File: CVWoodenGolems.swf-(5.9 MB, Game)
[_] CV Wooden Golems Minibosses Shidunzooooo 1863020 Updated Wooden Golem Minibosses. Controls are customizable, throwing subweapons is up+attack, shoryuken is down,up+attack, sliding is down+jump, dashing is double tap left or right. Forum page here Have fun and bugtest for me!
>> [_] Anon 1863032 Thanks, bro. Playing now.
>> [_] Anon 1863038 Okay, found 2 bugs already: 1. I attacked the golem to the left while it was opening up. It simply ceased to exist. 2. I killed a golem just as I died, and the bits of goo (X Virus or something?) that came from its corpse floated around on the title screen and continued to exist until I'd absorbed them in the next game. Still haven't beaten the bastards, their ranged attack is nigh-impossible to dodge.
>> [_] shidunzooooo 1863043 >># Not impossible, just run away and jump over it. The Game Over screen with the X is intentional. The ceasing to exist thing is an issue with the spawning of things, I'm working on it. It shouldn't do that anymore I don't know why it does. Thanks for the bugs!
>> [_] Anon 1863047 >># are there only 2 golems to fight and how do you advance?
>> [_] shidunzooooo 1863049 >># Only 2 golems, and no advancing yet I just wanted to post a test to see how other people faired against the minibosses before I continue on making more enemies/subweapons/moves etc.
>> [_] Anon 1863056 >># Okay. Very nice game, movement and control very nice. I did notice once that toward the slope of the right golem random numbers started rising up after a while. Probably nothing, just thought i would let you know. All in all, Great Job!
>> [_] shidunzooooo 1863057 >># Haha those are the numbers that spawn when you hit stuff, I need to move them out of the way so people can't see them. Thanks for the feedback and I'll continue posting as the game progresses!
>> [_] Anon 1863058 >># Golems also not to hard to defeat after a couple of attempts. Took about 4 tries total to get the hang of it.
>> [_] shidunzooooo 1863059 >># Yeah I surprised myself how it was difficult at first but became easy to adjust to the patterns. They are minibosses after all.
>> [_] Anon 1863064 >># In my opinion, however, the subweapon bar should not charge nearly that fast, or use more of it at once. I feel them being slightly overpowered. Unless you plan on having subweapons being picked up as gameplay goes on and not being unlimited. Just one anon's opinion.
>> [_] shidunzooooo 1863067 >># The MP bar is pretty much infinite right now because I'm just testing and I want to be able to throw fucktons of stumps and slugs to test the durability of the engine and the subweapons. I'm aware of the ridiculous recharge rate, and once a later build is reached it will be balanced, and subweapons will be unlocked as per collection of X "souls" of enemies.
>> [_] Anon 1863160 wow good job. I was with you in the beginning when you were trying to make this.
>> [_] Anon 1863165 too many functions
>> [_] Anon 1863172 >># can't wait till you release the full game