File: SuikaDrinkingGame.swf-(7.76 MB, 720x540, Game)
[_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)12:01 No.2536297
Suika deserves more love
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)12:59 No.2536332
What in the world are the rules?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)13:01 No.2536336
Seconded for the love of god
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)13:04 No.2536341
not suika, just some random bitch
put all but one card in hold, only pull from hold when drinking the card in your hand would kill
specials require moon speak skills
bottom options after winning if you dont want piss porn
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)13:17 No.2536356
Bottom options if you don't want anything at all...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)13:21 No.2536358
well to my knowledge your options are piss porn or nothing, though you can strip/dress her
between rounds
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)13:23 No.2536360
Yup, that's about it. Wish there was more though.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)15:22 No.2536468
>Godhand theme.
NOOOO, don't make me want to play it again.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/21/14(Sun)15:29 No.2536477
Damn I like this game. There goes the next hour...