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Threads (3):
File: YouTube - Dawn Of War Intro_WMV V9.swf-(6.83 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1988921 >> [_] Anonymuos 1988939 >># I used to watch this all the time. Just cause. >> [_] Anon 1989015 Every time I see this all I can think about is how fucking inhuman that Sergeant's warcry is. Honestly it's like they mixed up the sound files for the Ork and Sergeant shouts. >> [_] Anon 1989070 god damn I love this intro >># he's a space marine, his shout should cause normal people to shit themselves in terror >> [_] Anon 1989130 "But Commander Dumbass, we already have an entrenched position, and those are orcs!" "I don't care, Captain Logic, I said charge and engage them in hand to hand combat!" >> [_] Anon 1989135 >># their armor cant be pierced with bullets, and they can kill better with melee
File: YouTube - Dawn Of War Intro_WMV V9.swf-(6.83 MB, Other) [_] Dawn of War IntroHerp Derpem !oHERpRH/Ts06/17/12(Sun)23:38No.1701326 >> [_] Anonymous06/18/12(Mon)00:02No.1701346 because charge straight to a horde of greenskins is in the Codex >> [_] Anonymous06/18/12(Mon)00:30No.1701356 Glorious >> [_] Anonymous06/18/12(Mon)00:36No.1701365 spess mahreen
File[YouTube - Dawn Of War Intro_WMV V9.swf] - (6.83 MB) [_] [?] Herp Derpem !oHERpRH/Ts 1681175 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1681197 The first time I watched this video, before getting into Warhammer 40,000: >Oh no, those space marines are getting slaughtered! Well, at least he did his duty, fighting those evil aliens! After a few years of reading 40k: >WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! !! Krump dose beakies! Orks is da best! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA And this is why the Orks are so great. No matter how much the space marines are made out to look like super special noble heroes of honor and whatnot, the orks will never stop being hilarious. That shoota-boy wasn't even aiming, that's how few fucks he gives. >> [_] Anon 1681199 You primarily have guns. Your enemy primarily has melee weapons. You charge the enemy. Your death is deserved. >> [_] Anon 1681200 KILL DA SPAYS MUREENZ >> [_] Anon 1681256 >fucking tank with legs >put it in the center of combat They deserve fucking exterminatus Slanneshi is superior to spaez muhreenz >> [_] Anon 1681262 Power armour is just so fucking useless >> [_] Anon 1681270 If Dawn of War 2 was any indication, Space Marine armor is made out of wet tissue paper. >> [_] Anon 1681319 That armor is useless. >> [_] Anon 1681335 The creators of that intro must not have even played the game first, let alone read anything canon. Everywhere apart from these intro vids spehss muhreens are literal super soldiers |