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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 60. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other) [_] Picked at random. Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:38 No.2565007 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:42 No.2565009 >>2565007 Why the hell did I save this? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:45 No.2565012 >>2565009 Because god is your waifu? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:49 No.2565014 >>2565009 Because Jehovah loves you. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:04 No.2565024 >>2565014 Let's see if he still does after I post the next thing. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:17 No.2565032 lost at "sait-han" >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:22 No.2565035 >>2565007 I still didn't get what is the kid name. All I hear is gaylord. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:23 No.2565036 They threw it away? Really?! At least give the toy back to your friend, dude. I remember when my mom pulled this shit. A friend let me borrow his dungeons and dragons book. My mom thought it was satanic and threw it away. That thing cost 50 fucking bucks. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:23 No.2565037 I feel bad because I know kids whose parents were like this and how disillusioned they've become >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:41 No.2565045 And people say religions aren't cults >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:49 No.2565051 >>2565036 Seriously! "Hey Billy, do you like Warrior Wizard?" "My mom said he was a tool of Satan and that I made Jehova sad when I played with him." "... Wow. That's really weird Billy. Can I have him back now?" "Mom made me throw him away." "... WHAT? Dude, I was just letting your borrow it! You can't just throw it away! Now the playset will be incomplete!" "Mom said playsets are a tool of Satan, too. I forgot why." "Your mom is the reason we arn't friends anymore." And then Billy is left friendless and ostracized until he goes off to a college that shares his exact brand of religious weirdness, because he found out the hard way that Catholic High School is not the same thing as his mother's personal brand of God-fearing. Whole life made strange and complicated over a wizard toy. Thanks mom. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:54 No.2565053 >>2565032 me too, i just knew where it was headed and i had to exit >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:55 No.2565055 fucking mormons >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:59 No.2565058 Fuck a war on drugs. We need a war on religion. This shit is dangerous and needs to be outlawed. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:00 No.2565060 Guaranteed_Replies.swf >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:08 No.2565067 >>2565060 this >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:15 No.2565074 >>2565058 *tips fedora* >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:21 No.2565078 bretty solid animation 10/10 >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:33 No.2565081 Is he eating a hotdog on a plate with a cup of water?? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:38 No.2565082 Come and get your snack OKAHY? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:42 No.2565083 >>2565007 >be me >be wizard >tfw I make Jehovah sad ;-; >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:57 No.2565088 >>2565058 THIS!!! >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:58 No.2565089 >>2565007 something i never got about religion: god is almighty, omnipotent and omnipresent and he loves his children with infinite forgiveness and love. but if you forget or refuse to do even 1 of the tons of rules imposed on a book written thousands of years ago he'll smite you and make you burn in suffering for eternity. what the fuck. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:01 No.2565091 >>2565035 His name is Caleb, after Job's grandson, the jew whose faith in God was tested by the simple method of fucking with him for 60 years and then finally burning him to death. (He got to bang virgins in heaven though) >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:04 No.2565093 >>2565091 To fucking bad that Heaven is just as made up as God is huh?! >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:06 No.2565095 >>2565081 that's what my mormon friend ate every day in highschool >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:10 No.2565099 I was raised as a Jehovah's witness, and this sums up my experience personally. The entire religion feels like a cult because of the way they brainwash you. First of all, witnesses don't refer to their beliefs as a religion, They refer to it as "the truth". For instance, when asked if you are "in the truth", you are being asked if you're a Jehovah's witness. I believe this is a way to subliminally place your loyalty with their church. They also don't call their churches "churches", and will get offended if you refer to them as anything other than a congregation. They claim they are not a religion, but "followers of god". cont >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:11 No.2565101 >>2565099 Second, They discourage association with anyone that's not a witness. They will tell you that the whole world is controlled by satan, and that by associating with "worldly people" (that's seriously what they call people not in the church) you put yourself at risk for being brainwashed by satan (ironic huh?). They also have a very strict set of rules, (no drugs, premarital relations(any kind, even oral), stealing, etc) and if you break any of them, you are automatically "disfellowshiped" meaning no one in the church will look/talk to you until you offer a public apology. There's a lot more I want to type, mostly about their hypocrisy/craziness on some things like pokemon cards being demonic, and birthday parties being rooted in pagan customs, but I don't have the time right now. Sorry for the rant, but thanks for posting, I'll share it with my witness cousin. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:12 No.2565102 >>2565099 please continue i want to hear all your wacky jehova stories >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:14 No.2565104 >>2565089 Well Old Testament God sure. Post-Jesus its mostly about forgiveness, so as long as you /actually/ feel bad about breaking a commandment its okay and you get to go to heaven. Old Testament God did lots of screwing around with people and required sacrifices to make up for how shit humanity is at not sinning. >>2565093 :^) >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:15 No.2565105 >>2565102 Can't I have an appointment, some other time m8. >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:17 No.2565108 >>2565089 Dont forget that he knows everything, and he has a plan meaning that case 1: What ever you do is a part of it, meaning most of us are pre-destined for hell because it's his plan for us not to obey case 2: He knew way before you that you would disobey, but still sends you to hell case 3: We have free will to follow his plan or not, but he made desert people scribble it down 2k years ago with no way to share it with the world until like 1.6k years later. leaving several million years of people just burning in hell for never knowing about it >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:18 No.2565109 >>2565058 isnt something like that already happening in the Middle East? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:19 No.2565111 >>2565109 it's not that much of a war if it's being replaced by another religion >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:24 No.2565115 >>2565108 The Bible says, "The truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God" (Romans 1:19-20, New Living Translation). No one has an excuse for not knowing God. That knowledge comes to us naturally—much like the way we instinctively reach for water when we're thirsty. It's not something we have to learn. And it's not just instinct that draws people to God. God uses visual aids too—his creation. We can see God through the divine design of nature. 1/? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:25 No.2565116 >>2565108 the several million burning to hell thing, that's been justified when Jesus died to the cross. By the time Jesus risen from Hell, he lifted the souls of those righteous enough from Hell as well. so some people before Jesus' time were saved at least that's what this pamphlet says >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:26 No.2565117 >>2565108 >>2565115 When someone responds to these instincts and "visual aids" and truly reaches out to God, God will make sure that person understands his or her need for Christ. God, who loves us beyond comprehension and wants everyone to go to heaven (2 Peter 3:9), will arrange the details for that person to know the gospel—through a missionary, a tract, a Bible, whatever. You might think, But what if a missionary never visits that island, or a tract never falls into those hands. What then? If those things never happen, we can be assured that God, who is loving and just, is still in control. God is sovereign, and he will always do what is right. 2/3 >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:27 No.2565118 >>2565108 >>2565115 >>2565117 God is an awesome God, and nothing will stop him from getting the good news to even the most remote parts of the world, "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). And as if to prove it, God even gave John a glimpse of heaven, where he saw people "from every tribe and language and people from every nation" (Revelation 5:9). The bottom line: God is obviously able to reveal the truth about himself to anyone, anywhere. But he often uses us to do it. That's why Jesus' last words to us were instructions to tell everyone, everywhere, the good news of God's love (Matthew 28:19-20). 3/3 >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:36 No.2565125 >>2565118 >>2565117 >>2565115 That's a very nice copypasta, but the only case you disputed was people not knowing of god. Which was just a statement from the bible. Can you prove that these things in the bible are true, and not just statements about a God, written down by ordinary, natural people? >> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:43 No.2565136 >>2565125 >Can you prove that these things in the bible are true, and not just statements about a God, |