File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai)
[_] Adding another Sonic sex gameAnonymous07/01/12(Sun)17:37No.1710890
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)17:58No.1710900
Who the fuck is "Mighty The Armadillo" ?
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)18:08No.1710907
A character Sega came up with when they were first designing Sonic, then they put him in a couple
of games that basically no-one ever played.
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)18:12No.1710909
A cancelled Sonic character, he only appeares playable in SegaSonic and Knuckles Chaotix.
>> [_] Fobhopper07/01/12(Sun)22:27No.1711024
anyone figure out the cypher to the weird ass message marine gives you? I can figure out one or
two letters, but trying to implement others doesnt add up when working on other words. all i can
safely say is R = E
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:32No.1711026
>> [_] spacey @_@07/01/12(Sun)22:34No.1711030
I played this before, its pretty cool but
no harem ending
gotta be into giantess sex scene,
and I'm not "big" on giantess chicks :D
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:48No.1711045
GTFO furfags
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:59No.1711053
guys find a girl, then right click > play until you are in the bedroom then watch the scenes, not
a fucking difficult task
>> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)23:25No.1711070
He was basically Knuckles before there was Knuckles, much like Ray the Flying Squirrel was Tails
before there was Tails