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Threads (16):
File[ff.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] fo reel Anon 1567542 ya reely Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1567630 This is quality. >> [_] Anon 1567632 Code stolen from Super Deepthroat. And poorly stolen, at that. >> [_] Anon 1567633 >># This uses AS2 (http://swfchan.com/2/9669/info.shtml?ff _xxx2_v1.01.swf) whereas SuperDeepthroat uses AS3 (http://swfchan.com/19/93366/info.shtml? SuperDeepthroat.swf). Your assertion appears to be invalid. >> [_] Anon 1567643 >># >implying this isn't as old as the internet and that super deepthroat wasn't based off this >> [_] Anon 1567648 >># this anon is correct. Konashion admitted on his blog that this game inspired his famous project. >> [_] Anon 1567671 >># Lurk more.
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1431617 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1431839 fuck yes! >> [_] Anon 1431840 this game is hard
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Good news everyone, i brought some [H] Anon 1415281 i be dumpin my stuff, dump urs if u gots >> [_] Anon 1415380 There's got to be a way of somehow making shit like this completely disappear from the internet so it never comes back. >> [_] Anon 1415390 >># This shit was actually kinda hot man... But you could try backtracing it... >> [_] Anon 1415430 Oh hey it's the original rather than those 20 different ripoff versions that one site tried to make people pay for. >> [_] Anon 1415438 Still better than ZONE shit.
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1412020 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1412061 I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTHI WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTHI WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTHI WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH >> [_] Anon 1412078 Did anyone notice that the woman kept making noises like a mating pidgeon every time she swallowed that cock? I LUL'd! Also, I kept holding the cock down her throat just to see if she'd pass out. LULZ! >> [_] Anon 1412089 The only bad thing is that she keep her mouth wide open when she talk. That look weird. Bah, the hell with it, save'd anyway. >> [_] Anon 1412102 >># >># >They've never seen this before Thefuck.jpg >> [_] Anon 1412172 how do i get the other endings i forget >> [_] Anon 1412174 >># Skullfuck entirety - Bukkake Only skullfuck once or not a huge amount - Normal Gag her - Deepthroat end >> [_] Anon 1412231 unexpected addition was unexpected >> [_] Anon 1412235 >># What was that?
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1357154 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1357179 I fucking love this template >> [_] Anon 1357214 >># >template sigh, that's pathetic this is referred to as a "template" now. I hate all the rip-offs. Fucking niggers can't make their own shit so they just steal someone else's'. What a bunch of shit. >> [_] Anon 1357275 >template wut? >> [_] Anon 1357300 >># You need moar dying in fire.
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] No more furfaggotry! Anti-Fur! 1191681 Out with the furfags! >> [_] Anon 1191777 Age to knock the furry invaders down. Also because it's good [H] (I play it for the awesome writing) >> [_] Anon 1191783 OP is a secret furfag... >> [_] Anon 1191801 >># NO U
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] XFXFX Anon 1133823 >> [_] NotAnon !Frz2YYuFcA 1133828 isnt there a way to get differnt endings? >> [_] Anon 1133830 >># yes >> [_] NotAnon !Frz2YYuFcA 1133836 >># mind elaborating? >> [_] Anon 1133866 Seeing what happens if you let her choke. >> [_] johndoe 1133901 Okay, class, listen up. There are two actions that determine what ending you get, both when you can get her to go all the way down. One is to go fast, all the way down, when you see the spit fly off. The other is to hold her down until she automatically pulls off. For both actions, when you're doing it right, you'll get a special message. Repeat the actions until the message itself repeats. For the different endings, do neither, both, or one but not the other (different endings there, depending on which one of the two you do). Class dismissed! >> [_] Anon 1133915 i've managed to get three so far Brother cum on her face Brother and other two cum on her face Brother cums in her mouth and then all three cum on her face. Any more? >> [_] Anon 1133980 this is really well made, with the running eye liner and everything. Impressive >> [_] Anon 1133996 OH GOD I'VE /R/D THIS FOR SO LONG I LOVE YOU, OP
File[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1070085 Anyone have that Crono Trigger animated porn game? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1070089 I don't know why it's so much fun to try and make her black out. >> [_] Anon 1070092 >># There's actually a point where you can leave her there forever. Wish she'd have passed out if you did it. >> [_] Anon 1070102 I have that Chrono Trigger game saved back somewhere. I'll try to find it and post it in the next 24 hours. /r/ that awesome Lucky Star opening theme flash with MJ breaking it down all the way through the song. Fucking Epic win and I couldn't save it that day due to shitty interwebz connection... >> >> [_] Anon 1070152 Protip Choke her with your cock at least 4 times... She likes it... >> [_] Anon 1070182 who called this v1.01? it's still incomplete >> [_] Anon 1070208 >># Yeah, if you gag her to the point of blacking out 4x, you cum in her throat instead. Awesome. >> [_] Anon 1070274 I wish people would stop uploading this shitfest. It just looks way too awful to play.
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Rikku Blowjob Anon 999989 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1000000 GO GO 1 MIL >> [_] Anon 1000011 >># FUCK YEAR I IS TEH WINRAR >> [_] Anon 1000015 >># god dammit. >> [_] Anon 1000020 100000 GET FOR ME I'm mexican, niggas >> [_] Anon 1000021 >># FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFF- >> [_] Anon 1000022 ..damn >> [_] Anon 1000025 >># Finally, I can go to bed screencap this shit before it dies. We won't be seeing 2MGET for awhile guys >> [_] Anon 1000026 >># go go gadget >> [_] Anon 1000027 .__. my face >> [_] Anon 1000029 lol, whodathunkit, my thread contains 1mil get >> [_] Anon 1000031 >># Fer grate justise. >> [_] Anon 1000033 >># JUST FUCKING MISSED IT! >> [_] Anon 1000036 >># God damn it. Fail as usual, 4chan. Fail as usual. Why did I expect anything else? >> [_] Anon 1000037 >># Capped >> [_] Anon 1000038 >># ur welcome >> [_] Anon 1000042 >># 1000000 interwebs 4 u =D nao g'night /f/ >> [_] Anon 1000043 >># Oh goddamnit >> [_] Anon 1000045 I now proclaim that all posts until 2mil get must contain pornography >> [_] Anon 1000046 Sooo close I got 9999993 >> [_] Anon 1000048 make a flash based on Go Go 1 Mil >> [_] =[ ] 1000049 >># ditto >> [_] Anon 1000055 http://img.4chan.org/b/res/140231909.html heres cap faggots >> [_] Anon 1000058 proasting in a 1 mil thread >> [_] EFG 1000059 >># On way. >> [_] Anon 1000060 /f/ has never cared about gets. GTFO newfags. >> [_] Anon 1000062 >># And yet you use sage on /f/ >> [_] Anon 1000063 >># facepalm.jpg >> [_] Anon 1000065 >># you didnt even add a name >> [_] Anon 1000066 sage on /f/ is the instant oldfag litmus test if you've been here long enough you know it doesnt do shit. >> [_] Anon 1000068 >># so? i still got the get >> [_] Anon 1000073 IT WAS A GET FOR ANON! >> [_] Anon 1000075 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># -im making a vid guys. will be uploaded maybe in 1 hour >> [_] Anon 1000076 >># repost it tomorrow, Im going to bed. >> [_] + 1000077 >># Cool. Looking forward to raging again. Good night, sweet /f/. >> [_] EFG 1000079 My vid is almost done. >> [_] Anon 1000092 >># Poasting in /f/ legendary thread! >> [_] Anon 1000101 Hay guise. Am I late to the party? >> [_] EFG 1000103 >># Postin in two >> [_] Anon 1000117 Blowjobs always win >> [_] Anon 1000124 SUP GUYS 1MIL GET >> [_] Anon 1000147 save teh mil >> [_] Anon 1000157 gey >> [_] Anon 1000158 FFFFFFFFFF-- >> [_] Anon 1000177 >># FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU >> [_] Anon 1000187 at least it happened in a thread with a good hentai flash... >> [_] Anon 1000201 >># This was my post T_T so close to epic >> [_] Anon 1000210 INSPECTOR GADGET GET! >> [_] Anon 1000212 Inspector Gadget is now a meme. >> [_] Anon 1000227 When I saw this amount of replies I was expecting drama. >> [_] Anon 1000228 I never understood why the hell she couldn't be naked for this. >> [_] Anon 1000238 gunna need that screen cap again. can anyone help me out? >> [_] Anon 1000242 >># http://img.4chan.org/b/res/140279996.htm l#140279996 now shut the fuck up. >> [_] Anon 1000244 :O >> [_] Anon 1000245 Posting in a shitty get thread. >> [_] Anon 1000249 Did the guy who made his do anything else?
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Subject Anon 987492 Comment Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 987501 >># Insult >> [_] Anon 987503 >># Reply >> [_] Anon 987504 >># Defend >> [_] name 987505 >># >># >># Implication of samefaggotry. >> [_] Anon 987506 >># meme >> [_] Anon 987509 If you fap to this you are GAAAY! You are directly controlling her to suck his cock, which means it might aswell be you giving the BJ, therefore... GAAAY! That is all. >> [_] Anon 987511 >># Underage b& detected. >> [_] Anon 987512 why does she look like a crack whore? >> [_] Anon 987515 inb4 /r/ing xxx1 >> [_] Anon 987517 >># Because this flash sucks. >> [_] Anon 987521 >># >># And because she is. >> [_] Anon 987523 >># Thing is, it's not that different when you're looking at your own cock going in some whore's mouth. >> [_] Anon 987549 How do you get all the different 'endings' for this? >> [_] Anon 987581 I'm not gay, but I like to suck cock. >> [_] Anon 987582 >># What is this, a riddle? Well, let's see... not gay, but likes sucking cocks... can't be a girl, 'cause no girls on interbutt... hmmm... could you be talking about auto-fellatio? Cause if not, I'd have to say you're definitely gay, then. >> [_] Anon 987614 Deep throat-3 minute game Suck-10 minute game The longer one doesnt even have a satisfying end. >> [_] Anon 987617 >># Maybe he means cock-a-leekie soup. >> [_] Amazoman V3 !2PnxfuTa8. 987618 My question is, why can't I kill her via suffocation? It would make my day if I could... >> [_] Anon 987681 >># It means he likes chicken. >> [_] Anon 987682 >># there's only 4 I think. choke her out until she starts repeating herself to get oral creampie end, otherwise its just a facial iirc. doing something else gets two more dicks to jizz on her for both ends, but I forgot what triggers that. >> [_] Anon 987704 >># forcing her down on the cock a bunch. >> [_] Anon 987711 Am I the only one who want's more like this? >> [_] Anon 987714 >># no buddy, u're not alone >> [_] Anon 987720 who is the author? (NastyB) and can we get em to give us moar? >> [_] Anon 987731 no extend words >># Confuse >> [_] Anon 987744 Best flash ever, everyone else is fucking amateurs >> [_] Anon 987784 this flash doesn't do anything! what am i doing wrong?
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] FOR MAH BROS IN /v/ Anon 943457 BROFIST Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 943463 hawt. this is my first time in /f/, how can i DL the SWFs? >> [_] Anon 943467 that ugly whore won't choke. damn it! >> [_] Anon 943470 >># Right click Save Link As Open with a web browser >> [_] Anon 943473 >># I love you anon i fucking love you >> [_] Anon 943522 >># I hate you newfag I fucking hate you >> [_] Anon 943596 wooooooww >> [_] Anon 943713 lol >> [_] Anon 943780 >># I'm with this guy. Also, I'm tired of seeing this reposted. Everyone who calls this hot is a newfag and should abandon 4chan now. This is a repost of a reposted repost. >> [_] Anon 943825 >># Agreed, nothing wrong with the oldfags pointing out that hot old flash is still hot though. Atleast this respost isn't resposted as often as others. Remind me what options there are in this game??
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 934305 I like it Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 934314 NIGGER BALLS >> [_] Anon 934337 Not enough loli pussy >> [_] Anon 934351 I don't. >> [_] Anon 934368 >># u a fag, nigga? >> [_] Anon 934373 >># No, he just has good taste. >> [_] Anon 934375 wish it resembled rikku more, right now it's basically a pornstar cosplaying as her also needs the option to have her pass out from choking on cock >> [_] Anon 934380 >># sounds like that would cause a gameover to me. >> [_] Anon 934389 >># well the dude would still cum of course >> [_] Anon 934394 >># Watching a blowjob is one of the gayest things to do. There is no vagina, you're just watching some cock get pleasured then cum everywhere. Sounds pretty gay to me. >> [_] Anon 934399 >># Not to mention that it is you who is controlling the one giving the blowjob. >> [_] Anon 934408 >># >># it's visual stimulation dickhead >> [_] Anon 934414 >># it's visual stimulation ^of the dickhead >> [_] Anon 934418 >># you are really caught up on the cartoon dick. are you fifteen? >> [_] Anon 934419 >># >># lol @ closet fags >> [_] Anon 934422 >># >># Not sure why but I lol'd. And yeah, watching a bj may seem gay, but we somehow have the power to pretend it's us doing the... stuffing into Rikku's face. It's weird you point your eyes that counts. Don't look at the pen0r, look at Rikku and her reactions, just like you would a girl in real life. >> [_] Anon 934436 >># >># maybe you are the gay ones >> [_] Anon 934502 >># Then who was phone? >> [_] Anon 934513 No sir, I don't like it. Not at all. >> [_] Anon 934527 seriously, this is posted like every two days surely there are other final fantasy h-games out there >> [_] Anon 934529 At least it's not furry, stop whining and get your fap on >> [_] Anon 934532 I hate this flash. It looks nothing like Rikku, and she doesn't die when you suffocate her. >> [_] Anon 934539 I am bisexual and this isn't a turn-on at all. Also the cock is crap.
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] MORE [H] you faggots MORE [H] you faggots 925909 MORE [H] you faggots Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 925985 I'd rather have more NEW [H]... >> [_] Anon 925987 >># this. Also watching some guy get a blow job doesn't turn me on. >> [_] Anon 926053 why can't I make her choke and die? >> [_] Anon 926199 >># because that would be fun
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] /r/ New Zone mini finalfantasy_xxx-2 910074 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 910087 http://www.sendspace.com/file/2vccv1 >> [_] >:C 910149 http://rs.4chan.org/ search bitch. >> [_] Anon 910279 or just go to swfchan. Its been there since the 27th. >> [_] Anon 910283 isn't there a way to get Rikku to swallow?
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Final Fellatio X-2 Anon 886860 Needs moar [H] >> [_] Anon 886869 How get other endings? >> [_] Anon 886892 Depends how you do her. If you slam her in and out, there's one, while if you keep choking her that's two. If you're gentle and do neither, that's three. >> [_] Anon 886950 Riku is the master of sloppy blowjobs... >> [_] Anon 886953 Why does Rikku look like a retarded crack whore? >> [_] Anon 886957 /r/ing song >> [_] Anon 886975 >># I think you may have answered your own question.
File :[ff_xxx2_v1.01.swf] - (2.52 MB) [_] [H] Anon 874367 /f/, where can i get a flash animation. I has no moneys so anything else would help. in return, FF porn game >> [_] Anon 874374 browse /f/ there are flashes there >> [_] Anon 874375 Wow. I must say this flash was loads of fun! Look at all the saliva! >># Damn you're stupid. >> [_] Anon 874392 >># wow im dumb. OP here I meant Flash Animation Software. Like Adobe Flash or something. Please help >> [_] Anon 874395 >># lol forgetful anon is forgetful >> [_] Anon 874407 >># Learn to internet, dude. >> [_] Anon 874413 >># Flash program plz? >> [_] Anon 874422 >># http://www.isohunt.com >> [_] Anon 874427 >># im not behind any proxies. Is it safe to download this or am i gonna get the cops coming to my door? >> [_] Anon 874433 Welcome to the 21st century... unless you're looking at kiddie porn or hacking somebody's email account... nobody really gives a shit anymore. >> [_] Anon 874485 What about a free shareware alternative? >> [_] Anon 874488 mspaint has a flash creation function now >> [_] Anon 874496 >># I caught some trouble when my University kicked me off the 'net for a week after I downloaded an old THQ game. Any word on that? I'm fucking paranoid now. >> [_] Anon 874504 >># They probably care more about the bandwidth you were hogging to download it than the fact that you were downloading it. Nobody cares. Unless it's child porn or you're hacking into someone's shit, nobody cares. Well, downloading movies/TV is a possible exception, that will probably get you a few stern letters, but even then you'll always get a warning before you get any actual action against you. Your ISP wants you to stay as a customer, so they're not going to axe you after one infraction. >> [_] Anon 874574 >># any more like OPs? |