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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/7 -2012 12:25:52 Ended: 6/7 -2012 20:24:49Flashes: 1 Posts: 26
File: SymbiosisofEvil06.swf-(7.14 MB, Game)
[_] Castelvania Symbiosisofevil 0.6JonathancharlotteJonathancharlotteJon athancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)04:28No.1714041 Fixed update with rotational whipping and getting hurt and enemy projectiles.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)04:54No.1714048 I'm guessing the rotational whipping is where you can hold the A button and press the arrow keys.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)04:56No.1714050 Looks fun! bug: attacking and holding the attack button will give the enemies only the flick damage, not the initial attack damage. This can be frustrating when you don't know why every attack is dealing only one damage.
>> [_] OP07/06/12(Fri)05:00No.1714051 >># I'm pretty sure thats how the game is supposed to be? If you held down the attack key and flung the whip around dealing 45 damage the game would be a cakewalk. >># Yes
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:05No.1714052 There are several glitches when holding buttons down, for example: jump and hold down, the character will continue the falling animation when landing. After sliding, sometimes the down button is disabled (character appears to stand, although sliding and duck-attacking is possible). As a developer, you might want to make a enemy-free flat level and goof around for a while, making a note every time your character does something you don't want, then try to correct those glitches later. But you'll always miss things you didn't prepare for. Having someone else check for you will always yield more bugs.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:07No.1714054 Might be better to change rotational whipping from pressing an arrow key to holding an arrow key. That way you won't have the whip teleporting to its position. Of course you could always force the whip to swing from its current direction to the starting angle in a forwards manner (the same direction it takes when it falls) and then fall (depending on which direction Johnathan is facing)
>> [_] OP07/06/12(Fri)05:09No.1714055 >># Thanks. Sounds like a good idea. You guys help a lot with telling me what's wrong with my game and it's sucky parts so that's why I post it frequently. The jump down cancel will be programmed later so there won't be much of a problem I hope.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:11No.1714056 >># Can you clarify?
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:14No.1714057 >># Hold the A button the whole time. Let's say you're facing right the whole time as well. The whip has already fallen to the ground. Press the right arrow key—hell, any arrow key. The result will be the same. The whip will move from its current position—at the ground, in a clockwise direction, to the target angle which is directly forward, and fall again. This can be repeated by spamming arrow keys as necessary.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:15No.1714058 >># Holding both the A key and an arrow key should have the same effect.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)05:32No.1714062 >Hearts replenish health Have you ever even played a goddamn Castlevania game?
>> [_] OP07/06/12(Fri)07:47No.1714134 >># Yes, snotty. I just wanted to see if drops work. Do you want potions dropped everytime you kill something? I will patch the directional whipping or attempt to.
>> [_] OP07/06/12(Fri)08:08No.1714141 >># Still don't see the bug. The teleporting as you say is part of the game, it's just not smooth and theres some other physics applied to the whip.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)09:13No.1714174 Have you ever played a fucking castlevania? This is terrible.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)09:32No.1714176 your name is really freaking me out... my name's jonathan and my sister is charlotte...
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)09:35No.1714178 immune enemy, immune character, fucked up whip up and down, sliding out of the map, etc...
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)09:42No.1714182 standing next to the wall, keep hitting left + right + jump button its like im playing rockman right now
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)10:20No.1714194 If i where to compile a list of bugs i'd take up some of my day. Luckily for you however... List of bugs that need to be addressed 1. while holding a direction and using whip player freezes in place until direction is let go. This is regardless of whether or not the whip button is held (as it is in castlevania) 2. Holding both left and right directions causes player to stop instead of changing to the last direction pressed. 3. holding both left and right directions allows player to repeat jump forever. 4. sliding makes player freeze in place until directional button is released. 5. holding a drectional button and down at the same time causes play to run on the spot
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)10:21No.1714195 6. holding down after a slide causes the animation repeat. 7. you cannot slide down stairs. 8. holding down after a fall freezes player into falling sprite until button released. 9.overall poor collision events between player and platforms, eg. sliding through walls and falling through platforms. 10. i'd mention the rotational whipping but you'd already know about that. These are key issues that you're going to need to fix before implementing more things to the game if you want it to be at all successful
>> [_] JonathancharlotteJonathancharlotteJonath ancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)10:22No.1714196 >># this is an enabled debug function. So the players can move around the map freely. >># Is this a stupid question? Ive played harmony of despair for hours upon hours. This is if you cant read a 0.6 its nowhere near complete Im just posting it for kicks and for people to test. You want something better pay 15 dollars on xbla for sotn or HOD. Otherwise I'm working on it cut me some slack.
>> [_] jonathancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)10:25No.17 14198 >1. while holding a direction and using whip player freezes in place until direction is let go. This is regardless of whether or not the whip button is held (as it is in castlevania) >2. Holding both left and right directions causes >player to stop instead of changing to the last direction pressed. >3. holding both left and right directions allows player to repeat jump forever. 4. sliding makes player freeze in place until directional button is released. 5. holding a drectional button and down at the same time causes play to run on the spot Thanks. I'll edit the code it's really lengthy but I'll fix it. Sorry if debugging makes your butt pucker I know the game is buggy haha.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)10:36No.1714204 >># It doesn't bother me that it's buggy. it's clearly in it's early alpha stages. At least people like me would rather tell you where and what needs improving rather than shoot it down ignorantly. I'm just happy to help
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)10:43No.1714209 Is it possible to get out of "blue screen of falling" not to F5? I tried "superman vertical fly" but nothing happened.
>> [_] Anonymous07/06/12(Fri)10:52No.1714211 Triple jump : Double jump, then whip , then jump again. It allows you to go past the broken stairs.
>> [_] JonathancharlotteJonathancharlotteJonath ancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)10:56No.1714216 >># after double jumping superman doesnt work :/ I just never implemented the wall yet I'm sorry I forgot :x Im gonna revamp the backgrounds and do something new after I get the exp system down, currently working on it atm. >># didnt think youd catch that lol
>> [_] JonathancharlotteJonathancharlotteJonath ancharlotte07/06/12(Fri)11:00No.1714222 >># Thanks dude. I appreciate it. Also, I don't mean to be a faggot, but I have a forum I made for the game. You can help me out and join my legion if you want.
Created: 6/7 -2012 12:31:04 Last modified: 15/3 -2019 07:00:48 Server time: 03/06 -2024 22:03:41