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Happy New Year!

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This is resource Y75FCUD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/5 -2013 05:52:52

Ended:30/5 -2013 10:48:58

Checked:30/5 -2013 19:56:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: PS4 IN A NUTSHELL.swf-(7.71 MB, Other)
[_] for /b/ psn Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)22:46 No.1987455

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)22:48 No.1987461

  Should be Xbox One in a nutshell.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)22:57 No.1987471


>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)22:59 No.1987475

  >Xbox fanbitch detected


>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:20 No.1987505

  OP is a massive Xbox fanboy faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:22 No.1987507

  XBot detected. Requesting backup.

  Come in Chopper Dave. Chopper Dave?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:25 No.1987510

  Or, he's just a faggot who wants to see how mad people will get at his post.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:26 No.1987511

  Chopper Dave reporting in, rendezvousing on your location in 0 five hundred

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:27 No.1987512

  such a forced and tasteless use of "fuck" and "shit"

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:28 No.1987515

  all these assmad soniggers

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:30 No.1987519

  wow i laugh harder than i should have. so glad im part of PC mustard race

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:45 No.1987539

  Ah, that's where the "It never ends this shit" clip comes from in the Pony Thread Simulator

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/13(Wed)23:46 No.1987542

  Microsoft fanboy much? I'm a high falooting PC gamer.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:30 No.1987586


  I know I saw that freaking chopper explode...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:37 No.1987592

  Not enough tv and sports and kinect always seeing you and always hearing you and never being able
  to use used games and so on and so on and so on. Close enough though but no

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:38 No.1987593

  kill yourself, you're the cancer that nearly killed /mlp/. Also it never ends is from a thread if
  you're going to be a faggot, then at least get it right.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:45 No.1987600

  Everyone. Everyone!
  I think both the Xbox and PS4 will both suck. Just the Xbox will suck more.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:48 No.1987601

  You're right, /mlp/ can never die.

  Where would all the faggots go then?

  Oh wait, they'll just go to all the other boards like they already do.

  Remember, all pony threads belong on /mlp/.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:49 No.1987602

  All consoles suck, PC master race.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:55 No.1987604

  Implying we actually care about /mlp/
  and he was talking about the clip, not the phrase

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)00:56 No.1987608

  >cancer that nearly killed /mlp/

  I sense irony here. /mlp/ IS cancer, assbag. Go back to it and quit spreading your horsefucking
  shit here in /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)01:01 No.1987613

  The upward evolution of console gaming has taken a 91 degree deviation.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/30/13(Thu)01:42 No.1987646

  every board is cancer, especially during these months. the people who watch PTS and independant
  shitposters are the ones who think "lel post ponz elsewhere". /mlp/ hates these because they
  bring 10 year olds to the board and then infect all of 4chan.
  >quit spreading your horsefucking shit here in /f/.
  put a bullet in your head, did you see me posted any pone, no you didn't
Created: 30/5 -2013 05:52:52 Last modified: 30/5 -2013 19:56:37 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:23:56