File[Macro Sonic Sim.swf] - (4.09 MB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)12:29 No.1278684
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)12:35 No.1278689
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)12:38 No.1278693
Link if you are too lazy to type it all out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)13:20 No.1278729
What is this key word then?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)13:23 No.1278731
What keyword?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)13:28 No.1278735
Fuck. Now I have to go play Grand Theft Auto Vice City again.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)14:31 No.1278772
Answer to Marine's puzzle is smartpower.
Also, Shadow and Rouge are hidden in this game. You can either purchase an emerald they steal
from you or pay to have sex with them.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:23 No.1278833
Source on song
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:30 No.1278843
Joe Jackson - Steppin Out
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:44 No.1278855
Sex scenes without all the work:
-Get any girl/guy onscreen (talking)
-Right click/Forward through the scenes/dating until you get to the bedroom where you can make
use of the poses.
-If you don't use the "cum" pose, you can keep moving forward until you get to the macro scene,
where you get more poses with their giant version, although really crappily done.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:28 No.1278890
if it's over the size limit, it wouldn't upload and therefore not be seeing an error code
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:37 No.1278900
is there a way to trigger Rouge to appear other than just waiting for an emerald to appear?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:46 No.1278906
neither sonic or tails ever show up where they're supposed to
>> [_] Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:49 No.1278910
You have to maneuver your way through the hidden ally through means of right click Forward and
Back until she appears. however, you might end up getting Shadow instead