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This is resource MT54AMN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/7 -2013 16:50:57
11.4 years ago.

Ended:24/7 -2013 21:13:04
11.4 years ago.

Checked:24/7 -2013 22:45:00
11.4 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Free Icecream.swf-(4.96 MB, 800x600, Game)
[_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)09:49 No.2049519

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:04 No.2049579

  Had potential. Ultimately sucked.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:08 No.2049583

  This. All you get for beating the game is "Finish" without any conclusion and the antagonist
  still lives. For all we know he could have another way up and grabbed her as soon as she stepped
  through that doorway that ALLEGEDLY led to the outside world.

  This is a bullshit game with no reward.

  Hell, at least have a reward for losing.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:13 No.2049588

  And for anyone wondering, here's a walkthrough
  >Move rolling shelf so bottle falls and breaks
  >Cut rope on broken bottle
  >Examine air duct
  >Move rolling shelf under air duct
  >Clime the shelf and try to open the air duct
  >Try again
  >Hide under the stairs after you fall
  >Go up the stairs
  >Go in to the door by the stairs
  >Move the chair to get the cat food
  >Open the middle cupboard to get the rat poison

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:14 No.2049589

  >Pour rat poison in the bowl
  >Pour cat food in the bowl
  >Get feather duster from living room couch
  >Dust away the fuse box
  >Turn on kitchen
  >Go to fridge in the kitchen and type in 1977 on the keypad
  >Punch the last meat bag
  >Grab the key off your dead friend
  >Open the locked cupboard to get a fuse
  >Put fuses in the Hallway and 2nd Story holes
  >Go up elevator
  >Go toward exit and fall through on to The Butcher
  >Go up elevator (Butcher glitches and disappears, I thought he would appear on the 2nd floor and
  something interesting would happen, but it was just a glitch)
  >Go through exit and receive a black "Finish" screen
  >Play Game
  >Rinse repeat

  There is no reward for winning. There is no reward for losing (i.e. no gore, no fetish/fantasy,
  etc.) Just game with lots of potential that turned out shitty.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:49 No.2049619

  What do you want, a fucking medal?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:54 No.2049622


  I was not expecting a reward. Just a good experience.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)11:59 No.2049625

  At least 4 seconds of her actually running outside and telling the police or SOMETHING with

  Basically the guy who murdered her friend is still alive and well and unknown to police, and all
  she did is walk through a door with light on the other side. It could just be another trap of the
  butcher-- I guess we'll never know because the lazy author only left us with "Finish" and the
  murderer glitching out of screen.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)12:55 No.2049657

  Boo hoo. Stories do not have to have closure. Make up your own ending if you are that autistic.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)12:58 No.2049659

  I never said it had to have closure, just that it had to have closure in order to be a good game.

  Why are you getting so butthurt and defensive? Is this YOUR flash? It's shit btw.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:03 No.2049666

  No, I am defending the fact that stories do not have to have closure to be good.
  The focus of this flash is obviously the tension you feel as you play through it, not the fucking
  relief that you get when you go through the door.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:04 No.2049668

  Trips show you are evil. This flash is shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:38 No.2049706


>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:42 No.2049712

  >the tension you feel as you play through it
  Then that ice cream psycho must have done his job right, because the tension was fucking dead.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:47 No.2049719

  >stories don't need closure to be good
  Nigger do you even Freytag's pyramid?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:47 No.2049720

  Pull your head out.
  It's SHIT.
  SHIT, effluence, meaningless, bad, horrid, poorly designed with a crap story line..
  In stories like this (esp. evolving children) closure is FREEKING NEEDED!
  If you can see that your the one that is autistic (or a sociopath).

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:50 No.2049723

  While I agree with most of what you're saying, I'm obligated to point out the fact that you type
  like a faggot and should stop posting.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:55 No.2049728

  Ok. Stop me then faggot.
  Oh that's right you CAN'T because your not here.
  Aspergers much?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:56 No.2049730

  I went back to see if anything happened if you get caught watching the TV.

  He walks in, mumbles, walks out and then I get a game over.

  Seriously this game fucking sucked.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)13:57 No.2049731

  >Oh no! Someone called me out on my being a complete retard! I know, I'll act like an even BIGGER
  retard! That'll show him!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/13(Wed)14:04 No.2049742

  I hardly think people who don't use your/you're properly are retarded you grammar nazi.

  You've obviously never gotten text messages from friends otherwise you would be able to deal with
  it and not get in a shit fit when some guy you don't even know makes misspellings on the Internet.

  Moving on, this game blows, I was at least expecting some kind of ending.

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Created: 24/7 -2013 16:50:57 Last modified: 24/7 -2013 22:45:09 Server time: 11/01 -2025 00:34:43