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This is resource DRCPBNI, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/10 -2012 16:09:24
12.4 years ago.

Ended:27/10 -2012 22:31:31
12.3 years ago.

Checked:29/10 -2012 11:18:59
12.3 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)08:51 No.1790726

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)11:33 No.1790795

  What is the keyword?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)11:40 No.1790799


>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)12:04 No.1790806

  what is this
  i didnt know there was a pop fucking quiz on dates
  i've rage to much with this game

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)12:24 No.1790812

  isn't sonia like
  your sister or something
  aren't they related

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)12:32 No.1790818

  Sonic Underground is considered to be part of a different universe like most Sonic related media
  not associated with the mainstream series, therefore she isn't related to any of the mentioned
  Sonics except for the one in Sonic Underground.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)12:59 No.1790834

  ok good cause i already fucked her
  ust wondering
  also why is tails such a loner in this game

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)13:03 No.1790836

  Can you only fuck one of them? I fucked Sonia but nothing seems to be working on the others.

>> [_] DeadlyWolf844 10/22/12(Mon)13:07 No.1790837

  Lol Most Dating sims quizzes you on the info you ask prior on the dates, thats why i opened
  notepad and wrote all the inportant info (birthdays ect.)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)13:09 No.1790838

  every one is fuckable there is just differnt levels of exp you need plus you need to appeal to
  thier interests with charm and buy them some cool shit
  the rest is just the same

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)13:10 No.1790839

  how much exp do i need to ask the effing questions, im 32 days in and all i got is Tikal's
  birthday, Amy and Sonia are being dicks!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)13:20 No.1790842

  If I remember correctly, Rouge and Shadow are hidden characters you can either have sex with or
  buy back a emerald from once they steal it from you. They rarely spawn in the bar but once they
  steal the emerald from you, they will run to a hidden alleyway in the city area you usually see
  Sonia at, I think you had to pay 15,000 rings to either fuck them or get the emerald back.

  Also, to get the macro ending, you have to give all seven chaos emeralds to the girl (or guy) of
  your choosing, remember to jot down the exact day you either first kissed them or first started
  dating them.

  And here's the source of the game.

  Also, the source of the movie theater clip you see is by Vanja.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)13:41 No.1790849

  They both spawn in the street and in the pub and ask you a question in exchange for an emerald.

  So far I haven't had them steal anything, though.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)16:52 No.1790947

  sally 18th sept 32B beethoven pathetique

  amy 23 sept erry rose haz its thorn 34C

  tikal green garden, 38a, 23 dec

  sonia 32C 4th oct life on the party

  you are welcome fuckers.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)17:06 No.1790954

  You forgot tails and mighty, fucker. What if someone wanted to fuck them in the ass?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)17:24 No.1790974

  Every ten days or so an emerald spawns. You need a number of dolls, rings and or flowers to get
  it. If you don't then shadow and rogue will appear in the streets and the beach respectively and
  sell it to you. To smex I think you need to date them in all three locations. To macro finish you
  need the day of the first kiss.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/22/12(Mon)17:42 No.1790988

  Pick a character and level up the stat that they like; Strength, Knowledge, or Charm, then talk
  to them.

  The best thing to do is pick whichever character you want to fuck, then talk to them until they
  tell you what their favorite gift is. After that, buy about 50 of that gift and 10 of the other
  two. Give them their favorite gift until they ask you to go on a date with them, then keep asking
  them on a date. If they refuse once it doesn't mean that they will refuse every time.

  On the date, answer 5 questions using the answers in this thread, and give them 1 gift then kiss.
  Repeat this until they invite you to the party. Every character has a certain EXP level required
  before they ask you to go with them to the party, after the party they take you to the hotel date
  and you fuck them. After that you can fuck them whenever.

  Sonia has the lowest EXP requirement at around 1000, Tails has the highest at around 3500. 
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Created: 22/10 -2012 16:09:24 Last modified: 29/10 -2012 11:19:00 Server time: 18/03 -2025 11:10:26