that you are 13 years old. >># we didn't need anything to reveal that you are 13 years old, but you did it anyway. way to go! >># to risk jumping on a bandwagon, we really don't give a flying, shitting fuck. the fact that you disregarded this to waste a few minutes of my life reveals that you are 13 years old. NOW THE POOL'S CLOSED, FAGS. EVERYBODY STFU. >> [_] Anon 984284 >># I have the same problem with Guns N' Roses. >> [_] Anon 984298 this sux; >> [_] Anon 984302 I fucking love this band >> [_] Anon 984303 Moar like Blowheed and Cumbria amirite? >> [_] The Laziest Troll 984305 Odd, I was just listening to this song. >> [_] Anon 984321 >># win >> [_] Anon 984326 hurr >> [_] 123 984348 Whats the name of the actual song in the remix? or wtf is this on about? >> [_] Anon 984371 >># original song is Welcome Home >> [_] Anon 984388 age for "fuck youtube" at the end
File :[coheedandcambria.swf] - (4.43 MB) [_] [L] best song they ever did Poei Krio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 975086 Band: Coheed and Cambria Song: Welcome Home Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 975100 I would like an mp3 of this >> [_] Poei Krio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 975110 Mixed using Audacity, btw. http://rapidshare.com/files/230400516/Co heed__Cambria_-_Welcome_Home.mp3.html >> [_] Anon 975118 agreed, this isn't music, it's a boring ass story to a shitty rhythm. >> [_] Anon 975121 I'm glad you express your hatred of their music with a tribute of their music. >> [_] Anon 975133 why are there no lyrics? the whole point of their music is that they tell a story... so what the fuck? >> [_] Anon 975186 It sounds good because it's a departure from the other shit they do and the lead singer's voice is VERY annoying in my opinion. And that's coming from a d00d who listens to Rush. >> [_] Poei Krio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 975248 Next is taking the niggers out of Feel Good Inc. >> [_] Anon 975262 You fail hard, OP. GTFO >> [_] Poei Krio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 975273 I just pissed off a nigger apparently. :D >> [_] anonymous 975283 Poei Krio go fuck yourself, apparently you don't like listening to anything anyone has to say if you cant stand listening to some kinda story song you closed minded fucktard. go read a book and maybe you'll be able to be a little more social in life or better yet, a newspaper article. its short, so your insignificant mind should be able to comprehend it. >> [_] Poei Krio !!zRC1Xn8rqKN 975284 >># >># >># 4 v 1. Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful. >> [_] Anon 975293 Coheed is a kick ass band. the comic is intense and welcome home isnt even that good. The end complete is their best in my opinion. >> [_] Anon 975381 >># oblivious poster is oblivious also i hate the singers whiny voice, but the instrumental parts are pretty cool. >> [_] Anon 975442 OP clearly loves dragonforce >> [_] Anon 975449 Coheed and Cambria is a band of four people who's main purpose is to tell a love story between Coheed and Cambria, two lovers who turn out to be more than what they thought, the beast and the beauty. The end of the world is predicted and followed through with, and it shows how he journeys through everything, demons, the apocalypse, etc. The singer may have a strange voice, but his vocal range is very good, hes also the lead guitarist, which takes talent piled on top of singing. The band is good, but if you dont like his voice, then simple, dont listen. |