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Threads (11):
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Guide Inside Anon 1924862 Taken from someone's post on tempy's site FEMALES: TIKAL - Breast size: 38A Favorite song: Green Garden Favorite item: iza dolls Favorite stat: knowledge. Birthday: December 23rd SONIA - Breast size 32C Favorite song: Life of the Party Favorite item: flowers Favorite stat: strength Birthday: October 4th AMY - Breast size: 34C Favorite song: Every Rose Has a Thorn Favorite item: gold rings Favorite stat: charm Birthday: September 23rd SALLY - Breast size: 32b Favorite song: Pathetique Favorite item: Flowers Favorite stat: Knowledge Birthday: December 18th Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1924863 MALES: TAILS (teehee) - Favorite stat: knowledge, Favorite item: Iza dolls, Birthday: November 21st , Favorite song: Flying True, Height: 2.7 SONIC - Favorite stat: Charm Favorite item: Gold Rings Birthday: September 23rd Favorite song: Speedlines Height: 3,3 MIGHTY - Favorite stat: Strenght Favorite item: Flower Birthday: June 15th Favorite song: Fighting Aces Height: 3,4 >> [_] Anon 1924864 QUIZ ANSERS: Knuckles: 2nd doll Marine: "smartpower" (without caps) EMERALDS: Day 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 70, 80. Requirments to get each emerald are as follows; Day 10. 2 flowers & 2 Iza dolls. Day 20. 2 flowers & 2 rings. Day 30. 4 rings. Day 45. 4 Iza dolls. Day 60. 2 rings & 2 Iza dolls Day 70. 1 ring 3 flowers. Day 80. 3 rings & 1 Iza doll. OTHER STATS: talk till exp is 20 then ask is ok. wait till later for gifts (between 50 - 100) sooner if they hint at a gift. date usually isnt going to happen till after 400. bit more with some characters (still working on which exactly) DATE COST: Palace Gardens: $200 Lake Cetza: $10 641 Resteruant: $400 Hotel: free >> [_] Anon 1924866 thats about everything i have. also if your only in the game to just fuck (not reach the macro level) talk with whom ever you are looking to bang and right click your mouse. then just keep clicking play till you get to the hotel scene (it will show sexual acts to do) from there you can fuck em all you want. also to get the elusive rouge and shadow sex scenes is a bit tricky. you have to miss a few emeralds and head to the "streets" inbetween the 5th and 6th window to the right side is the side of a building check that to get to the alley. >> [_] Anon 1924868 it may take a few try's and even losing a few emeralds you already have but you'll eventually get it. but truth be told the scenes aint the best so do this only if your bored with the rest of the gals/guys you've fucked already (pic posted is from the rouge alley scene). also to get to the macro sex scene you must input the first date you kissed. this however does not include the fireworks, theatre, tunnel of love, or anyother story based date. its only from clicking on date when you talk to them and getting a kiss afterwards. as to getting a kiss everytime I do 4 talks 2 gifts and then kiss. works everytime unless you answer a question wrong/give wrong gift. >> [_] Anon 1924874 >Sonia shares my birthdate Coincidentally, I find her to be the hottest character in this flash >> [_] Anon 1924956 art could be better >> [_] Anon 1924963 where is the alley? can you explain better? >> [_] Anon 1924969 what the god damn fuck do I do on dates? >> [_] Anon 1924973 >># Like you usually do in dating sims, choose the right response to her questions. >> [_] Anon 1924974 >># I do and nothing happens, can't even kiss her >> [_] Anon 1924977 I ground like crazy until everything was above 100. Now I get more than 2500 dollars for working at a construction site. >> [_] Anon 1924982 >># all correct answers to questions then give fav gift. then smoochy >> [_] Anon 1924991 how do I become lovers isn't gf/bf enough ;_; >> [_] Anon 1924992 >># I tried to cheat my way to the date and I couldn't click on the choices for some reason, did you do the same thing? >> [_] Anon 1924998 >won't do feet >will do anal lel >> [_] Anon 1924999 HOW TO GET MAKE DOSH PLEASE BE GIVING OF
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1871468 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1871500 How the fuck do you decode marine's message? >> [_] Anon 1871510 >># smartpower >> [_] Anon 1871522 thxthx >> [_] Anon 1871529 >># how teh hell did you figure that out? >> [_] Anon 1871533 >># I didn't, I first saw this flash on tempy's website years ago and one of the comments had the answer. >> [_] Anon 1871535 >># ah >> [_] Anon 1871562 why the FLYING FUCK did the creator think it was a good idea to have the girls only occasionally appear in their designated areas. i've spent 5 minutes straight now clicking on the streets and then back without seeing sonia once. >> [_] Anon 1871580 >># You must be new to dating sims, THEY ALL DO THAT. >> [_] Anon 1871593 >Too bad! You dont have the required items to take the Chaos Emerald! Niggawhat.png What the fuck are the required items? >> [_] Anon 1871597 >2013 >Not fucking bitches as the motherfucking MIGHTY THE ARMADILLO Bitches gonna take on the ass >> [_] Anon 1871615 Tikal... Tikal everywhere... >> [_] Anon 1871640 oh god the sex scenes >> [_] Anon 1871663 You know what's a great feature in these games? Phones and girl's houses. Also, I don't want to talk to tail's or Mighty in fear they might mount me. Thoughts? >> [_] Anon 1871669 "Oh hey sonic, want to go somewhere tonight?" Click:Date "Oh I'm busy right now, maybe another time."
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1790726 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1790795 What is the keyword? >> [_] Anon 1790799 >># smartpower >> [_] Anon 1790806 what is this i didnt know there was a pop fucking quiz on dates shit i've rage to much with this game >> [_] Anon 1790812 isn't sonia like your sister or something aren't they related >> [_] Anon 1790818 >># Sonic Underground is considered to be part of a different universe like most Sonic related media not associated with the mainstream series, therefore she isn't related to any of the mentioned Sonics except for the one in Sonic Underground. >> [_] Anon 1790834 ok good cause i already fucked her ust wondering also why is tails such a loner in this game >> [_] Anon 1790836 Can you only fuck one of them? I fucked Sonia but nothing seems to be working on the others. >> [_] DeadlyWolf844 1790837 Lol Most Dating sims quizzes you on the info you ask prior on the dates, thats why i opened notepad and wrote all the inportant info (birthdays ect.) >> [_] Anon 1790838 >># every one is fuckable there is just differnt levels of exp you need plus you need to appeal to thier interests with charm and buy them some cool shit the rest is just the same >> [_] Anon 1790839 how much exp do i need to ask the effing questions, im 32 days in and all i got is Tikal's birthday, Amy and Sonia are being dicks! >> [_] Anon 1790842 If I remember correctly, Rouge and Shadow are hidden characters you can either have sex with or buy back a emerald from once they steal it from you. They rarely spawn in the bar but once they steal the emerald from you, they will run to a hidden alleyway in the city area you usually see Sonia at, I think you had to pay 15,000 rings to either fuck them or get the emerald back. Also, to get the macro ending, you have to give all seven chaos emeralds to the girl (or guy) of your choosing, remember to jot down the exact day you either first kissed them or first started dating them. And here's the source of the game. http://www.tempysart.com/ Also, the source of the movie theater clip you see is by Vanja. >> [_] Anon 1790849 >># They both spawn in the street and in the pub and ask you a question in exchange for an emerald. So far I haven't had them steal anything, though. >> [_] Anon 1790947 sally 18th sept 32B beethoven pathetique amy 23 sept erry rose haz its thorn 34C tikal green garden, 38a, 23 dec sonia 32C 4th oct life on the party you are welcome fuckers. >> [_] Anon 1790954 >># You forgot tails and mighty, fucker. What if someone wanted to fuck them in the ass? >> [_] Anon 1790974 Every ten days or so an emerald spawns. You need a number of dolls, rings and or flowers to get it. If you don't then shadow and rogue will appear in the streets and the beach respectively and sell it to you. To smex I think you need to date them in all three locations. To macro finish you need the day of the first kiss. >> [_] Anon 1790988 Pick a character and level up the stat that they like; Strength, Knowledge, or Charm, then talk to them. The best thing to do is pick whichever character you want to fuck, then talk to them until they tell you what their favorite gift is. After that, buy about 50 of that gift and 10 of the other two. Give them their favorite gift until they ask you to go on a date with them, then keep asking them on a date. If they refuse once it doesn't mean that they will refuse every time. On the date, answer 5 questions using the answers in this thread, and give them 1 gift then kiss. Repeat this until they invite you to the party. Every character has a certain EXP level required before they ask you to go with them to the party, after the party they take you to the hotel date and you fuck them. After that you can fuck them whenever. Sonia has the lowest EXP requirement at around 1000, Tails has the highest at around 3500.
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Sanic Macro Fetish Dating Sim Anon 1747918 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1747946 who has the patience for this, for god's sake, >> [_] Anon 1748132 you can only get 1 partner I do believe, have 2 of them around 4000 but I can only fuck 1 >> [_] Anon 1748136 bump. Who has a guide for the date questions?
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1737146 >> [_] Anon-sama 1737273 I'll be honest...this is the first time I've seen this particular game before. >> [_] Anon 1737281 this is the worst drawn thing i have ever seen and yet my morbid curiosity means I have to play it :| >> [_] Anon 1737285 This is not so much a "game" as it is an exploration of absurdity. It's monotonous. The stats are meaningless. Wealth is meaningless. Encounters are random (because phones apparently don't exist). Riddles are esoteric. It's just a poor-effort copy of better-made "sim dating" games. >> [_] Anon 1737289 How fucking high do you have to get their interest in you up to ask one on a fucking date? I have Tikal at over 1000 and she wont date me >> [_] Anon 1737312 >># I just gave her an emerald. Bitches love emerald. But I think she friendzoned me, because she won't fuck me. And that pink one did it in like 1 date. That slut.
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Macro Sonic Sim Date Anon 1718418 Enjoy Furfags! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1718474 Right click >Forwar/play to cut to the good stuff >> [_] Anon 1718633 Type any of these into the URL bar while the game is loaded: javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("Strength",123); javascript:document.e mbeds[0].SetVariable("Charm",123); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("Know ledge",123); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("Money",12345); javascri pt:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("HP",1 23); >> [_] Anon 1718634 >># Except for, you know, don't hit enter in the middle of any of them... >> [_] Anon 1718643 this bitch sonya'll let me put it in her ass, but won't touch my penis with her feet....women... so how do i make her grow and get this over with already? around 50 days and i've done everything >> [_] Anon 1718648 >># too retarded to know how to use any of that correctly nothing changes >> [_] Anon 1718658 >># Start feeding her emeralds. >># copy paste them where the url is and if it doesn't say javascript:document type in the the javascript part and hit enter your stats or money will increase. >> [_] Anon 1718672 feet were horrible.
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] /r/ insideAnonymous07/08/12(Sun)15:41No.1715 626 I am looking for more simdates like this that let you date men and women plz provide Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)16:39No.1715650 >SELECT A CHARACTER >PLAY AS SONIC nope. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)16:50No.1715657 I can get all of them (minus the guy) to fuck me but I never succeed in the end. WTF? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)17:36No.1715682 >># You need to collect all 7 chaos emeralds and give them to the character of your choice, then you need to remember either the day you first kissed them or date them when they ask then you get the macro ending. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)17:50No.1715698 the fuck what are the requied items? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)17:53No.1715703 >Tikal knows me but neither Sally nor Tails does wtf is this shit? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)18:09No.1715713 >># > the requied items You should have at least four of each item from the mall at any time - the "required items" are four randomly chosen items, and if you don't have enough of whatever it chooses at the time, you fail to get that emerald. >># >Tikal knows me but neither Sally nor Tails does You need to boost the stat each character "likes" before they'll talk to you in a friendly way. Sally likes strength - work out a bit before trying to hit on her. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)18:10No.1715715 Can I fuck more than 1 girl? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)18:22No.1715721 >># Yes but managing more than 2 within 50 days may be difficult. >> [_] Ice07/08/12(Sun)19:00No.1715740 Honestly, I'd rather see a Super form than a giant form of any girl >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)19:29No.1715752 i have amy's exp at almost 300, she's telling me to date her, but when i try to select date, she says "not just now." This is the most accurate thing ever. Also how to fucking fix this. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)19:31No.1715753 OP here does anyone know of any other simdates that allow the dating of men and women >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)19:54No.1715769 >># Persona 2 >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)19:58No.1715773 >># Isn't Persona 4 the one that not only lets you date women and men, but also a dog? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:16No.1715781 I'd rather play DNA². Still sucked. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:20No.1715783 What is the key word for marine to get a strength booster in the library? >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:22No.1715785 >># Never mind that, I have Tikal at over 1200 exp and she's saying the same thing. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:23No.1715788 >># Uh, no. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:30No.1715793 >># Innocent Sin allows Tatsuya to have gay interactions with Jun. >> [_] Breeder07/08/12(Sun)20:31No.1715794 >># make sure you use the ask button as well. she has to open up to you before you can date >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)20:34No.1715795 >># smartpower Just keep mashing the date button, if that doesn't work ask a question and try some more also, is it not possible to have sex with more than one person? I fucked tikal and even though I became lovers with everyone beforehand, I can't go to the final place with anyone else >> [_] Breeder07/08/12(Sun)20:52No.1715807 tikal: stat- knowledege bday- 23rd of Dec item- dolls chest size- 38A song- green garden sonia: bday- oct 4th item- flowers chest- 32c song- life of the party amy: item- ring chest- 34c bday- sept 23th song- every rose has a thorn stat- charming sally: bday- sept 18th stat- strength? knowledge? item- flowers chest- 32b song- pathetique i have 2 stats for sally because she's told me to improve both of those and she seems to think both are important. on our date, she asked which i would raise for her and i chose knowledge and got the kiss. >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)21:02No.1715811 Used tails. Dammit, Sonic and Tikal are stalking me! Finally got Sonia up to going on a date, and now every time I go to the streets it's Sonic Sonic Sonic... Go to the beach to look for Sally, and it's Tikal Tikal Tikal... Damn flat chested stalkers, I just want the boobies... >> [_] Anonymous07/08/12(Sun)21:50No.1715841 Supercharge yourself! Type these in the address bar while running the game, and hit enter: javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("HP",900); javascript:document.embeds[0 ].SetVariable("Strength",900); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("Charm&qu ot;,900); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("Knowledge",900); javascript:doc ument.embeds[0].SetVariable("Money",9999 );
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Adding another Sonic sex gameAnonymous07/01/12(Sun)17:37No.1710890 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)17:58No.1710900 Who the fuck is "Mighty The Armadillo" ? >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)18:08No.1710907 >># A character Sega came up with when they were first designing Sonic, then they put him in a couple of games that basically no-one ever played. >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)18:12No.1710909 A cancelled Sonic character, he only appeares playable in SegaSonic and Knuckles Chaotix. >> [_] Fobhopper07/01/12(Sun)22:27No.1711024 anyone figure out the cypher to the weird ass message marine gives you? I can figure out one or two letters, but trying to implement others doesnt add up when working on other words. all i can safely say is R = E >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:32No.1711026 >># smartpower >> [_] spacey @_@07/01/12(Sun)22:34No.1711030 I played this before, its pretty cool but no harem ending gotta be into giantess sex scene, and I'm not "big" on giantess chicks :D T-T-T-T-TRIPLE INNUENDO >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:48No.1711045 GTFO furfags >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)22:59No.1711053 guys find a girl, then right click > play until you are in the bedroom then watch the scenes, not a fucking difficult task >> [_] Anonymous07/01/12(Sun)23:25No.1711070 >># He was basically Knuckles before there was Knuckles, much like Ray the Flying Squirrel was Tails before there was Tails
File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Sonic Dating Sim Anon 1699968 There is a "REALLY" hard to get sex scene with Rouge and Shadow. To get this scene normally, you need to obtain a Chaos Emerald in which they may attempt to steal it from you, they will then hide in a secret alley hidden in the city area where you usually see Sonia. When you find them, you can either pay them (I think it was 15,000 rings) to buy the emerald back or to have sex. The hard part is getting them to appear and steal your emerald as they both have very low encounter rates but they can usually appear in the bar where you meet Tails (If not playing as him) and they won't always try to steal any existing emeralds in your inventory as they can sell you ones they've found too. Continued in next post... >> [_] Anon 1699969 Now the easiest thing to do without all that hassle besides having the cash on you is to use a scene skip with the right click buttons Forward and Back and jump to the secret alley scene, although they won't always appear there either so you will have to jump in and out of that scene until they actually appear. Now, as for the objective of this game, you must find all the chaos emeralds and give them to the girl (or guy) of your choice before the game ends to unlock a macro fetish ending. My only advice to you is to make sure you record down which day you've kissed your lover as they'll ask you about it and if you get it wrong, you'll fail to complete the game. >> [_] 1699983 >># Sounds suspicious. I just find the girl I want to fuck and, after I talk to her, Right click play all the way to the sex scene (it takes a few clicks) >> [_] Anon 1699999 >># Shadow & Rouge are in the game. I remember doing the exact same exploit when I first played the game years and years ago. >> [_] Anon 1700001 >># SOUNDS LIKE RAPE
Anonymous Can finally post shitty S(...) 1695285 File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai) [_] Can finally post shitty Sonic dating sim Anon 1695285 Marked for deletion (old). >> Anon 1695293 [_]AnonymousNo.169529306/09/12(Sat)20:03 1695293 I've played this before, you can skip all the bullshit and get to the normal sex scenes by finding the character you want to fuck then right-click>play until you get to the sex options. However the macro scenes as well as the hidden sex scenes with Rogue and Shadow won't work this way. Oh, and some of the sex animations may have been ripped off of ganguro girl. >> Anon 1695294 [_]AnonymousNo.169529406/09/12(Sat)20:05 1695294 >shitty >> Anon 1695311 [_]AnonymousNo.169531106/09/12(Sat)20:31 1695311 tyring to beat this can't find keyword >> Anon 1695312 [_]AnonymousNo.169531206/09/12(Sat)20:34 1695312 >># You mean Marine's puzzle? I think the answer was smart power >> Anon 1695315 [_]AnonymousNo.169531506/09/12(Sat)20:38 1695315 why the fuck does Sonic need a job? >> Anon 1695359 [_]AnonymousNo.169535906/09/12(Sat)21:42 1695359 how do you get these secret scenes? >> Anon 1695407 [_]AnonymousNo.169540706/09/12(Sat)22:46 1695407 >># Blue man's gotta' find SOME way to put chili-dogs on the table.
File[Macro Sonic Sim.swf] - (4.09 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1278684 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1278689 IT'S A TRAP >> [_] Anon 1278693 Link if you are too lazy to type it all out. http://tails.kicks-ass.net/upload/adult/ MSS.swf >> [_] Anon 1278729 What is this key word then? >> [_] Anon 1278731 >># What keyword? >> [_] Anon 1278735 Fuck. Now I have to go play Grand Theft Auto Vice City again. >> [_] Anon 1278772 Answer to Marine's puzzle is smartpower. Also, Shadow and Rouge are hidden in this game. You can either purchase an emerald they steal from you or pay to have sex with them. >> [_] Anon 1278833 Source on song >> [_] Anon 1278843 >># Joe Jackson - Steppin Out >> [_] Anon 1278855 Sex scenes without all the work: -Get any girl/guy onscreen (talking) -Right click/Forward through the scenes/dating until you get to the bedroom where you can make use of the poses. -If you don't use the "cum" pose, you can keep moving forward until you get to the macro scene, where you get more poses with their giant version, although really crappily done. >> [_] Anon 1278890 if it's over the size limit, it wouldn't upload and therefore not be seeing an error code >> [_] Anon 1278900 is there a way to trigger Rouge to appear other than just waiting for an emerald to appear? >> [_] Anon 1278906 god neither sonic or tails ever show up where they're supposed to >> [_] Anon 1278910 >># You have to maneuver your way through the hidden ally through means of right click Forward and Back until she appears. however, you might end up getting Shadow instead |