File: MSS.swf-(9.72 MB, Hentai)
[_] Macro Sonic Sim Date Anonymous 07/12/12(Thu)22:07 No.1718418
Enjoy Furfags!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)00:24 No.1718474
Right click >Forwar/play to cut to the good stuff
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)06:45 No.1718633
Type any of these into the URL bar while the game is loaded:
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)06:46 No.1718634
Except for, you know, don't hit enter in the middle of any of them...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)07:11 No.1718643
this bitch sonya'll let me put it in her ass, but won't touch my penis with her feet....women...
so how do i make her grow and get this over with already? around 50 days and i've done everything
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)07:24 No.1718648
too retarded to know how to use any of that correctly nothing changes
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)07:48 No.1718658
Start feeding her emeralds.
copy paste them where the url is and if it doesn't say javascript:document type in the the
javascript part and hit enter your stats or money will increase.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/13/12(Fri)08:24 No.1718672
feet were horrible.