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Happy New Year!

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This is resource ANHIDKK, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/10 -2013 08:48:40

Ended:10/10 -2013 14:06:10

Checked:10/10 -2013 15:10:55

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 65.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] his smile and optimism = gone = 10/10/13(Thu)01:01 No.2140007

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:03 No.2140009

  Do you really want to play with something that YVWH hates? Like your dick? Time to cut your dick

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:14 No.2140020

  What kind of a dick hates magic

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:18 No.2140023

  religious parenting at it best!
  your child doesnt do what you tell them to? tell them they'll burn in hell!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:22 No.2140028

  Honestly I thought this was some top-notch parenting, calmly and rationally explaining the values
  she wants her child to have and live by.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:23 No.2140030

  You can just see the kid's childhood being destroyed. It does not make me feel sympathetic
  towards their point of view, I feel bad for the kid who just wanted a boss Warrior-Wizard toy. I
  wonder if the animators actually hate the people they are doing the work for.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:31 No.2140035

  Because the parent's capacity to read YVWH's intention is complete and absolute, and
  interrogating YVHW's intention hasn't been an ongoing problem for Jewish, Christian and Islamic
  theologians for thousands of fucking years.

  No, you see a small piece of plastic and know instantly that it refers to practices abhorrent to

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:36 No.2140037

  Wow... this is tantamount to child abuse the way she instills guilt in him like that. This is
  emotional abuse. A parent that does this would never let their kid out from under their control,
  especially when they're in their teens. He'll be hard pressed to ever be able to think critically
  and independently for himself which could impact him negatively. I'm not sure if this is supposed
  to show the mother's views in a positive light or to show a deconstruction of fundamentalist
  religious parenting.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:37 No.2140038

  I'm sorry... what?
  Satan does magic, but God doesn't? And unless I heard right, the kid say it's a wizard... not
  some warlock that would be using dark magic or whatever.
  The mother used religion to make the kid get rid of something she didn't like. That's how I see
  it. Even the look on her face pisses me off when she smiled when she got him to do what she
  Looked more of an evil grin like "yes, throw it away yes >:)".
  Mother was satan.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:38 No.2140039

  What a cunt. She was acting like he had a choice, but you know that, if he said that he wanted to
  keep the toy, he would have been grounded.

  Plus, she's preventing him from going out to see a movie with his friends, which is really going
  to stunt his social growth. He'll end up here some day, hating her.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:41 No.2140042

  Maybe it's the origin of Ariel Castro.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:43 No.2140045


>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)01:51 No.2140051


  "Magic is bad. YHWH hates that."

  Ergo, hate is good.

  This is either a logical fallacy or some seriously evil YHWH shenanigans, but either way if you
  know this kid you should take pity on him and try to make friends. Because otherwise he'll have
  none, forever.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:00 No.2140053

  tips fedora.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:05 No.2140055

  Maybe you don't realise the point in using YVWH instead of Jehova. I'll give you a hint: it isn't
  because I'm Jewish; in fact, precisely the opposite.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:07 No.2140058

  dont jewish people say g*d?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:12 No.2140062


>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:12 No.2140063

  The tetragrammaton is TOO LEWD for Jews.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:13 No.2140064

  why would you be sensitive about using the word god if you are the opposite of jewish?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:23 No.2140067

  So is this the state of /f/ now?

  Just poor quality rips from Youtube stuck into a swf file?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:26 No.2140073

  I doubt any sane people go looking for religious cartoons on jewtube.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:33 No.2140078

  Because we don't know the real vowel points, and I'm rubbing the fact in the face of people who
  believe they're using the name of god when they're using scholarly conjecture from the 16th
  century? They don't even know their own god's name. The best they can do is an acronym.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:36 No.2140081

  technically no one knows gods name. you cant say its YHWH either... literally. because there is
  no way to pronounce that unless it's just a huge exhaling of a "yuh-wuh" under your breath

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:38 No.2140082

  g-d is d-d

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:39 No.2140083

  YHWH of course isn't. But it is closer data than Adonai. Given the fucken Jews I'd suspect that
  YHWH is an euphemism for an even earlier name that they fully forgot through sacralisation of the

  The central point being, I'm using the only certain knowledge we have to rub it into the face of
  a toy hating christian cunt who says Jehovah.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:40 No.2140085

  honestly never understood where the hell they got jehovah from as it sounds really really stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:44 No.2140088

  tilting against windmills aren't you? Christ ease up on cocks mate.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:46 No.2140089

  what the fuck is yhwvh, yhwh yvwh

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:47 No.2140091

  Mote in mine for the rod up yours mate.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)02:57 No.2140095


>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:00 No.2140097


>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:13 No.2140105

  Funniest shit I've seen in a while, right on /f/!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:15 No.2140106

  YVWH is what educated people call the god that jews christians and muslims worship Jehovah is how
  some people chose to pronounce YVWH. all you dessert religion morons are too busy sucking YVWH's
  cock to ask it's name.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:18 No.2140107

  No not all of us. Please don't generalize.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:25 No.2140110

  hypocritical since it was made on a computer, which runs largely on magic.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:28 No.2140111

  This guy knows what's up!

>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 10/10/13(Thu)03:30 No.2140114

  The Op of this must have a massive super boner by now.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:42 No.2140120

  only attention whore faggots get off when people agree with their ideas. Unless your implying
  >every anon on 4chan is an attention whore faggot that gets off on posting agreeable ideas.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:47 No.2140125

  im pretty sure he mean that the op is having a boner from all the replies and arguments in the
  comments that he created from just submitting the flash making him feel like g... yh.... jaho...
  whatever you want to call him

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)03:56 No.2140131

  i call him my magic sky daddy

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:22 No.2140143


>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:40 No.2140150

  Oh fucking YVWH why

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:44 No.2140154

  fucking justice

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:45 No.2140156


  Whats going on there? He's hotdogging his mom's ass over an exercise ball?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:47 No.2140157

  SO what's the difference between magic and miracles then?

  Hard Mode: No referencing of video games in your answer.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)04:50 No.2140161

  if jesus does it its a miricle otherwise its magik

  protip: i hope jesus never come back for his own sake because the first miracle he performs is
  gonna get him burned as a witch

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:07 No.2140169

  "Is this toy... magical?"

  "No, mom. It's a fucking toy."

>> [_] = 10/10/13(Thu)05:09 No.2140172

  Holy shit you guys

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:12 No.2140174

  A miracale is considered an ability of God while magic... what the fuck is magic, anyway?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:12 No.2140175

  I was hoping for some straight shota...was very disappointed

>> [_] = 10/10/13(Thu)05:16 No.2140177

  Damn straight.

>> [_] !4X8vLLNDE2 10/10/13(Thu)05:20 No.2140180

  "Magic" is the word used by simple minds to explain phenomena they can't understand.

  "Miracle" is the word used by simpletons to describe what happens when something good happens to
  them, whether it is explainable or not.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:31 No.2140186

  Fucking JWs... I cry out for magic when I feel it dancing in the light.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:38 No.2140189

  Does god approve of throwing away things that don't belong to you or your son, you righteous

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:42 No.2140193

  jesus has already returned, his name is criss angel

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)05:44 No.2140195


  dude, you just freaked my mind

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:11 No.2140214

  *elaborate pun involving freaks and minds*

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:20 No.2140224

  posting in a shitstorm

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:46 No.2140235

  Someone get an expert on the horn, I want to know what magic is!

  And if God is so great then why can't he do magic?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:49 No.2140237

  >implying God isn't almighty

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:53 No.2140239

  Is this made to citique religion or to promote their view?

  no sure actually

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:56 No.2140241

  I'm sorry :(

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)06:57 No.2140242

  "Obey me or burn in hell."

  I don't negotiate with terrorists.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)07:00 No.2140243

  what if the terrorist was a wizard?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/13(Thu)07:04 No.2140246

  I'm not sure if the irony here was supposed to be as strong as it is. Children playing with the
  fiction of magic is more or less the equivalent of adults believing in a deity, only the latter
  is more pathetic because those in question are at an age where they're actively detouring around
  critical thought. This kind of shit makes me want to take voting rights away from these poor
  fools, as it's obvious they aren't able to properly wield such responsibility.
Created: 10/10 -2013 08:48:40 Last modified: 10/10 -2013 15:10:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:49:16