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This is resource RKAMRRS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/6 -2013 17:06:48

Ended:26/6 -2013 19:31:24

Checked:26/6 -2013 21:13:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: atheist_delusion.swf-(2.38 MB, 540x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:03 No.2016378

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:05 No.2016381


  I didn't think /f/ could make me laugh this morning. You win this round.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:24 No.2016400

  It has been a while since I have cut myself. This is the internet. There is no room for god here.
  Only porn. And cute pictures of cats. But mostly porn.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:29 No.2016403

  lol, stupid christians

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:34 No.2016406

  It's satire dude.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:37 No.2016409

  And wheres my proof of god's existence?
  Right here in my big magical story book in the world called the bible. So I know its right.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:42 No.2016412


  ohoho, almost had me there, then i figured it out

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)10:44 No.2016413

  the person who made the vid must be atheist

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:20 No.2016443

  Atheist wouldn't be wouldn't be so damn annoying if they weren't so smug and made a million ego
  stroking videos like this to reconfirm their position on religion. Sounds like some confident
  people to me!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:29 No.2016449

  It's amazing that people actually take this seriously.

  It's even more amazing that there are people who actually believe what this video is making fun

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:30 No.2016453

  As bitter as I am. You are the most bitter deep down.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:31 No.2016455

  Probably. Though I don't understand your reasoning for that statement.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:32 No.2016456

  The character of a "typical atheist" is irrelevant to answer of if there is a god or not. They
  could be gothic baby-killers who perform blood-sacrifices but that doesn't mean its correct to
  assume the opposite of their opinion is correct.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:33 No.2016458

  No u

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)11:33 No.2016459

  As a gothic babykiller whom performs blood sacrifces, I take offense to that.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)12:07 No.2016510

  I sometimes forget there are people that actually think this...

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/13(Wed)12:13 No.2016526

  I'm a christian and I don't feel the need to force my believe onto other people. You believe or
  you don't, but judging people based on this decision is just arrogant.
Created: 26/6 -2013 17:06:48 Last modified: 26/6 -2013 21:13:16 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:11:49