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Threads (2):
File: Destroy_the_Australian_film_industry.swf -(1.1 MB, 720x576, Other) [_] Anon 2474203 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2474207 cry more, jews >> [_] Anon 2474211 >># what does the Australian film industry have to do with Judaism? Just asking >> [_] Anon 2474218 >great films >good one, wolf creek. >implying aus should buy over priced shit >supporting rupert snake murdoch >implying implications >># everything >> [_] Anon 2474231 >># the only one who loses money from pirating movies is the distribution industry, the ones who distribute dvd/blu-ray discs, since major of the money comes from theaters screening in THE FIRST FUCKING WEEK, when there are available only kino-rips, which are mostly unwatchable >> [_] Anon 2474302 >># This is 4chan. Everything that they don't like, they blame on the Jews, even if there's absolutely zero evidence. >> [_] Anon 2474305 >># The individuals who suffer the most from piracy are the large corporate bodies that distribute the film. These individuals are, for the most part, Jewish. >> [_] Anon 2474316 Has there been a good aussie film since Romper Stomper? >> [_] Anon 2474317 >># good goy >> [_] Anon 2474324 >># yea, like gaza. >> [_] Anon 2474328 ustralia Australian-made movies gross around 45 millions in Australian box office, so how can piracy be costing 230 millions? Are they talking about the gross box office for all movies? Because that's over a billion (1000 millions) in Australia alone and foreign movies are probably shown in dozens of other countries, so 230 millions is pocket change. This ad's claim is either impossible or insignificant. >> [_] Anon 2474330 >># or a jew's tool to take all the sheckles possible >> [_] Anon 2474371 The film industry comes up with these astronomical numbers by: 1: Thinking every time someone views a copy on youtube, they would have paid $20 instead. Each view, not individual. So that cat video with 150 million views could have made $3 billion. Oh wait, Kangaroo Country: $30 a view. 2: China's markets. China pirates the *fuck* out of everything. China is an export economy. Ergo, everything made in country is cheap, everything imported is relatively expensive as fuck. $30 in kiwi money is almost a week's wages for ching chong working the rice paddies. So merchants just copy movies onto disks, and sell them at local prices: ie, $1 each. The People's Party looks the other way, as it keeps the riff raff occupied. Besides,Industrial Espionage is a government sponsored industry over there. Hollywood is PISSED that they can't make 1.2 billion slant eyes pay a week's wage each for Transformers 2, and that the internet is reducing the need for distribution companies. >> [_] Anon 2474402 >># >implying theres such a thing as intilectual property >> [_] Anon 2474404 Good. Fuck Australians. Worst group of people on the globe. Even worse than Turks. >> [_] Anon 2474426 Who is the target demographic of this ad? It's so generic and empty I cannot imagine anyone here getting swayed by it >> [_] Anon 2474446 >># >># retards, i.e. at least 50% of civilization >> [_] Anon 2474448 >># Australians
File[Destroy_the_Australian_film_industr y.swf] - (1.1 MB) [_] [L] Anon 1626539 >> [_] Anon 1626551 Well alright then, maybe I will. What's a good Australian movie to steal? >> [_] Anon 1626553 >Australia >good films pick 1 >> [_] Anon 1626611 >># Razorback, Mas Max trilogy, Howling 1&2, 20,000 leagues under the sea (1985). There's a lot more, but those are the easiest to remember. >># I'll pick the third option: >you're retarded >> [_] Anon 1626612 >># >Howling 1&2 Howling one is a boring pile of shit, Howling two is only good because of how funny it is. >> [_] Anon 1626617 >># Sorry, I can't hear you over how retarded you are. >> [_] Anon 1626622 >># Dragon Pearl, while a family film and so automatically bad, is still pretty entertaining. Especially with Doctor Grant in it. >> [_] Anon 1626657 fuck it, donwloading to the max to make the whole world burn. Armageddon is coming from internet and knowledge circulation. |