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6,66 MiB, 00:01 | [W] [I]

Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/1 -2014 07:01:47 Ended: 21/1 -2014 13:02:43Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: SymbiosisofEvil07inprog.swf-(6.65 MB, 600x480, Game)
[_] /r/ song Anon 2264541 What's the harpsichord song that plays at the beginning? Disregard the game, it sucks
>> [_] Anon 2264551 Wood Carving Partita (Long Library) from Castlevania Symphony of the Night Also maplestory stumps why
>> [_] Anon 2264556 >># Thanks a lot. And no clue, the game seems like it was rushed
>> [_] Anon 2264734 I need a new metroidvania, god damn it

[G9W2O34]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/7 -2012 10:39:32 Ended: 12/7 -2012 21:42:11Flashes: 1 Posts: 18
File: SymbiosisofEvil07inprog.swf-(6.65 MB, Game)
[_] CMONCHUMP COMEANDGETIT 1717889 Tried posting this before but att and starbucks suck ballsack. >Throwing holy water >Quests >Secret ending Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1717898 Wow, you've made a lot of progress. Only complaint is the "kill x of monster"type quests and I could've sworn the holy water's hit detection fucked up for a bit but other than that everything's pretty spot on.
>> [_] CMONCHUMP 1717902 >># Dont like mmopragr kill quests? Some people said theres nothing to do so I gave it a point I guess.
>> [_] Anon 1717904 >># add naked dancing strippers. and guns. can't go wrong with guns and strippers.
>> [_] CMONCHUMP 1717905 >># Erm Ill make a duke nukem level just for you and stripper monsters. Anything else? lol
>> [_] Anon 1717909 >># Can't say I do. Oh yeah, just found a bug: the second column of fish heads can get stuck in their turning animation frame and become invulnerable to attacks. I don't how this happens exactly, I think you need to throw holy water at them in midair.
>> [_] CMONCHUMP 1717910 >># Well, what would you prefer to be quests? Also it might be that you were in the middle of the columns or something.
>> [_] Anon 1717911 >># that. would be AWESOME.
>> [_] Anon 1717912 >># I wouldn't mind that much if you left in the kill monster quests, but stuff like finding an item or solving a puzzle would add some variety. Just try to stay away from grindiness, that's my suggestion.
>> [_] CMONCHUMP 1717913 >># How about this. I can make an npc that gives out quests with rewards, but they all have different categories. Like Exploration/Bounties/Hunting. Exploration gets rare different equipments and experience, hunting (grind quests) get a certain amount of additional experience and maybe a ring, and then bounties are high profile monsters like stripperella zombies with better equips and items.
>> [_] Anon 1717915 >># Sure, why not, it works. But exploration should be left up to the player, Metroid style.
>> [_] CMONCHUMP 1717916 >># good point. Could be like hidden quests achievement unlocked stuff.
>> [_] Anon 1717928 Needs a pumpkin. Don't know where, don't know how, but it needs one.
>> [_] Anon 1717929 >># Just in general or in the level? This confuses me. ALSO heres my forum because Im a faggot dex.php
>> [_] Anon 1717989 My face when Stumps from Maplestory My face when no face
>> [_] Anon 1718090 There seems to be a hit detection issue with the Fishead's fireballs, one or two of them from the column would hit you about half the whips length away from you while the others would continue flying at you like normal.
>> [_] Anon 1718097 I've never programmed swf before so I don't know what kind of memory tricks are available, but I feel like the whole background is loaded and it slows down play. Maybe you could use something like a quad search tree to only consider rendering the parts of the background are relevant.
>> [_] Anon 1718122 The whip-crack when you hit a monster is annoyingly loud.
Created: 12/7 -2012 10:53:04 Last modified: 14/3 -2019 17:44:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:26:54