File :[dontshityourpants.swf] - (102 KB)
[_] [G] The greatest game ever made. Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:20 No.946236
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:31 No.946243
Can't get the "Inevitable" ones. Got all the rest though.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:33 No.946247
"shit" at start screen
"remove pants" "shit"
"pull door" "sit on toilet" "shit"
"pull door" "remove pants" "sit on toilet" "shit"
"take pills"
"fart lightly" "take pills"
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:37 No.946250
walkthrough: 1="pull door", "remove pants", "sit toilet", "shit". 2="remove pants","shit". 3=
"shit". 4="pull door", sit toilet", "shit". 5="kill". 6,7= "fart lightly", "take pills" and wait
for the timer count down. DO NOT PRESS ENTER! 8=instead of "play" type "shit". 9="pull door" and
wait. 10= get all achievements.
Easter eggs!: 1. remove pants, die 2. Flatulate
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:14 No.946270
Still the Shit King
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:30 No.946275
wow.... this game seriously made my day. I never unlocked all achievements in a video game.
You've boosted my confidence greatly.
>> [_] Yugi !lY/06spwzA 04/07/09(Tue)23:12 No.946299
yay a crown
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)00:55 No.946362
easter egg 3. Kick door.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)01:15 No.946377
I shat my pants playing this game
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)01:40 No.946388
a good 4th easter egg would be "use butt plug"
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)01:49 No.946392
punch door
look at hair
type "play" with quotations at start
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)06:30 No.946543
Still crownin' from like 4 months ago