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This is resource NJCL3FK, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/3 -2013 19:28:58

Ended:31/3 -2013 23:52:26

Checked:1/4 -2013 08:41:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: A Story From North America.swf-(7.01 MB, Loop)
[_] SON WHATS ALL THIS SCREAMING FOR? Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)12:09 No.1930190


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)12:11 No.1930191


>> [_] Leonard_The_Brave !!gg5ykaRd7pU 03/31/13(Sun)12:23 No.1930197

  this is pretty cool, a bit annoying with the pacing.
  but still cool.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)12:28 No.1930200


>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)12:29 No.1930201

  Mitt Romney's childhood life.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)14:29 No.1930276

  i'll never kill a spider again

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)15:04 No.1930299

  jesus christ was this ripped from a fucking rotoscope?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)15:16 No.1930311

  shit man i have never sat through this whole thing. . . and i have seen it like a year or more
  ago. . .

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)15:26 No.1930320

  any better quality and it'll reach the filesize limit

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)15:52 No.1930343

  wish my dad was this cool

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)16:01 No.1930346


  Then the brown recluse bites your son's head. Dumb preachy fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)16:04 No.1930350

  but he hasn't

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)16:09 No.1930354


  But it will, brown recluses are kinda the dicks of the spider world. And it's not uncommon to be
  bitten by any spider while you sleep. You roll around the 50/50 flight or bite. Usually just like
  a mosquito bite though.

>> [_] OP 03/31/13(Sun)16:22 No.1930362

  >Brown Recluses are dicks
  The recluse is rarely aggressive, only only fucks with you if you piss it off, like any other
  animal in the world capable of harm. You're not the center of the world.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)16:34 No.1930374

  Brown recluse are reclusive. They like to hide under bedsheets. If you roll on one and it lives i
  think it would be pissed off

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/13(Sun)16:37 No.1930378


  Shows what you know about em when they do bite. You usually aren't going to see em and it's
  because they decided your clothing was a good place to set up camp, bed sheets, or other dark
  warmish space.

  And bullshit humans aren't the center of the universe. We're the alpha predator of Terra. The
  only organic thing that has a shot of taking us out is bacterias and we got them whipped for the
  most part for now. Short of a catastrophic cosmic event that cinders or snowballs earth we're
Created: 31/3 -2013 19:28:58 Last modified: 1/4 -2013 08:42:27 Server time: 05/01 -2025 12:16:42