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This is resource M808QK7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/7 -2013 08:52:45

Ended:24/7 -2013 12:13:19

Checked:24/7 -2013 13:05:54

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Gankro - Fact Seagull.swf-(1.05 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] pol9k culture Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)01:28 No.2049078

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)01:36 No.2049088

  >your flesh was constructed on the graves of thousands of innocent beasts
  Feels apex predator, man.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)01:41 No.2049096

  For a fact seagull he certainly has plenty of opinions

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)01:46 No.2049103


>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)02:30 No.2049151

  Nah fuck that

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)02:39 No.2049169

  "to die for your country is worse than to die for nothing"
  wow thats deep fact seagull!!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:12 No.2049209

  Venison is deer meat.

  Is this really a "Wow!" fact? Are people that uneducated?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:16 No.2049215

  >"Your flesh was constructed upon the graves of hundreds of innocent beasts",
  >"Every breath you take brings you one instant closer to your inevitable demise",
  >"There is no God",
  >"Your demise will go largely unnoticed",
  >"The Declaration of Independance was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776",
  >"The world's largest rubber band ball is 9,032 pounds, and more than six-feet tall and more than
  700,000 rubber bands",
  >"Thousands of tiny lives die within you as you read this very sentence",
  >"Greater men than you have, do, and always will exist in all of your pursuits",
  >"The Mississippi River is the largest river system in the United States and the largest of North
  >"The per capita GDP of france is $33,744", "Your birth was an accident regretted by all who were
  >"79 is the 22nd prime number", "Red, green, and blue are the primary colours of light",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:16 No.2049216

  >"I sit by your windowsill, awaiting your timely end",
  >"Fear is the manifestation of your personal inadequacies",
  >"True love awaits no one",
  >"Tetris was created by Alexey Pazhitnov on June 6, 1984",
  >"No afterlife awaits you",
  >"Systematic attempts to evolve a system of perspective are usually considered to have begun
  around the 5th century B.C. in the art of Ancient Greece",
  >"Your body and mind grow weaker every day as the beasts outside grow ever stronger",
  >"The Dead Sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity",
  >"Nothing can silence the voices",
  >"My children hunger for your blood",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:17 No.2049217

  >"The atomic symbol for gold is 'Au' ",
  >"Nothing is permenant, everything you know will eventually come to an end",
  >"Every action you take may result in your death",
  >"Your family prays for your absence",
  >"Granite is part of the felsic rock family",
  >"Your capitalist war machine cannot feed itself indefinitly",
  >"In the grand scheme of things, dust is no less significant than you",
  >"A meteor is the visible streak of light that occurs when a meteoroid enters the Earth's
  >"Life may exist on other planets, but it cares not of yours",
  >"A fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds",
  >"There is no escape",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:17 No.2049218

  >"Oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air",
  >"No medicine will cure the sickness that lives within you",
  >"Criminals have a more positive effect on society than you",
  >"Zeus is the King of the Gods in Greek Mythology",
  >"Nothing can escape the cold embrace of undoing",
  >" 'Petrol bomb' is another name for 'Molotov Cocktail' ",
  >".Due to anti-German sentiment in the United States, sauerkraut was renamed 'victory cabbage'
  throughout the duration of World War I",
  >"Marcel Proust's seven-volume novel In Search of Lost Time was written from 1909-1922 and
  contains over 2000 characters",
  >"A standard daiquiri consists of rum, lime juice and sugar",
  >"The fifth A on a piano has a standard tuning of 440 hertz",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:18 No.2049220

  >"Chick-fil-A has a company-wide policy of keeping locations closed on Sundays in accordance with
  Christian ideals embedded in the company's corporate promise statement",
  >"The world record for most mayonnaise eaten in eight minutes is eight pounds, held by Oleg
  >"A cacograph is a deliberate misspelling of a word for comical effect",
  >"In March of 2010, an official scientific council determined that an asteroid collision was
  responsible for the mass-extinction at the end of Mesozoic Era",
  >" 'The Himalayas,' an 18-hole course of putting greens in the town of St. Andrews, Scotland, is
  considered to be the first miniature golf course",
  >"An egg tooth is used by avian and reptilian offspring to break through an egg during hatching",
  >"Churchill Downs is the host track of the Kentucky Derby",
  >"The character of James Bond was created by Ian Fleming",
  >"Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world's highest waterfall",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:18 No.2049222

  >" 'Shin splints' is the layman's term for medial tibial stress syndrome"
  >"In cooking, the use of a salt crust helps to internally steam a food item and give it the
  outward texture of a roasted dish",
  >"The Football War was a four-day war fought by El Salvador and Honduras in 1969",
  >"Merv Griffin has earned over $70 million in royalties for the composition 'Think!' featured in
  the game show Jeopardy!",
  >"The original voice of Meowth in the animated children's show Pokémon was Nathan Price",
  >"By general scientific consensus, MSG has been shown to not be a 'significant health hazard' -
  though some individuals experience minor health symptoms after consumption due to the placebo
  >" 'Bollocks' was ranked as the eighth-most offensive word in the English language according to a
  2006 study by BBC",
  >"The first Greyhound race in Great Britain took place on July 24, 1926 at Belle Vue Stadium",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:19 No.2049223

  >"Blue light has a wavelength of 440 to 490 nanometers",
  >"Mushrooms that have been exposed to UV light are the only natural vegetarian source of vitamin
  >"You will take years off of your own life simply by worrying about things that are out of your
  >"Your government knows more about you than you know about yourself",
  >"Most people die a thousand spiritual deaths before the arbitrary corporeal one happens",
  >"You are not the exception",
  >"All the world's a stage, and your loved ones are just actors",
  >"You are wasting life in the unfounded belief that your time accrues interest",
  >"The existence of a 'soul' has never been proven for a reason",
  >"You have no influence over your future",
  >"They are just not that into you",
  >"The problem is not the rest of the world; the problem is you",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:19 No.2049225

  >"Your offspring will be just as mundane as you",
  >"You will hurt your foot",
  >"Everyone you know and everything you cherish is all drifting apart like exiles on driftwood and
  there is absolutely nothing you can do about it",
  >"Society does not include you",
  >"Your mind is coming undone the more you think about your mind coming undone",
  >"You are trapped in a routine of consumption and excretion that will only end when you finally
  end it all",
  >"Your children will grow up in an unforgiving and indifferent world",
  >"Your recent increase in frequency of sleepless nights is simply a sign that you will never
  again see what you once dreamt of",
  >"Every change is for the worse",
  >"To die for your country is worse than to die for nothing",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:20 No.2049226

  >"Human beings are the disease",
  >"Let go of the rail, let go of the rail",
  >" 'Blog' is a portmanteu of the words 'web' and 'log' ",
  >"The four types of tennis court surfaces classified for used in professional play are Clay,
  Hard, Grass and Carpet",
  >"Men on average find women with a .7:1 waist-hip ratio the most physically attractive overall",
  >"The domestic cat is classified as an invasive species",
  >"The yolk of an egg and its germinal disc is a single cell",
  >"Lonesome George is the name of the last known remaining Pinta Island Tortoise",
  >"Venison is deer meat",
  >"A 'Two-Spirit' is a transgender person who identifies as having both a male and a female

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:21 No.2049228

  >"The 'Parmigiano-Reggiano' name for cheese is a trademarked in Europe",
  >"After water and tea, beer is the third most popular drink worldwide",
  >"Maple syrup is sap from the maple tree",
  >"Polaris is the name of the earth's current northern pole star",
  >"The Gulf Stream is part of the ocean current system called the North Atlantic Gyre",
  >"The Herring Gull is the most common gull in Asia, North America and western Europe",
  >"The Starbucks Corporation is the largest coffeehouse company worldwide",
  >"Carnival is a pre-lentin worldwide festival celebrated with street parties and parades",
  >"The Dutch oliebol is a deep-fried ball of dough coated with powdered sugar",
  >"The card game Uno was created in 1971",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:21 No.2049229

  >"The rent for normally landing on a railroad in Monopoly when another player owns all four is
  >"TaB soda is a product of the Coca Cola Company",
  >"You have done nothing right",
  >"You will die alone",
  >"Your words have no weight in the world",
  >"If you take a stand for your foolish beliefs, no one will stand behind you",
  >"Those in charge see you as no more danger to them than a phytoplankton",
  >"Your name will be placed on a gravestone and then quickly forgotten",
  >"Your friends keep you around because it is amusing when you fail in your pursuits",
  >"You are 999,999 in a million",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:22 No.2049230

  >"Someday soon the novelty of your personality will wear off and people will see you for the bore
  that you really are",
  >"You make as much impact on the world as a ping pong ball on a brick wall",
  >"No one's life would be worse without you in it",
  >"You are but a placeholder for the person who comes after you",
  >"They only laugh at your jokes out of pity",
  >"Every path you choose will lead to equal disappointment",
  >"No one is keeping tally of your feeble existence but you",
  >"The causes you have taken up are laughable",
  >"A garbage bag is just as good a home to a dead man",
  >"The worms look at you as a number waiting to be called out in the deli line",

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:22 No.2049232

  >"Nothing will make up for the shameful things you have done";

  10/10 would copypasta again

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)03:30 No.2049241

  >"You make as much impact on the world as a ping pong ball on a brick wall",
  WRONG. You make even less.

  Methinks this seagull needs to double check his facts.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)04:04 No.2049281

  >>"The world's largest rubber band ball is 9,032 pounds, and more than six-feet tall and more
  than 700,000 rubber bands",


>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)05:06 No.2049329

  This swf creeps the fuck out of me.
Created: 24/7 -2013 08:52:45 Last modified: 24/7 -2013 13:05:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:32:11