File: turbo.swf-(1.11 MB, 960x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)03:09 No.2505687
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)03:49 No.2505715
5.030 Km
Who let an alien drive anyway?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)03:56 No.2505720
8.721 km
Get on my level pleb
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)04:04 No.2505726
all u have to do is point the car into the wall and hold down the gas.... made it to 20km first
try not hard shit game gg
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)04:07 No.2505727
i made it 1,293,3911 kms first try without touching the keyboard or mouse