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This is resource XQTFHBN, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/7 -2012 00:02:26

Ended:29/7 -2012 04:36:51

Checked:30/7 -2012 06:59:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: dicewars.swf-(94 KB, Game)
[_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)16:35 No.1730529

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)17:01 No.1730538

  New Game, 8 players, last to roll the dice, get defeated before even making the first move.

  Great game!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)18:34 No.1730575

  New Game, 8 players, last to roll the dice, steamrolled those niggers
  Great game!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)18:36 No.1730577

  I don't know what the fuck was going on, but I think I lost.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)19:11 No.1730587

  Easy advice: keep rerolling until you get a decent starting setup, which usually involves a few
  strong stacks (compared to your neighbors) and mostly all your forces in one place. Don't think
  the computer is forcing you to play a bad "hand."

  Also, you're purple. I find that catches most people off guard since they expect to be stuck as
  another color.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)19:27 No.1730598

  >6 dice attacking
  >2 dice defending
  >Still manage to lose
  Fucking RNGs

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)19:54 No.1730613

  >start game
  >all kinds of shit starts happening
  >oh, so it's a simulation or something
  >watch for like two minutes
  >suddenly it's my turn
  >wait, what?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)20:35 No.1730636

  I just won! Progress is slow at first, but if you're cool and you don't rage quit, then you may
  have a chance of winning. Note that the die you earn at the end of each round seem to give
  priority to the older [territory] pieces you own, so that's why many of the pieces you stole are
  easily stolen back (I know, it's annoying). Also, the die you earn is based on how many pieces
  you own, so you won't be getting far at all if you never expand.

  Like No.1730587 said, it's best when all of your forces are clumped together.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/12(Sat)20:42 No.1730642

  You also get a penalty for having unconnected territories.

>> [_] Karai Pantsu 07/28/12(Sat)21:10 No.1730657

  Easiest victory is to learn to not overextend yourself. Find a corner, take 7 or 8 territories,
  and build your army. Then roflstomp your way to victory.
Created: 29/7 -2012 00:02:26 Last modified: 30/7 -2012 07:25:58 Server time: 05/11 -2024 13:33:58