File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)18:48 No.1876808
Chill with me, /f/.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)19:06 No.1876830
this is a troll isn't it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)19:12 No.1876832
What is /f/ obsecsion with knowing where the hood is located?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)21:10 No.1876923
Came on too strong. A small child could tell its hooded.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)21:52 No.1876963
Does anyone have a link or know the name of this without the hood?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/13(Mon)21:57 No.1876971
the one l use...
>> [_] The Devastator 02/04/13(Mon)22:35 No.1877004
Dude as soon as the lady started talking all soft.... Yup confirmed hood. Turn vol down to 5%