File :[Alfred_Jesus.swf] - (1.54 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:51 No.940929
Peace be with you anon
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)18:51 No.940930
wtf is this shit?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:14 No.940950
It's been so long, and this is still VERY awesome.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)19:16 No.940954
Hehe, yeah, I've been waiting to see this here. ALL HAIL ALFRED JESUS.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:12 No.941057
what was the song?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:52 No.941083
Alfred Christ, You idiot.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:34 No.941119
This is too awesome for words
>> [_] patches 04/03/09(Fri)00:48 No.941190
Awesome, but, nothing will ever compare to Rise of Alfred.