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This is resource N16QC7D, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/2 -2013 13:58:15

Ended:4/2 -2013 23:13:46

Checked:5/2 -2013 08:37:08

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: facebook.swf-(4.24 MB, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)07:24 No.1876449


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Handwash Only 02/04/13(Mon)07:48 No.1876451

  Don't suppose we can get some valid sources?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)07:50 No.1876453

  I don't even mind any of that stuff.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)08:01 No.1876459

  >do you have a facebook?

  Who was this programmed by? My fucking grandma?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)08:22 No.1876468

  lol facebook users. babylon sheeps :DD

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)08:26 No.1876469

  Everytime theres some crazy change 9 billion faggots spam a message about it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)09:43 No.1876499

  get your tin foil hats ready guys

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)10:15 No.1876504

  Too long, didn't listen
  Only paranoids and people who actually share information on their Facebook care about this stuff

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)10:24 No.1876508

  that girl has a fercberk

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)11:33 No.1876542

  >that's what we know as the INTERNET?!
  bitch is crazy

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)11:40 No.1876546

  Good thing I don't have a facebook I guess.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)12:08 No.1876555

  I don't have a facebook as I saw no reason for it.
  I left Myspace long ago for a certain reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)12:23 No.1876562

  Babylon sheep we may be, but when our fat bellies are fed from the corporations that use a
  failing economic structure of the world my favorite liquor, cigarettes and food will be on the
  shelves when it collapses, ripe for the taking hahahahahahahahahhaha

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)12:28 No.1876566

  it has a valid point but it explained too much iirelevant stuff

  it should've covered the law student was asked facebook what they collected on him and got a 1000
  page informational document of his activities and data on facebook

  The Facebook vs Europe case is a scary one indeed.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)12:28 No.1876567

  didnt use myspace because the idea is a bad one
  dont use facebook because in addition to it being a terrible idea, its also a huge privacy risk.
  i honestly dont understand how anyone who knows how the internet works could use that kind of a
  website, i guess its just for idiots.

>> [_] !!BJiYgff8zf2 02/04/13(Mon)12:36 No.1876569

  Her voice sounds really hoarse.

  I'd rather listen to Billy Mays

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)12:38 No.1876571

  this is like getting worried about being caught pirating movies

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)14:23 No.1876624

  for those who are interested in the music sauce.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)14:36 No.1876631

  >do you have a faggotbook
  >keeps on going as if I said yes
  I guess I'll close this then, since I have no fucking idea what that terrible voice is trying to

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)15:26 No.1876662

  fact remains that facebook doesn't gather hardly shit about you if you don't post much stuff

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)16:05 No.1876678

  bitch misspelled bills

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)16:13 No.1876683

  my name is steve nieul
  my location is toronto canada
  my hobbies are posting mlp fanfics on 4chon and reddit, fantasizing about smurfette, drawing, and
  eating cheetos
  my favorite color is purple
  i raped my 11 month old sister when i was 9 and went to jail 6 times in my life.
  like this comment please, thx

>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)16:21 No.1876687

  the arpanet is indeed our modern day internet, just not as expanded. my grandfather explained it
  to me when I was young, but here:
Created: 4/2 -2013 13:58:15 Last modified: 5/2 -2013 09:01:52 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:20:23