File: Blu-ray Vs. HD DVD What's Better.swf-(2.41 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)15:12 No.2410186
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)15:21 No.2410192
I hope HD DVD wins.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)15:38 No.2410207
Cool, really informative.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)15:44 No.2410212
I'm debating sending this to my grandparents...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)15:50 No.2410216
The best is piratebay.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)16:06 No.2410222
fucking morons, why don't they just download the movie straight to their viewing device?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)16:53 No.2410258
Bu-bu-bu i have to suppurt mah artist
nice trips
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)17:10 No.2410265
I already bought HD DVD drive for my computer.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)18:21 No.2410317
I'm glad Toshiba shit all over the HD DVD format.
Having another optical format war would have been fucking hell.
It was bad enough with DVDs and the various kinds of discs.
At least with Blu-ray, the spec was standard and future proof.
HD-DVDs roadmap was of incompatibility.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)18:28 No.2410321
I remember a friend being like. HD DVD forever!
till i told him they could hold 15GB vs the 25GB blu rays.
They looked the same to me otherwise. but why would you go for the cheaper one?
Glad this war is over. till the internet kills it.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)18:34 No.2410325
I remember way back on the PS3Forums before it all collapsed and went to shit.
There was this one guy called kingarthur[somethingsomethingnumbers]
Mainly hung out on the Xbox part of the forum, and he was such a huge fanboy it was hilarious.
And the way he typed was always a good joke amongst us in the staff forums. (mainly if you read
his posts as if it was a rap, it made them much funnier)
He was such a massive diehard fan of HD DVD.
So much so that when it was killed, he literally left the forums forever. So fucking mad over
something so trivial.
For fun, every month for like a year, I always reminded him of it on his clans websites mini chat
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)18:38 No.2410329
It's VHS vs Betamax all over again...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)18:49 No.2410339
>Having another optical format war
What? I don't recall an optical disk competitor to DVDs when they came out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)19:23 No.2410356
There was. DVD+ and DVD- were incompatible derivative formats.
DVD- was supporrted by the DVD Forum.
But DVD+ was considerably better in every way besides a tiny amount of less space.(like, 10k
bytes or some shit)
Eventually it just merged in to DVD+- discs and more of them got compatibility where it never
Shit was annoying as fuck though.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)19:42 No.2410365
>recording media is the same as hd blueray war....
>> [_] Anonymous 06/08/14(Sun)19:48 No.2410366
I actually have an HD-DVD drive stuffed in the back of my closet...