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Threads (2):
File: Serial Experiments Lain Bear.swf-(4.03 MB, 550x412, Anime) [_] Anon 3286710 >> [_] Anon 3286718 Metasequoia is a hell of a drug. Japs need to discover 3DSMax. >> [_] Anon 3286807 >># what an ugly fucking lain >> [_] Anon 3286893 my life summed up in a flash
File: Serial Expirements Lain Bear.swf-(4.03 MB, 550x412, Anime) [_] Anon 3274536 >> [_] Anon 3274537 >># What the fuck did I just watch? >> [_] Anon 3274542 How are the lines so crisp and smooth? It's a 3d animation with no shading, but it also looks like the lines are vectors. . . >> [_] Anon 3274545 What is this crack induced hallucination? >> [_] Anon 3274598 >># Maybe he used Swift3D. A good number of flashes back in the day used that program. >> [_] Anon 3274633 >># >># Yeah,backthentherewereprogramstorender3d modelswithflashvectorswhichisprettyrad.It hinkpinoytoonsusesthattequniqueforhisanim ations.Thethingisthatnotonlyitlookslikeve ctorsbutitisvectors.Becausevectorsandpoly gonesgoverywelltogether.Polygonesareactua llynot3d,theyareacalculated2dimage(Iactua llycodeda3dengineinflashsoIknowalittlebit aboutit).Itgetsevenmorecrazythanthat.Peop leoftenthinkthe3dscenetheyseeinavideogame is3dbutitisnot.Onlythecodeis3d.Theimageyo usee,dependingofcourseonhowtheenginerende rsit,butusuallyifyouhave3dmodels,likethep layercharacter,oratableanythingthatisamod el,itisrenderedseperatelyasa2dspriteandpl acedonthescreenlikeina2dgame.Themodelisof courserenderedinrelationtothecameracoordi natesandanglesoitdoesntlookoutofplace.But again:Itisplacedexactlylikeina2dgameonthe screenin2d.Somepeople think the 3d scene gets painted like a painting as whole. And there are sure some game engines that do that. But from my experience, 3d models are 2d sprites placed on the screen over the 2d render of the 3d world. It's really bizar. Also textured polygones are not 3d. They are transformed 2d. You notice this the most when you bent a big polygon from foreground to background. Usually the drawing on the polygon should get smaller and more clinched because it is more far away. That is not the case. The image gets only scaled on the x or y axis like a 2d image in paint. There is no perspective rendering on the texture. To lower that effect a polygon can be divided which is of course slower. Voxels on the other hand are real 3d. polygones are a hack. But thanks to the big graphics card companies we still work with the garbage called polygones, instead of the real thing called voxels (real 3d). >> [_] Anon 3274634 >># To anyone itnerested this picture shows what I mean by textured polygones are 2d (affine): ommons/thumb/5/57/Perspective_correct_tex ture_mapping.jpg/400px-Perspective_correc t_texture_mapping.jpg And here is the magic of voxels :3 >> [_] Anon 3274635 >># well we can't talk about real 3D without 3D glasses now can we? >> [_] Anon 3274636 >># depends, if you a programmer; I would consider polygones a hack and voxels the real deal. As a cinema snob I would consider 3d glasses a hack compared to a vr headset |