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Threads (14):
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Loop) [_] Relaxing with hypnosis Anon 2893777 Relaxing with hypnosis >> [_] Anon 2893798 And I thought something of value would come out of this flash... Why did I trust in this... >> [_] Anon 2893878 10/10 made me jump >> [_] Anon 2893882 YOU BIG FUCKING COCK I NEARLY SHIT MY PANTS >> [_] Anon 2893887 >># thank god i closed the video before whatever it is that these people jump. too bad though, it really did seem to work... >> [_] Anon 2893889 Fuck these people who demand using headphones and play audio into only one channel. Into that fucking left channel which is overvolumed most of the time. >> [_] Anon 2893892 this is why I read the comments first >> [_] Anon 2893924 >still image with watermark 7/10, would be 10/10 if it was an actual fucking relaxing moving image
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2834159 >> [_] Anon 2834196 I tried this but for some reason their voices reminded me of Adult Swim and the general humor from it. I was expecting something to break character and I couldn't get into it at all. >> [_] Anon 2834209 I remember this. Very loud firing mah lazer incoming. >> [_] Anon 2834294 >JUST REEEEEEEELAX WHILE MOST OF MY VOICE GOES ONLY IN YOUR LEFT EAR, TRIGGERING YOUR AUTISM LIKE NEVER BEFORE this guy is an ass, screamer or not >> [_] Anon 2834326 >># Fucking got me anon,well played,well played indeed
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Relax Anon 2701492 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2701500 I FUCKING KNEW IT >> [_] Anon 2701504 completely expected. still got me >> [_] Some Dude 2701543 I fucking knew it >> [_] Anon 2701578 Thanks anon, I was going to put my volume up high..until I got to the comments section >> [_] Anon 2701580 >># Don't worry anon, it's not what you think. >> [_] Anon 2701589 >># It was, in fact, exactly what I thought. Potato Knishes would have been funnier. >> [_] Anon 2701609 oh fan fucking tastic i fucking yelled like a bitch then laughed like i havent laught before weeeeeelll fucking done m8 >> [_] Anon 2701625 Anyone who was scared is a racist.
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2374991 >> [_] Anon 2374992 'This actually might be neat to tryyyyywait a minute this is 4chan." >> [_] Anon 2375001 Was waiting for a screamer. Hood close enough. >> [_] Anon 2375003 >mfw heart attack X_X >> [_] Anon 2375056 lmao i almost shit my pants >> [_] Anon 2375066 I'm SCREAMER senses are off the fucking charts... >> [_] Anon 2375067 was expecting screamer. Was not disappointed 9/10 >> [_] Anon 2375074 10/10 >> [_] Anon 2375107 Couldnt trust the flash >open it >turn off the volume >240x240 screen >wait >nothing happends >check comments >no screamer >ok lets see then >at the end start feeling unconfortable >quit the headphones >it ends >mfw newtype senses allowed me to feel that something is wrong and made me take off my headphones just before the end >> [_] Anon 2375155 >># >newtype hey i like gundam too
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2285215 >> [_] Anon 2285221 Ran it in the background on extra low volume while i did other stuff, just so i could reaffirm my belief that /f/ would never post a relaxation video without some sort of screamer. I was right. Come on guys, youre getting lazy. Extra low volume hypnosis? Id have been more surprised not to have the hood blasting in my ear. >> [_] Anon 2285225 >># there was a screamer? I was damn bored before it could happen. /f/ is lame nowadays. >> [_] Anon 2285234 At least it wasn't knishes
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2169770 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Hiramaky the Awkward Aggressor !Ob/iyDxlCE 2169773 Dammit, Anon! >> [_] Anon 2169774 The Instructions weren't clear enough I got my dick caught in a wormhole >> [_] Anon 2169780 >># the ultimate blow job. nicely done >> [_] Anon 2169799 YOU DOUBLE NIGGER >> [_] Anon 2169859 fucking knew it >> [_] Anon 2169863 Fuck you OP, it was actually relaxing! >> [_] Anon 2169990 mmm thats nice, your tears sustain me >> [_] Anon 2170000 god fucking damnit >> [_] Anon 2170011 10/10........ very funny lol
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2125047 Calm your ass down, /f/ >> [_] Anon 2125048 Those things usually don't work on me but this one really did >> [_] Anon 2125050 That made me really relaxed, it was a bit quiet though. >> [_] Anon 2125063 >># That was actually pretty relaxing. Anyone know where the full one is? >> [_] Anon 2125064 10000/10 OP That hit the spot perfectly >> [_] Anon 2125099 I'm new to 4chan, and even as a newcomer this didn't surprise me AT ALL. It's 4chan. You can't expect anything good on here.
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anon 2115935 Relax w/ me /f/. Ripped this off of Youtube. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2115939 Fucking knew it would happen. >> [_] Anon 2115940 I feel refreshed. >> [_] Anon 2115980 i dont trust his voice >> [_] Anon 2115981 ffs i almost thought i'd relax >> [_] Anon 2115987 i have not the balls to watch it all >> [_] Anon 2115992 saw it coming >> [_] Anon 2115993 This didn't need to be 5MB. >> [_] Anon 2115995 you son of a bitch >> [_] Anon 2115997 fucking hood >> [_] Anon 2115999 SAW IT FUCKING COMING >> [_] Anon 2116005 i was totally relxed when i heard the girl but then i almost shit my pants because my volume was all the way up >> [_] Anon 2116043 Avoided LIKE A BOSS >> [_] Anon 2116080 >># So i was hella chill right? And fukin spacin and shit and then i was all like "Oh shit nigga Tyron wtf you think you doin man its a trap nigga damn u dumb as all hell." So i exited and found yall niggas liek aww shit 2sppoky4me nigga u almost had me but u just cant beat Tyrone nigga >> [_] Anon 2116087 I didn't see that coming but I was hoping for it.
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Loop) [_] just relax Anon 1973824 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1973828 >># goddamnit i can't stop smiling at how silly it is >> [_] Anon 1973841 what no scream no roll. . . im a little let down. . . . . .oh wait therese the hood . ha >> [_] Anon 1973854 10/10 would relax again >> [_] Anon 1973917 GOD DAMN IT. I was expecting hood saw no hood so i started relaxing a bit then WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD AT >> [_] Anon 1973922 >># moments before the hood started I turned my volume down, almost felt it coming somehow. too good >> [_] Anon 1973947 I love the hood mang. >> [_] Anon 1973950 "This recording is designed to create......a false sense...of security...(False sense of security)" I can't help but wonder if i'd have had a dream about being a hood nigger if I'd have gone to sleep before the hood, then it played and I was sent to detroit. >> [_] Anon 1973965 souse? :D >> [_] Anon 1973967 >># look at the fucking image you illiterate fuckwit >> [_] Anon 1974053 Well, I'm awake now!
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1876808 Chill with me, /f/. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1876830 this is a troll isn't it >> [_] Anon 1876832 What is /f/ obsecsion with knowing where the hood is located? >> [_] Anon 1876923 Came on too strong. A small child could tell its hooded. >> [_] Anon 1876963 Does anyone have a link or know the name of this without the hood? >> [_] Anon 1876971 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChqkBlMoT U0 the one l use... >> [_] The Devastator 1877004 Dude as soon as the lady started talking all soft.... Yup confirmed hood. Turn vol down to 5%
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Loop) [_] Relaxing with hypnosis Anon 1855961 >> [_] Anon 1855967 FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 1855974 Never have your volume set to anything other than the minimum when browsing /f/. >> [_] Anon 1855981 Nigga, that really works. I was honestly already expecting a hood, but I just smiled when it appeared. >> [_] Anon 1855983 WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD WHERE DA HOOD AT There, I just saved you 3 minutes >> [_] Anon 1855984 >># around blacks, never relax >> [_] Anon 1856063 I knew it! Goddammit I knew it! >> [_] Anon 1856082 Ah ha ha ha h ah ah....haaa
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Other) [_] Relaxing Anon 1806026 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1806030 Im just waiting for the scream and the suspense is ruining it >> [_] Anon 1806043 I...must...obey... >> [_] Anon 1806088 oh god that was so good. cant even be mad after that >> [_] sage 1806123 Now I am ready to take on the day. Thanks OP. >> [_] Anon 1806168 Fuckin pleased, thanks OP >> [_] Anon 1806172 waitin for da hood >> [_] Anon 1806182 That shit was weird at first but then pretty str8. op nice >> [_] Anon 1806183 meh, okay i guess >> [_] Anon 1806186 Allow me to save a moment of your time Anon, it ends in a hood. #YoureWelcome >> [_] Anon 1806195 FUCKING FUCK YOU RETARD I JUST FUCKING BIT MY TOUNG OFF >> [_] Anon 1806240 i have feel its a fucking screamer : (
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1792034 Isn't it time for you to go to bed, /f/? >> [_] Anon 1792048 oh you fucking asshole...god damnit man i was calm as fuck! >> [_] Anon 1792049 i looooolllllll'd >> [_] Anon 1792051 fucking knew it >> [_] Anon 1792063 this just made my night lol >> [_] Anon 1792080 Opened it, saw that it was calm themed, suspicious Looked at comments Yup, lol Closed >> [_] Anon 1792196 that took way too long to happen >> [_] Anon 1792242 haha fucking knew it, closed it just as the screamer started. >> [_] Anon 1792243 no surprises here. :/ >> [_] Anon Ymous 1792256 Good news is, I'm half-relaxed. You still suck, OP. >> [_] Anon 1792267 I fucking knew it would be a hood. Its just a shame it took nearly 5 minutes to get to. >> [_] Anon 1792324 Is there a non-hood version?
File: Relaxing with hypnosis.swf-(4.52 MB, Other) [_] just relax cyrione 1777804 >> [_] Anon 1777813 I was expecting porn, but saw the hood when using a seekbar. >> [_] Anon 1777824 Was about to lie down and crank it in my high def headphones on almost full blast, but as i was plugging them in hood showed up and i was spared a horrible trap! hahaha! you failed this time /f/! srsly though, what's wrong with just delivering stuff:(? >> [_] Anon 1777831 Ha this is /f/ I never relax >> [_] Anon 1777832 Is this a trap? >> [_] Anon 1777833 Around blacks, never relax. >> [_] Anon 1777834 lol, I laid back, closed my eyes, and god damn, I couldn't stop laughing my ass off. >> [_] Anon 1777849 I knew it was coming... the more it told me to relax the more i braced myself for the scream. >> [_] Anon 1777932 god dang it you got me >> [_] Anon 1777973 Haha you legit got me. Does anyone have a serious one they can post? >> [_] sauce cyrione 1777979 http://youtu.be/49XIlz5lCT0 >> [_] Anon 1778032 This is the best hood ever. |