File: Life Lessons With Strawberry Clock.swf-(3.37 MB, 700x300, Other)
[_] Time for your dose Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)15:23 No.2325200
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)16:26 No.2325256
Best part was with Eskimo Bob
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)16:37 No.2325268
If you're not OP, you don't contribute to anything. If you are, [spoiler]you're gay.[/spoiler]
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)17:07 No.2325289
>this is what neckbeards actually believe
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)17:08 No.2325293
>this is what feminists believe
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)17:57 No.2325334
I guess if I just stayed inside and watched soap operas, sitcoms and anime all day I'd probably
believe this shit too.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)18:08 No.2325339
>If you have a headache, you're gay
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)18:09 No.2325340
if every woman you meet is a cunt, you're just a shitty man
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)18:33 No.2325361
Life Lessons:
If something is bad, the opposite is not always good.
People will describe their own faults in a good light, and describe your faults in a bad light.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/14(Sat)18:38 No.2325368
>if you have a headache, you're gay