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Threads (3):
File: facebook.swf-(4.24 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] people never learn 2934203 made in 2006 >> [_] Anon 2934210 >># we let it happen >> [_] Anon 2934214 All your information is out there if you use the internet at all. Facebook just makes it a little easier for anyone to find. If anyone actually cared, they could find everything about you regardless if you had a Facebook or not. >> [_] Anon 2934219 >># Yep if needed they can hack your computer and gain personal data without you ever going to Facebook or the government can "obtain" your computer if they wanted. >> [_] Anon 2934220 Whenever she pronounces an 's' sound it hurts my fucking ears >> [_] Anon 2934229 >># You're definitely right about that, it's pretty difficult to make it impossible for people to find you. What's really more of an issue though is that facebook collects this information into a single place and allows third-party companies to use it for datamining and whatnot. Additionally, non-facebook parties which are integrated with facebook through things like the facebook pixel send data about your activity on non-facebook sites back to facebook. That information's then added to the already-existing collection of data facebook already had about you. Basically, simply having a facebook creates a detailed information profile for you which numerous other sites and organizations have access to and can use to filter the content you see. >> [_] Anon 2934259 >># That much is true even before the internet was created. Because of our general complacency with "decent" society, if a person is specifically targeted by organized individuals or groups they are probably going to get fucked. But you miss the point. Handing all of your information on a silver platter reduces the need for specificity. Even those without skill can cause damage on their whim. Being vulnerable doesn't mean you're free from becoming more so. Preventative actions are important, but create self-limitations and distrust in abundance. So if acting freely is your choice, at least plan some restorative measures. >> [_] Anon 2934260 >># SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS >> [_] Anon 2934261 I had facebook once. I edited my info on it, so it wont be so 'informative'. Then years later, I just deactivated my profile because I got tired of reading peoples lives. Friends who still cared just text me or meet up with me. >> [_] Anon 2934262 My facebook doesnt even matter. If someone just knew my 'other' username and 'other' email, they could just search it into google and find my activities. >> [_] Anon 2934293 This is exactly why I don't facebook. Never have, never will. I did have a MySpace account... back in 1999, when it the original domain was a cloud storage service. Funny, how they folded and sold off the domain to the social media upstart which continued same name; as they were 15 years ahead of their time, and nobody appreciated the concept. Anyway, this kind of abuse predates teh intertubes, so why get your collective panties in a bunch? Nobody remembers actual paper junk mail, which got to your home's mailbox via the personal infos sold to interlopers by simply opening a bank account, buying a new car, or simply having the (constitutionally-illegally required) Social Security number? (may apply to more than just murricans) This mentality goes back to Woodrow Wilson, and even before. Just stockpile your automatic weapons and be ready when the shit hits the fan. >inb4 >>>/pol/ >> [_] Anon 2934296 business as usual. If people want a society of business then you're going to have competition, meaning entities getting larger and more threatening in such an scenario. Information has a price attached to it and people give it away for facebook to sell. Since I don't make facebook enough money by providing them a mobile phone (since I don't own one), or a birth certificate, government ID and so on, I can't be on the social network which is "connecting everyone". Fuck em' >> [_] Anon 2934300 >># >tfw no one texts me after I deactivated fb >> [_] Anon 2934302 >># HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LEAF A LIKE >> [_] Anon 2934320 >># LIIIQUIIIIID
File: facebook.swf-(4.24 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1876449 . Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Handwash Only 1876451 Don't suppose we can get some valid sources? >> [_] Anon 1876453 I don't even mind any of that stuff. >> [_] Anon 1876459 >do you have a facebook? Who was this programmed by? My fucking grandma? >> [_] Anon 1876468 >># >># >># lol facebook users. babylon sheeps :DD >> [_] Anon 1876469 notevennews.jpg Everytime theres some crazy change 9 billion faggots spam a message about it >> [_] Anon 1876499 get your tin foil hats ready guys >> [_] Anon 1876504 Too long, didn't listen Only paranoids and people who actually share information on their Facebook care about this stuff >> [_] Anon 1876508 that girl has a fercberk >> [_] Anon 1876542 >that's what we know as the INTERNET?! bitch is crazy >> [_] Anon 1876546 Good thing I don't have a facebook I guess. >> [_] Anon 1876555 I don't have a facebook as I saw no reason for it. I left Myspace long ago for a certain reason. >> [_] Anon 1876562 >># Babylon sheep we may be, but when our fat bellies are fed from the corporations that use a failing economic structure of the world my favorite liquor, cigarettes and food will be on the shelves when it collapses, ripe for the taking hahahahahahahahahhaha >> [_] Anon 1876566 it has a valid point but it explained too much iirelevant stuff it should've covered the law student was asked facebook what they collected on him and got a 1000 page informational document of his activities and data on facebook The Facebook vs Europe case is a scary one indeed. >> [_] Anon 1876567 didnt use myspace because the idea is a bad one dont use facebook because in addition to it being a terrible idea, its also a huge privacy risk. i honestly dont understand how anyone who knows how the internet works could use that kind of a website, i guess its just for idiots. >> [_] !!BJiYgff8zf2 1876569 Her voice sounds really hoarse. I'd rather listen to Billy Mays >> [_] Anon 1876571 this is like getting worried about being caught pirating movies >> [_] Anon 1876624 for those who are interested in the music sauce. ms& >> [_] Anon 1876631 >do you have a faggotbook nope >keeps on going as if I said yes I guess I'll close this then, since I have no fucking idea what that terrible voice is trying to say >> [_] Anon 1876662 fact remains that facebook doesn't gather hardly shit about you if you don't post much stuff >> [_] Anon 1876678 bitch misspelled bills >> [_] Anon 1876683 >># my name is steve nieul my location is toronto canada my hobbies are posting mlp fanfics on 4chon and reddit, fantasizing about smurfette, drawing, and eating cheetos my favorite color is purple i raped my 11 month old sister when i was 9 and went to jail 6 times in my life. like this comment please, thx >> [_] Anon 1876687 >># the arpanet is indeed our modern day internet, just not as expanded. my grandfather explained it to me when I was young, but here:
File[final2.swf] - (4.24 MB) [_] [?] Facebook is scary shit. Anon 1258007 It only take 5 minutes to join! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1258011 Facebook IS big brother. This is why I don't have one. >> [_] Anon 1258013 Its like an episode of glen beck! >> [_] Anon 1258015 So they do what everyone else on the internet does (because there is money in advertising and market research) and have obscure, loose associations with people who have associations with other people in IT, who have associations with parts of the government. Somehow, this makes them evil and big brother? >> [_] Anon 1258016 vishal agariwala >># besides being an internet shutin with no outside friends? >> [_] Anon 1258022 >># This. >> [_] Anon 1258048 facebook becomes irrelevant when you realize just how much information those in power have about us. Doesn't really matter whether you have facebook or not >> [_] Anon 1258050 im from sweden and i dont have a facebook account. i think the background music of the flash is some boards of canada by the way >> [_] Anon 1258054 this would be a lot better if a male person did the voice over. >> [_] Anon 1258056 >># if he dont have need for friends on facebook it probably means he has real friends in real life you dummy >> [_] Anon 1258058 Times it has been spotted: 2 First seen: 12/7 -2008 Last seen: 10/5 -2010 ...what the hell? >> [_] Anon 1258072 Wait, facebook should establish the policy of what happens in the facebook stays in the facebook? Why should they? How the hell would they make money? Only selling add space won't cut it. This is the way all networking sites of any kind operate, including shit like habbo hotel and neopets. You are a moron for putting dangerous personal info on facebook or any other website like it and richly get what you deserve if you are dumb enough not to have known that from the start. Why should the world change to accommodate morons? >> [_] Anon 1258074 Is it bad that the moment I saw the word "DARPA" I started thinking "Snake? SNAKE?! SNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEE EEE!!!!!!!!!!!"? >> [_] Anon 1258076 This lady is stoooopid. >> [_] Anon 1258090 >># dont write so lazy, like adding a extra d to "ad". other than that your post is pretty valid, although a bit tl;dr. though i do think adding ads would cut it. running a website is cheap, and if its huge it gets many hits which give more money from the ads. but that would make facebook look more like "give us money" so they dont. also they probably are earning more from doing what they do now >> [_] Anon 1258095 Zzzz >> [_] Anon 1258098 I'm probably gonna delete my facebook, anyway. I really only use it to keep in touch with like one person, and he has my phone number. >> [_] Anon 1258111 >># You cant delete info of facebook they keep it. ALL! >> [_] Anon 1258150 >># Grammar Hammer of Hypocrisy! >> [_] Anon 1258156 OH NO! NOT CONSERVATIVES! THEY GONNA TAKE THE BLACK MAN'S CHICKENS AWAY! Not that facebook isn't terrible in every other way possible, including the privacy violations. It's bad, just, when they say, "WHO HAPPENS TO BE A, DUN DUN DUN, CONSERVATIVE!" It's not like that so much as raises a brow. >> [_] Anon 1258159 >># Source? >> [_] Anon 1258164 >># Read the facebook TOS. >> [_] Anon 1258165 lol scare tactics >> [_] Anon 1258169 ... Yawn. >> [_] Anon 1258171 Scare tactics at its best. Yes, you can submit shit loads upon shitloads of personal data if you should so wish too. But just because the janitor used to work with a previouse employer who's secretary used to work for the government means fuck all. Sherlock holmes would have a hissy fit over this complete rape of logic. >> [_] Anon 1258178 >># Spoken like a true facebook drone. >> [_] johndoe 1258183 Yeah, sure you *could* post your address, hometown, phone number, etc...but if you do, you're an idiot anyways. Anyone that needs to know my phone number and address knows me in real life, so they could get it other ways. This is what privacy settings were made for, guys! And yes, I know that's no magic bullet, but it definitely helps. >> [_] Anon 1258210 BoC, fuck yeah! >> [_] Anon 1258217 >># its from 2008, scource is probably long lost or on *shrug* jewgrounds >> [_] Anon 1258233 read this gents the samething in way more detail 8/jan/14/facebook >> [_] Anon 1258237 OH GOD! IF I PUT INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET IT'S SOLD TO OTHER PEOPLE! How can it be that there is no privacy on the internet? Look, there is no privacy on the internet. Facebook is doing what myspace and tons of other companies do to make money, sell information. There really is no privacy anymore as far as personal information goes. To think so is being ignorant, and to think that you can change it just makes you even more ignorant. The best thing you can do is watch what you post, and accept that people knowing what you do is okay. Which, in my opinion, is. Facebook isn't doing anything wrong, you're the dip shit who signed up for it, and from this presentation, they aren't hiding anything. >> [_] Anon 1258239 let's keep this up a.l.a.p >> [_] Anon 1258240 So rather than let a free service collect and sell some minor information that you willingly posted to the internet for your friends and family and possibly anyone to see, you'd rather pay a monthly fee and have total privacy? Also six degrees of separation, just because you can connect someone doesn't mean that's the actual connection. >> [_] Anon 1258241 >># Facebook is like flypaper for stupid people. Hypothetically, if I set up a table and sheets of paper in public and asked people to write down their name/address/phone number/any other personal information, I'd be able to collect tons of information from stupid people, then sell it to telemarketers. But then since only stupid people will get telemarketer calls, does that make it ok? >> [_] Anon 1258244 >># >># People like you are the reason we're going to lose net neutrality. >> [_] Anon 1258273 >># >Implying net neutrality=keeping everything private. >> [_] Anon 1258301 You want privacy? Don't post it on the internet. >> [_] ~~ !rXUHEibmO2 1258314 Oh no! facebook allows people to put things on the internet! |