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This is resource NVO8EEY, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/3 -2011 20:52:26

Ended:1/4 -2011 07:58:11

Checked:2/4 -2011 01:20:47

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[coheedandcambria.swf] - (4.43 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)13:45 No.1490014

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)15:25 No.1490055

  Can someone who has actually listened to Coheed and Cambria explain the joke here?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)15:30 No.1490058

  They took the opening of the song and the ending of the song and put them together.
  The person who made this probably doesn't like the sound of the lead singers voice, which is
  understandable even from a fan's point of view.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)15:42 No.1490059

  Tbh, I don't actually dislike them. I decided to make this as a joke a long while ago when
  someone uploaded a loop of the singer whining about some angsty tripe of being a doomed time-bomb
  and having to kill his children. That aside, I like them, but the voice... the voice...

  Made with Audacity.
  Song: Welcome Home

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)16:56 No.1490083

  Remember back in high school where we defined ourselves by what music we did and didn't like?
  Good times.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:02 No.1490087

  Explore their music more, he has a very wide range.

>> [_] Stefan 2709 1304 2507 03/31/11(Thu)17:15 No.1490092

  you do realize that "angsty tripe" was him speaking about the characters in the storyline of the
  sci fi graphic novel that accompanies the albums, right? also if you explore them a bit more,
  claudio has a pretty impressive vocal range, and all of the members are very solid musically

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:19 No.1490094

  Angsty tribe is angsty tripe. If I'm going to listen to it, it better sound fucking good.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:20 No.1490095


>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:23 No.1490097

  you keep using that word, but i dont think it means what you think it does

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:26 No.1490098

  By angst I mean:

  an acute but nonspecific sense of anxiety or remorse.
  By tripe I mean:

  something, especially speech or writing, that is false or worthless; rubbish.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)17:52 No.1490105

  HAHAHA well done! You showed the internet!

>> [_] Cirno !CIRNOtrFGA 03/31/11(Thu)20:27 No.1490160

  the hipster is within you, young one

  and it disgusts thy family

>> [_] TheCableGuy 03/31/11(Thu)23:19 No.1490269

  Only ever heard Blood Red Summer...... LOVED IT!

  Of course, I also only heard it watching the Video and it was great. I only wish all Horrible
  movies played out like that.

  But that one song was enough to impress me.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/11(Thu)23:24 No.1490277

  Yeah, I feel the same way about Dave Matthews Band. I'm pretty alright with all their songs until
  Dave starts singing, then I want to rip off my own ears.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/11(Fri)00:13 No.1490314

  Most of the people in this thread are faggots. Coheed and Cambria is a great band, Claudio is
  awesome, and the songs are half about his life and half about aforementioned sci-fi graphic
  novels he writes, which are half about his life.

  Why is Claudio awesome? Because he's singer, guitarist, song-writer and source material. He is
  the band.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/11(Fri)00:14 No.1490318

  GTFO kris.
Created: 31/3 -2011 20:52:26 Last modified: 2/4 -2011 01:20:49 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:01:12